Edenbridge Cricket Club
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting
Venue: The Wheatsheaf, Marsh Green
22 November 2012
13 members:
Howard JohnsonJon WoodmanRichard Williams
Steve SmithRichard EdelstonGraham Cox
Bob LangtonTim CoxGareth Fuller
Kieran PetersJonathan WattsTim FullerToby Fuller
Alan JoyceVijay ShahTom Wallis
David BrownDarryl EastonWill Sinclair
Matt CoxJosh BoakesLevi CaruanaPhil Millard
Approval of 2011 AGM minutes:
The minutes of last years AGM were agreed
Chairman’s Report:
Jonathan Woodman who was deputising for Tom Wallis while he was away on his great adventure gave the chairman’s report on his behalf.
What was overall an excellent and most encouraging season for the club was marred by the loss of a great club member Phil Matania. After an incredibly short but obviously intense illness Phil died on the 1st October, leaving Hayley, Liz and Alix, – and an enormous number of friends, many of whom were present at his funeral.
Phil was a fantastically keen sportsman and was involved in Edenbridge Cricket Club for almost 30 years. He was a driving force on many levels, most recently he led the 2s last year to promotion. He was also instrumental in stimulating change and challenging the status quo in a positive way at the club over his many years of membership. Phil has gone away before his time but we will ensure his memory stays with us. The club will be introducing a Phil Matania memorial Cup, which will be discussed with Hayley, to ensure we set up an appropriate and fitting memorial to the man.
Otherwise it was a good season and year for the club. Despite appalling weather which caused more match cancellations, than I can ever remember and decimated some of the junior cricket whose seasons are front end loaded, the club never the less had a good record on the pitch playing a total of almost 70 matches. Credit and our thanks go once again this year to our long suffering grounds man Charlie who despite the conditions has prepared great pitches all year.
On a Saturdays we had mixed fortunes. The Saturday 1s were promoted and won the league. It was particularly good to see the performance of guys that have come through ‘The Academy’ such as Steve Smith, Matt Cox and Levi who all made a massive impact this year and hopefully along with others will provide the backbone of the club for many years to come. So we look to Division 1 with cautious optimism.
Having been promoted last year, the 2s struggled at the higher level due to a combination of inconsistent performances and poor availability of senior members – which I will come back to later. The drop to the lower division may do the side good as it has done for the 1s, particularly if in the meantime we can build our membership base. My thanks go to Tim Fuller for undertaking the captaincy job in those difficult circumstances
Sunday cricket goes from strength to strength under the very able and enthusiastic stewardship of Bob Langton. Although once again availability was a major issue on a number of occasions we managed a very positive success rate winning 9 out of 12 matches, and always gave a good account of ourselves with notable performances throughout the team. Along side Bobby thanks go to Margaret for doing the teas for just about every home match, and to Steve who is fast becoming the ‘senior pro’ in that team. The 2s find themselves in rather an interim period with the main challenge achieving a blend of seniority and youth. I continue to believe in the importance of the Sunday 2s as the best stepping-stone for the U15s into senior cricket, but we do have to ensure the platform is strong with sufficient playing membership and leadership for the youngsters.
Our junior section had another very encouraging year, under the passionate leadership of Darryl Easton, with support from Will Sinclair, Vijay, and many others. Although we lost a lot of the season due to the conditions it’s important to remember that coaching goes right the way through the winter every week from January as well as during the season itself, so it represents a massive effort for those involved and has significant impact on the community. Our thanks and appreciation go to all the guys involved.
The highlight of the year off the pitch was undoubtedly the award of Club mark accreditation. From our perspective it achieves two key aims: firstly it provides a framework for running the club in a safe, healthy and efficient way and secondly it is the key to the door of future funding. Our thanks here go once again to Darryl who was the necessary driving force behind the application.
Financially we all know from past years what a tightrope we walk. The story this year is a little more encouraging though we still have a way to go before we make the club self sustaining from an operational perspective i.e. able to fund our annual costs with out the need for grants etc. The guaranteed money-spinner of the race night turned up trumps again and we also had a very enjoyable annual dinner in the clubhouse.
