Chapter 2: Europe Looks Outward

2.3 Europeans Compete in North America – Section Question à How did conflicts in Europe spur exploration in North America?

I. Conflicts in Europe - The split between Catholics and Protestants in Europe heightened religious and economic tensions among European countries.

A. Religious Conflicts

· Teachings and writings of John Calvin influenced Protestant churches in France, Switzerland, Scotland and the Netherlands.

· Since King Henry VIII could not legal get a divorce and the Pope would not grant an annulment for his marriage, he broke with the Roman Catholic church and set up the Protestant church and named it Church of England.

B. Economic Conflicts

· Mistrustful of Italian and Portuguese traders, Spain’s monarch supported Columbus’s voyages to find a new route to Asia. Goods from these colonies would make Spain wealthy and powerful.

· The most prized possession from the Asian colonies was going to be gold..

· 9 Define mercantilism à colonies existed to make the home country wealthy and powerful

C. The Spanish Armada

· Queen Mary I tried to restore the Catholic Church in England, but she died in 1558, and Elizabeth, a Protestant, took the throne. Her rule renewed the rivalry with Spain.

· Relations between England and Spain were also strained because England raids on Spanish ships with gold from the Americas.

· In 1588, Phillip II assembled 130 warships, a fleet known as the Spanish Armada. He wanted to force Elizabeth off the throne. The English won because their smaller and faster ships sank many Spanish ships.

· The defeat of the Spanish Armada changed the balance of power in Europe. Spain was weakened and so was its control of the seas.

· Spain’s demise allowed countries like England and France to found colonies in the Americas.

II. Asia Continues to Beckon

**The Northern Voyages à The experiences of Henry Hudson, during the time period of 1607-1611, include points his search for a northwest passage, reaching New York, and his unfortunate demise.