As Sergeant Joe Friday said, “Just the facts ma’am”, and here are just a minute few regarding the deterioration and plans for the Fred Maytag Bowl for consideration by the City Council in its discussion of the Bowl at their meeting on Monday, April 18 at 5:30 at City Hall:

The Maytag Bowl was built in 1936.

In 1963 there wasan addition to the stage

Access to the basement is thru door at back. Also, there is access from the stage and doors on the each side of the Bowl.

Known for the acoustics

Had foot lights, spot light, outside bulbs and projector

Benches to seat 500 people. Now, benches for approximately 240

1976 given to the City of Newton

At the dedication of Maytag Pool in 1935, Fred Maytag said, “The operation of the Park is to be always on a non-profit basis. When any charges are made, the income must go to some worthy charitable or patriotic purpose. This assures the permanent maintenance of the area as a free public park.”

In 1977 Newton took overownership and responsibility along with a $200,000 endowment, plusan $18,000 account.

It was to continue as Mr. Maytag intended.

May 11, 2009 went from elected ParkBoard to appointed Park Board

Bowl originally was nestled among big beautiful trees

In the past has been used for farmers market, Shakespeare in the Park, Sculpture in the Park, Newton Band, Bowlful of Blues, graduation, etc.

There are no beer sales in the Park – wine and spirits only with permission of the Park Board.

Handicap ramp is borrowed from school when needed.

If you rent the Bowl, you must rent portable toilets, trash cans and purchase insurance, plus clean-up afterwards.

When speaking of preservation, rehabilitation, or restoration of the Maytag Bowl, it is assumed that the Bowl area includes benches, road, hill, etc., not just the Bowl itself.

The road to the back of the Bowl was oncegraveled. Today, it is grassy with ruts and needs graded and graveled. When you rent the Bowl, the Park Director can allow your cars, etc to be driven on the grass. If you can drive on the grass, why do you need a paved road? The gate to the road is kept locked at all times, unless the Bowl is being used.

If the road is concreted with a turn-around and handicap parking for 3, it will destroy the big trees at the drive entryway and trees to the SE of the Bowl, along with the grassy area. This is not Eco-Friendly. The Mayor proclaimed Arbor Day as April 29 and suggested we all plant trees. If the proposed plan by RDG is O.K.’d by the City, then numerous trees in the Bowl area will be cut down, grassy area destroyed and the Bowl will not be the same as we have known it thru the years. It will have lost its historic character.

Bowl needs security cameras and lighting to deter vandalism. Area around Bowl needs tiling, as the present tiles have been concreted shut.

In some of the papers it talks of Phases 1, 2 and 3. Does RDG’s $25,500 plan include all of these phases, or will it take more contracts in the near future. What will Phases 2 and 3 cover? Is it terracing of the hill, beverage stand, all of the amenities that were covered in the 20007 plan? What?

Need $500,000 to secure CAT Grant. City’s investment determines CAT Grant.

All grants require matching money and hiringa grant writer.

For 1 year the rent received for the Bowl was $212.50. When you deduct the $125.00 payment that Bowlful of Blues would have paid, you have $87.50 paid forseven rentals. You have to wonder if these other seven rentals needed a big paved road with a turnaround and parking space for 3 handicapped, or even just a big paved road.

No knowledge of the amount of the donations for the Bowl as of today. There was, however, a $10,000 donation that was put in an account at Jasper Community Foundation until it could be accepted by the City. Who knows what other donations, etc. are being held until the City agrees to do something to the Bowl

There are no parking spaces available for large crowds. Any senior citizen can go to a doctor and get a handicap sticker, if only because of their age. There is a noise factor. There is no guarantee by the City that it will not rain.

To make an educated assessment of the Maytag Bowl and its needs, you really need to go out to Fred Maytag Park and walk down and around to the back of the Bowl. It not only is a disgrace to the City of Newton, but could very easily qualify for destruction under the City’s dilapidated building code.