RUSS 4900-701

Instructor: Dr Tatiana Filosofova
Office: 401 B Lang.
Office hours: Monday& Wednesday 1:00pm - 2:00pm, Friday 10am-11am & 1:00pm – 2:00pm and by appointment.

Course description:

This advanced Russian language course is taught entirely in Russian. This course is a tailored version of an advanced Russian language course “Russian for Professional Communication”. The course aims to enhance general students’ linguistic skills at advanced level and to improve their knowledge of specialized scientific vocabulary. The course introduces the most challenging topics of Russian grammar and syntax and enhances students’ general and specialized vocabulary at an advanced level through reading and text analyses of a broad range of texts in the context of sciences (in particular, mathematics and physics). The course gives an opportunity to students who aim to earn a major in mathematics and/orphysics, and a minor in Russian, to enhance their general advanced Russian language skills and to gain special Russian language expertise in the field of their specialization. The course includes readings and text analyses of a broad range of scientific texts especially developed for students of Russian as a second language as well as texts on the history of sciences and biographies of outstanding Russian scientists. Throughout the course students are required to write two long essays in Russian (1000 words each), to submit a number of short compositions and/or written text analyses in Russian (300-500 words each) and to prepare a number of oral presentations as prescribed by the instructor on an individual basis.

Course objectives:

The main objective of the course is to promote advanced skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking and to enhance students’ ability to communicate in Russian through advance readings and text analyses of a broad range of texts in Russian.

Learning outcome:

The learning outcomes of the course are to enable the students

  • To improve analytical and critical thinking skills through text analysis.

To enhance knowledge of Russian grammar and broaden vocabulary at an advanced level.

To understand the use of the appropriate linguistic register for different social and cultural contexts, both oral and written Russian.

To improve transferable skills to organise materials for oral and written presentation at an advanced level of Russian.

To develop their ability to apply concepts learned in the course in written and oral assignments in Russian.

To gain specialized vocabulary on natural sciences and linguistic expertise at an advanced level that enables students to grasp the main concepts of Russian scientific texts at an advanced level.

Required texts (available through Inter-library loans):

  • Шепелева А.С., Кравченко Н.С. Физика. Вводный курс. Учебное пособие по физике для изучающих русский язык как иностранный. – Томск: 2005. Selected chapters.
  • Чугунова И.С., Мурсен.кова И.В., Нахабина М.М. Механика. Кинематика. Вводный курс. М., 1999.Selectedchapters

On-line materials:

Teaching and learning:

All instruction is conducted on an individual basis. The course has two components, oral and written. The course is based on one contact hour a week. The instructor provides all explanations of a new topic and sets a task that a student completes for the next meeting.

Students are required to prepare all written and oral work as prescribed by the instructor. Homework includes written grammar exercises, oral and written text analyses, oral discussions and students’ presentations, essay writing and preparation of two long projects.

Submission of written homework:
Students must prepare all their written and oral homework and submit all their assignments on time. Any missed assignments will be graded as zero. See also the section below on the make-up policy. All written homework assignments will be graded on a 100% scale.

This course is taught on an individual basis and does not require weekly tests or quizzes.


Students will be assessed on a variety of tasks in all four skills noted above. The overall final grade is made up from the following components:

  • The mid-term written project in Russian (30%)
  • The final written project in Russian (30%)
  • Written homework (20%)
  • Oral work (20%)

Grading Scale:
90-100% A
80-89% B
70-79% C
60-69% D
59% or below E

Attendance of all agreed based on individual meetings with the instructor and participation in all learning activities are mandatory.

Policy concerning academic dishonesty:
Any form of cheating, whether on a homework assignment, composition, quiz, or exam will be dealt with severely and result in either an F on the assignment or, depending on the case, possibly an F in the course. In addition, the use of any online translation tools and/or direct copying from any source will result in an immediate F for the assignment. All of these instances will be reported to UNT’s Vice President for Academic Affairs and dealt with according to the University’s policy on academic dishonesty.
Disability Accommodation:
The University of North Texas makes reasonable academic accommodation for students with disabilities. Students seeking reasonable accommodation must first register with the Office of Disability Accommodation (ODA) to verify their eligibility. If a disability is verified, the ODA will provide you with a reasonable accommodation letter to be delivered to faculty to begin a private discussion regarding your specific needs in a course. You may request reasonable accommodations at any time, however, ODA notices of reasonable accommodation should be provided as early as possible in the semester to avoid any delay in implementation. Note that students must obtain a new letter of reasonable accommodation for every semester and must meet with each faculty member prior to implementation in each class. Students are strongly encouraged to deliver letters of reasonable accommodation during faculty office hours or by appointment. Faculty members have the authority to ask students to discuss such letters during their designated office hours to protect the privacy of the student. For additional information, see the Office of Disability Accommodation website at You may also contact them by phone at 940.565.4323.

Use of email: Students are required to use the official UNT email (my.unt.edu) for all communications. This means that your instructor will only respond to emails sent by students from their official UNT address.

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Week I / Знакомство с основными с научным стилем речи.
Week II / Математика: Натуральные числа. Арифметические действия.
Физика: Вектор. Скаляр. Движение физического тела
Грамматика: Простые и сложные предложения в найчном стиле речи.
WeekIII / Математика: Арифметические действия.
Грамматика: особенности косвенной речи, сложные предложения.
Week IV / Математика: Обыкновенные дроби Действия с дробями.
Грамматика: сложные предложения.
Week V / Математика:Дроби. Сокращение дробей. Сравнение дробей. Возведение в степень. Извлечение из корня.
Грамматика: сложные предложения.
Week VI / Математика: Дроби. Умножение обыкновенных и смешанных дробей.
Грамматика: Причастия и причастные конструкции.
Week VII / Математика: Деление дробей. Десятичные дроби
Грамматика: Причастия и причастные конструкции.
WeekVIII / Математика: Возведение в степень. Формулы сокращенного умножения.
Грамматика: Пассивный залог.
Week IX / Математика: Формулы сокращенного умножения
Грамматика: Безличные предложения в русском языке.
Week X / Физика: Система координат. Физика: Движение физического тела.
Грамматика: Деепричастия и деепричастные конструкции (продолжение).
Week XI / Физика: Вектор. Скаляр. Направление векторов.
Грамматика: Обзор сложно-подчиненных предложений.
Week XII / Физика: Движение физического тела.
Грамматика: Деепричастия и деепричастные конструкции (продолжение).
WeekXIII / Физика: Движение физического тела (продолжение).
Грамматика: Глаголы с приставками, образование и использование в контексте.
Week XIV / Физика: Прямолинейное и криволинейное движение.
Грамматика: Глаголы с приставками, образование и использование в контексте (продолжение).
WeekXV / Физические величины. Единицы измерения физических величин.
Грамматика: Обзор сложно-подчиненных предложений.
WeekXVI / Повторение. Заключение.