A Young Lawyer's Guide to Defense Practice - 2006

Chapter 1: Being a Valuable Associate

Lynn M. Roberson

Chapter 2: Balancing Personal and Professional Lives

Stacy L. Moon

Chapter 3: You Want Me to Do What?

An Ethics Primer for Aspiring Trial Lawyers

E. Wayne Taff

Chapter 4: Conflicts, Loyalty, and Ethical Behavior

Sidney K. Kanazawa and Thomas E. Spahn

Chapter 5: When Lawyers Switch Firms During Litigation

Can an Ethical Wall Prevent Firm Disqualification?

Lee Applebaum

Chapter 6: Navigating Through the Tripartite Relationship

Michael F. Aylward

Chapter 7: Initial Considerations in Defending a Lawsuit

M. Warren Butler

Chapter 8: Federal Rules of Civil Procedure

The Litigator’s Rulebook

Jonathan M. Stern

Chapter 9: The Attorney-Client Privilege Primer

Mark A. Solheim and Jennifer G. Lurken

Chapter 10: Persuasive Writing for Young Lawyers

Mary Massaron Ross

Chapter 11: Joint Defense Agreements and the Common Interest Privilege

What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You

Jason M. Rosenthal

Chapter 12: Handling Expert Witnesses in Discovery

Paul M. Lavelle and Charles H. Abbott

Chapter 13: Examination of Experts in Preparation for Trial

Neil A. Goldberg and John P. Freedenberg

Chapter 14: Daubert and Federal Rules of Evidence Developments

Terrence M. Bagley and Martha J. Swicegood

Chapter 15: Using Discovery Effectively

Bradley C. Nahrstadt

Chapter 16: Preparing for and Conducting a Deposition

Bradley C. Nahrstadt and David E. Kravitz

Chapter 17: The Basics of Electronic Discovery

Bradley C. Nahrstadt and Shamila H. Khetarpal

Chapter 18: The Use of Evidence at Trial

Charles E. Hoffecker

Chapter 19: Spoliation of Evidence

Jay Barry Harris

Chapter 20: One Trial Lawyer’s Approach to Effective Mediation

Robert L. Jones III

Chapter 21: Motion Practice

Lisa M. Baird

Chapter 22: A Guide to Your First Summary Judgment Motion

John N. Heffner

Chapter 23: Conducting Voir dire

Robert L. Jones III

Chapter 24: The Role of the Second Chair at Trial

Beth B. Woods

Chapter 25: Effective Opening Statements

Dale Conder Jr.

Chapter 26: Effective Closing Arguments

John F. Kuppens

Chapter 27: How to Write an Appellate Brief

Raymond P. Ward