Regular Meeting

November 12, 2012

6:30 p.m.

John Paul Scroggins Conference Room

604 E Lucas

Valliant, Oklahoma 74764

Pledge of Allegiance

1.  Call to Order

2.  Roll call to establish quorum

3.  Tour of district facilities: Middle School and Rock Gym

4.  CTA Report

5.  Superintendent’s Report

6.  Proposed executive session pursuant to 25 O.S. Section 307 (B)(1) of the Open Meeting Act to discuss resignations submitted.

7.  Vote to convene or not convene in executive session.

8.  Acknowledge the return to open session.

9.  Statement by the Board President of Executive Session Minutes.

10. Discussion with possible vote to approve or not approve any resignations submitted.

11. Discussion with possible vote to authorize the Superintendent to fill any vacancies that may arise prior to the December Board of Education meeting.

12. Discussion with vote to adopt or not adopt the estimate of needs after approval from the County Excise Board for the 2012-2013 school year.

13. Discussion on approving or not approving an expenditure budget for FY13.

a)  Vote to approve or not approve expenditure budget for the General Operating Fund for FY13.

b)  Vote to approve or not approve expenditure budget for the Building Fund for FY13.

14. Discussion with possible vote to pass or not pass a resolution to avert across- the-board budget cuts (sequestration) under the Budget Control Act of 2011.

15. Discussion on Rock Gym Restoration.

a.  Vote to accept or not accept bid submitted from Garnite Roofing.

b.  Vote to accept or not accept bid from BRB Roofing.

16. Discussion with vote to approve or not approve the following policy revisions:

a.  DCCB-Drug and Alcohol Testing Program, Bus Drivers

b.  DCCB-E2-Drug and Alcohol Testing Program, Acknowledgement Form

c.  DCCB-E11-Drug and Alcohol Testing, Consent for Chemical Testing

d.  DCCB-R-Drug and Alcohol Testing Program, Regulation

e.  DEE-R-Travel and Expenses, Employees and Board Members

f.  DPB-Substitute Teaching

g.  FFFF-School Bus Program

h.  FFFF-R1-School Bus Program, Bus Rider Regulations

i.  FFFF-R3-School Bus Program, Discipline Regulations

j.  FMA-R1-Extracurricular Activities, Regulation

k.  FMA-R2-Extracurricular Activities, Participation Requirements, Regulation

l.  FMA-R3-Extracurricular Activities, Internal Activity Review Committee

m.  FMA-R4-Extracurricular Activities, Attendance Regulations

n.  FMF-Athletics

o.  FMF-R1-Athletics, Regulations

p.  GB-Public Information Program

q.  GF-Public Complaints

r.  GKA-Releasing Students to Police

s.  GKA-E-Form for Signature of Arresting Officer

t.  GR-State School Boards Association

u.  GTA-Comparability Policy

17. Public hearing to discuss current status of Indian school programs and desired directions for future development.

18. Consent Agenda:

All of the following items which concern reports and items of a routine nature normally approved at board meetings will be approved by one vote, unless any board member desires to have a separate vote on any or all of these items. The consent agenda consists of the discussion, consideration, and approval of the following items.

a)  Minutes of the October 8, 2012 Special Meeting

b)  Minutes of the October 8, 2012 Regular Meeting

c)  Minutes of the October 11, 2012 Special Meeting

d)  October 2012 Activity Fund Financial Statement

e)  October 2012 Treasurer’s Report

f)  Resolution Call for Election to McCurtain County Election Board

g)  Maintenance contract with Miller Office Equipment

h)  Request for New Activity Fund Account: Native American Club

i)  Request for Fund Raising:

i.  Native American Club (2)

ii.  Communication Disorder (1)

iii.  HS FCCLA (2)

j)  Items for Surplus

k)  Board Meeting Dates for 2013 calendar year

l)  Request for transfer of funds: Alumni Association

19. Vote to approve or not approve purchase orders, warrants and change orders presented to the board.

20. New Business

21. Vote to adjourn.