To: Parents/Guardians of 12th grade IB students:
CMS has approved a non-required trip for 12th Grade IB Diploma Program students at North Mecklenburg High School to Latta Plantation Nature Preserve, located at 5226 Sample Road in Huntersville, NC on Friday, October 28, 2016.
The purpose of the trip is to conduct the experiments and collect data in order to complete the Group 4 (Science) Collaborative Project which is a requirement for IB students in the Diploma Program.
Time of departure from school: 7:30 a.m. Time of return to school: 2:00 p.m.
Mode of Travel: School activity bus PLEASE NOTE: Students will be permitted to drive to Latta Plantation if they wish. Parents must sign the additional release. This includes students riding with others.
Cost of trip: $ 5.00__
This includes transportation, materials, and use of facilities at Latta Plantation Nature Preserve.
Boxed Lunch (Optional): $7.00_
We will be ordering from Jason’s Deli. Students who have paid will make their sandwich request the week before the trip.
Payment is to be made online by Friday, October 21. Please go to the NMHS Website and click on “Online Payments.” There you may pay for the cost of the trip and, if you choose, the boxed lunch.
In addition, if you wish to make an extra contribution to IB to support future activities and provide special academic resources for our program, you may do so there. We thank you for considering this donation.
Questions: Harriet Regen at or at 980-343-3840.
Harriet Regen
IB Coordinator
Please return this portion of the form to the IB Office (located in the Media Center) no later than Friday, October 21. Students who do not return permission forms by the required deadline or who do not wish to participate will remain on campus for the school day.
I have read and understand the trip description. I am aware that payments must be made online.
I give permission for _______________________________________ [print student’s full name] to go on this non-required trip sponsored by CMS.
Parent/Guardian Signature Date Cell/Contact Number