Back to the playing side for a moment, we currently do not have sufficient adult members to sustain 2 Saturday and 2 Sunday sides. The overwhelming belief on members – when asked for views – is that the club would lose a lot through not running 4 sides, for example, dropping to one side each day. It is certainly an option, but not I believe the way forward. However we do need to grow the membership by around 10 senior members to make 4 sides viable
Thanks finally to all the officers of the club. I’d particularly like to single out Ali Hawes, our welfare officer, who has done an excellent job supporting the junior section as well as dealing with a couple of knotty one-off issues. Our president Dave Brown for his enthusiastic support, all captains and helpers, tea makers, temporary barmen and all who put their time into the club. All much appreciated.
Treasurers Report:
The Hon. Treasurer presented the statement of accounts for the year showing a worsening in the club finances compared with last year. Year on year the club lost around £700. However considering the impact of the weather during the season, the state of the clubs finances were better than anticipated.
Income from subscriptions marginally improved during the year, however there were a significant number of debtors out standing at the time of the AGM. Bar income remained at around last the same level as last year.
Income from match fees was over £1,300 down from last year. As a result of the wet summer, 35% of our fixtures were cancelled, including 12 home fixtures.
The cost of ground maintenance increased by £200 pounds from last year, and another significant increase in expenditure was £400 on coaching courses.
In terms of fundraising income, the race night was again successful, as was holding the dinner in the clubhouse. Together they generated additional funds of approx £1,500 for the club.
The club was again successful in an application to the Great Stone Bridge Trust, receiving a grant of £1000.
The membership asked number of questions about the accounts, which were answered at the meeting. The accounts were formally adopted by the meeting
Election of Officers for 2013:
The standing Club Directors, Tom Wallis, Jonathan Woodman, Jonathan Watts, all agreed to stand again, and with no objections were duly re elected.
Darryl Easton was nominated to continue as head of Junior Cricket. (Proposed by Bob Langton & Seconded by Toby Fuller) and was elected.
With Tim Fuller stepping down from the Saturday 2s captaincy, Jonathan Woodman considering his position, and no one putting themselves forward for the roles, no decision was reached on who would lead the Saturday teams for the 2013 season. It was agreed that the Directors would work to resolve this situation prior to the start of the 2013 season.
Following the success of the flexible approach to vice captaincy on Saturdays, trialled in 2012 it was agreed that no Vice Captains would be appointed and that this would become the prerogative of the Captain’s on a case by case basis. This was thought to be a more flexible approach for the occasions that the Captain’s had to be absent over a weekend.
Position / Name / Proposed / SecondedSat 1st Xl Captain / TBA / - / -
Sun 1st Xl Captain / Bob Langton / Steve Smith / Toby Fuller
Sun 1st XI Vice Captain / Steve Smith / Tim Cox / Howard Johnston
Sat 2nd Xl Captain / TBA / - / -
Sun 2nd Xl Captain / Vijay Shah / Bob Langton / Tim Cox
Annual Subscriptions for 2013
As Agreed at the 2011 AGM the board of Directors set the membership subscriptions and match fees annually. Below are recorded the 2013 fees that were subsequently agreed and implemented.
Seniors = £75
Non playing / Social members = £35
Students / U25 =£35
Under 16 = £45
Under 9 = £35
Siblings = £30
Match fees for 2011
Seniors = £10
Students / U18 = £3
Fund Raising:
A general discussion was held around possible approaches to increase revenue into the club. Suggestions included, Ball Sponsorship for senior matches. Advertising, a hundred club for the junior parents. It was agreed that the Directors should investigate this area further.
Groundwork and Pavilion
No discussion or points raised
Junior Cricket
We ran successful winter nets at Edenbridge Leisure Centre for the juniors, followed by mid week and weekend training and nets over the summer, as well as friendly and league matches at age groups from U11 to U15. We have maintained our numbers at around 80 members in the section this season
Despite it being the wettest summer since records began, we had a successful year putting out four junior teams in the Kent Border leagues, where they did well.
We have put several coaches through coaching courses this year.
Jonathan Woodman kicked off a debate on how the club was going to recruit additional senior members over the closed season to ensure that the club could continue to put out 4 senior teams each weekend. It was estimated that 10 new members would need to be recruited to ensure the club could do this.
A lively debate ensued, with a number of suggestions put forward including: targeting the rugby club, junior parents, old members, and membership of local failed cricket clubs. The board was asked to define and execute a recruitment strategy, which included the suggestions raised.
A further discussion was held on the best way to commemorate Phil Matania’s life. Including suggestions around a match between the rugby and cricket club. It was agreed that the Jon Woodman would discuss with Hayley and ensure her and the girls wishes were honoured.
Jonathan Watts
Hon Secretary