Peninsula Health CONFIDENTIAL - 1 -

Older Persons Community Advisory Group (CAG))
Monday 4 July 2011 - 2.30pm
Gunnamatta Group Room - TMC
Alison Watts (Chair) / Apol / Gregory Russo / P / Susan Gilbert / P / Sam Kumar / A / Noni Bourke (Minutes Only)
Monique Cook / late/P / John Clark-Kennedy / P / Bruce Robinson / P / Kim Dobson/ Jes Klufer / A / Michelle Daniel (Minutes Only)
Robin Digby (Convenor) (acting chair) / P / Carol Richardson (Minutes) / A
1.  / Apologies / I / §  As above
2.  / Previous Minutes / D / Previous minutes accepted
3.  / Agenda Acceptance - / D / Any additional items –
·  Parking permits
·  The Mornington Development
4.  / Conflict of Interest / I / None declared
5.  / Items Carried Forward from Previous Minutes / 5.1.  Action Plan
·  Alison Watts was absent, however the attendees felt that the current action plan was more of a mission statement and there needed to be more specific actions associated with it to achieve the goals. They suggested that the following be progressed –
o  Kim Dobson be invited to speak at the Mornington Peninsula Lawyer’s association dinner to improve the general knowledge about services available to seniors.
o  A checklist to be developed to prompt professionals to suggest ACP, MPOA etc. The checklist could also be circulated to clubs and citizen’s advice bureaus.
o  The attendees suggested a link on the PH website because many older people rely on younger relatives for direction, and these people are more likely to be computer-savvy. It is important to target the right audience and also to ensure the information is relevant. Consumers will need to be asked for their opinions about the way the information is best accessed by them, and also the content is what they require.
5.2 Aging Well Expo
·  Involvement in Ageing Well Expo –
-  The attendees decided that the focus of this year’s Expo should be recruitment. Extra members to be recruited to contribute to our objectives. It was agreed that it is important to have a cross-section of members on the CAG team to represent the wider community.
-  Our achievements and objectives to be displayed at the Expo. PR to help with presentation.
-  The raffle was a good idea last year and it was decided that we would give tickets to people who put a suggestion into our suggestion box.
5.3 Terms of Reference
No issues discussed.
5.4 Consumer Conversation Rounds
John reported that a full report on the consumer conversation rounds is almost completed. John is presenting the findings at a conference later this year with Brendon Gardiner.
John also reported that most consumers only had small issues with their experience – such as being unable to open the orange juice containers. There were very few major problems such as misdiagnosis reported, however the sample of patients interviewed was very small. The executives involved found the experience very worthwhile.
The interviews highlighted ‘person-centredness’. Most people are prepared to overlook minor irritations if the staff are friendly, professional and competent. It’s more about ‘how’ than ‘what’. / Action: Robin to approach Kim Dobson about speaking at the dinner.
Action: The next CAG meeting to be re-named a ‘planning session’ and be used to brain-storm ideas for the action plan.
Robin Digby
John Clarke-Kennedy
6.  / Standard Agenda Items / 6.1. Community Feedback: None for this period
6.3 Respecting Patient Choices Steering Committee
·  Greg Russo reported that the Respecting Patient Choices steering committee has been disbanded because their work is done. They may meet bi-annually in the future if required. / Robin
Action: Remove RPC from the agenda.
7.  / New Business / ·  Access Review
·  Mornington Development - $25 million has been allocated to build the next stage of the Mornington site. Architects have been appointed. Input will be sought from user groups including consumers and volunteers as the project progresses.
·  Parking – all staff will be required to pay for parking at Peninsula Health sites. Volunteers are exempt from the charge; however they still require a permit. Application forms were distributed and permits will be issued next meeting. The permits cover entry to all sites. / Karen Ridgway to attend August meeting to report on Access review.
Action: Outstanding permit applications to be forwarded to Robin.
8.  / Other Business / ·  CAC Update - The CAC have not met since our last meeting.
·  Monique reported that Carinya had an unannounced support visit last week and met all 44 mandatory standards.
·  The residential sites are commencing their annual satisfaction surveys. The attendees felt that there could be some feedback in these surveys which are also relevant to our goals and should be considered. / Action: Monique to distribute copies of the Residential care satisfaction surveys to the CAG team at the next meeting.
9.  / Next Meeting / I / ·  Next Meeting - Monday 1st August 2011at 2.30pm