Christian Morality
Diocesan Study Guide
Moral Principles
_____ 1. Believing in God and all that he has revealed / a. seek what is good_____ 2. Free gift of God’s life which we can never earn / b. St. Augustine
_____ 3. Deciding the best thing to do and the proper way to do it / c. imago Dei
_____ 4. Type of law that is “written on our hearts” / d. character
_____ 5. Christ’s spiritual autobiography; teaches us to imitate Christ / e. Christian morality
_____ 6. We are created in the image of God / f. grace
_____ 7. A human law that is in accord with natural law / g. virtue
_____ 8. “You have made us for Yourself, O Lord and our hearts are restless until the
rest in you.” / h. Theological
_____ 9. Giving everyone his or her due / i. faith
_____ 10. The study of the rightness and wrongness of all rational and deliberate acts / j. hope
_____ 11. Being able to choose what is good / k. Charity (love)
_____ 12. What must I do to be happy? / l. prudence
_____ 13. Trust in God’s goodness, mercy, and power to save us / m. justice
_____ 14. Doing the right thing, especially when it is difficult / n. fortitude
_____ 15. The sum total of a person’s virtues and vices / o. temperance
_____ 16. The false belief that we can do whatever we want even if it is immoral / p. natural law
_____ 17. An habitual disposition to do good. / q. just law
_____ 18. Faith, Hope and Love; virtues that have God as their origin, motive and
object; virtues that dispose Christians to live a good life / r. Beatitudes
s. true freedom
_____ 19. Loving God above all things and our neighbor as ourselves / t. license
_____ 20. Enjoying God’s gifts in moderation
True or False (If False, correct it)
_____ 21. Basic moral principals can change over time.
_____ 22. Choosing to live a moral Christian life means that you must choose to do what is right.
_____ 23. Hell exists and we choose to go to hell or not by our choices
_____ 24. The consequence of unrepented mortal sin is purgatory.
_____ 25. For mortal sin to be forgiven, it is necessary make restitution through prayer and service.
List the seven Spiritual Works of Mercy List the seven Corporal Works of Mercy
26. ______33. ______
27. ______34. ______
28. ______35. ______
29. ______36. ______
30. ______37. ______
31. ______38. ______
32. ______39. ______
List the five precepts of the Church List the three moral determinants of a human act?
40. ______45. ______
41. ______46. ______
42. ______47. ______
43. ______
44. ______
Moral Acts, Conscience, and Sin Conscience and Sin
_____ 48. Type of conscience where we judge and action to be more serious that what itactually is / a. concupiscence
b. 2nd basic moral precept
_____ 49. A deliberate thought, word, deed, or omission contrary to the law of God / c. conscience
_____ 50.Inspired word of God where morality is revealed especially in the 10
commandments, the Beatitudes, and the Sermon on the Mount / d. erroneous
e. scrupulous
_____ 51. Type of conscience where you are uncertain if something is permissible / f. lax
_____ 52. Undue self esteem or self love / g. doubtful
_____ 53. Judgment of intellect of the rightness or wrongness of a decision / h. Sacred Scripture
_____ 54. Sorrow for one’s sins because we offended God / i. Sacred Tradition
_____ 55. Teaching authority of the Church / j. Magisterium
_____ 56. Our tendency towards sin as a result of original sin / k. sin
_____ 57. Anger or desire for revenge because of hurt done / l. pride
_____ 58. Inordinate attachment to gain or keep material things / m. lust
_____ 59. God’s word handed on to us from the Apostles through practice and teaching.
We find moral teaching revealed through consistent practices of the Church. / n. avarice (greed)
o. gluttony
_____ 60. Type of conscience where we judge an act less sinful than it is / p. envy
_____ 61. Immoderate eating or drinking / q. sloth
_____ 62. One can never do an evil to bring about a good; ends don’t justify the means / r. wrath
_____ 63. Jealousy caused by another’s blessing or good fortune / s. perfect contrition
_____ 64. Type of conscience where we incorrectly judge the rightness or wrongness of
an act / t. imperfect
_____ 65. Physical or spiritual laziness, apathetic towards living a life of grace
_____ 66. Inordinate desire for sexual pleasure outside of marriage or contrary to
_____ 67. Sorrow for one’s sins because of fear of going to Hell
The first five Commandments
_____ 68. Leading another person into mortal sin / a. 1st Commandment_____ 69. Disrespect for sacred persons, places or things / b. 2nd Commandment
_____ 70. Causing the death of people who find life burdensome / c. 3rd Commandment
_____ 71. Commandment that says the first duty of a child is to obey one’s parents / d. 4th Commandment
_____ 72. Government using deadly force to protect us from criminals, there is no need
to use it in the United States because of our prison system / e. 5th Commandment
f. sacrilege
_____ 73. Type of stem cell research that is always immoral because it ends a life / g. apostasy
_____ 74. Any way of preventing a new human life from coming from the marital act / h. agnosticism
_____ 75. Idea that belief in God is unknown or unknowable / i. atheism
_____ 76. Commandment that obliges us to acknowledge our dependence on God / j. scandal
_____ 77. Type of stem cell research that is permitted because it does not end a life / k. infanticide
_____ 78. Commandment that prohibits bodily mutilation / l. euthanasia
_____ 79. Belief that there is no God / m. self defense
_____ 80. Killing children / n. capital punishment
_____ 81. Leaving and abandoning the Catholic faith / o. Embryonic
_____ 82. Commandment that prohibits blasphemy / p. Adult
_____ 83. Commandment that obliges us to attend Mass every Sunday / q. contraception
_____ 84. Legitimate reason for using lethal force against a violent aggressor when no
other means are available under the circumstances
The second five Commandments
_____ 85. Destruction of one’s fertility through an operation / a. 6th commandment_____ 86. Commandment that teaches us to avoid envy and greed / b. 7th commandment
_____ 87. The only two purposes should be for union and procreation / c. 8th commandment
_____ 88. Spreading falsehoods to ruin another’s reputation / d. 9th commandment
_____ 89. Commandment that teaches us not to slander others / e. 10th commandment
_____ 90. Lying under oath / f. chastity
_____ 91. Stealing by illegally downloading or watching TV shows, movies or music / g. marital act
_____ 92. Legal crime of lying about someone and ruining their reputation / h. sexual intercourse
_____ 93. The proper use of our sexual powers / i. sterilization
_____ 94. Within marriage, sexual intercourse should be joyful and desirable / j. covet
_____ 95. Commandment that teaches us to practice chastity / k. perjury
_____ 96. Not a sin, as any temptation is not a sin / l. slander
_____ 97. Commandment that obliges us to respect other’s property / m. detraction
_____ 98. Spreading true statements about someone that ruins their reputation / n. calumny
_____ 99. Commandment that teaches us to avoid the evils of pornography / o. piracy
_____ 100. To desire something wrong or without considering the rights of others / p. homosexual