Semesterplan 4. semester

Dok dato:17.12.2015

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Fil navn : Semesterplan 4. sem ENG K23V2015

Module: ABPerformance Work 2 / Hours:125 / ECTS:6
Courses: / ABA Workshop 2
ABC Performance skills 3
Skill Goals
The student
  • Is able to facilitate and perform a specific intent through given artistic expressions for a chosen target audience
  • Can utilise several choreographic methods during a work process
  • Is able to utilise several stage performance techniques and adapt to different stage situations
Knowledge goals
The student
  • Has an increasing knowledge and understanding about production, from planning to performance
  • Has an increasing knowledge of several choreographic methods and work processes
Proficiency goals
The student
  • Is an active partner in project work
  • Has an increased competence as a performing artist including the ability to facilitate and perform a specific artistic expression to a chosen target audience

  • Examination: Independent performance project.

Module: BBClassical Ballet 2 / Hours:112,5 / ECTS: 4,5
Courses: / BBA Classical technique 2
BBB Supplemental Training Classical Ballet 2
Skill Goals
The student
  • Is able to perform classical technique with a high level ofskill
  • Shall be able toperform character dance at a basic level of skill
  • Optional: Is able to work en pointe - beginner to medium levels
Knowledge goals
The student
  • Has an understanding and knowledge of classical dance methodology, vocabulary and theory
  • Has knowledge about classical repertory in character dance at a basic level
Proficiency goals
The student
  • Posesses awareness and incorporates classical methodologywhen working with classical ballet technique

  • Examination: Practical exam class.

Module: CBJazz dance major specialisation 1 / Hours:200 / ECTS:8
Courses: / CBA Jazz Specialisation 1
CBB Musical1 (see ACA/ACC)
CBD Supplemental Training Jazz 1
Skill Goals
The student
  • Further develops his/her jazz dance skills, increasing strength, placement, extension and flexibility in movement
  • Demonstrates basic abilities in role interpretation and voice usage when working with musicals
  • Shows the ability to combine dance with song
Knowledge Goals
The student
  • Has developed knowledge about the various techniques and styles found in jazz dance, and understands how they influence each other
  • Has developed knowledge about role interpretation in dance and musical work
Proficiency goals
The student
  • Has developed musical abilities
  • Is able to cooperate with other dancers in a group

  • Examination: Practical exam class.

Module: DBModern/Contemporary dance specialisation 1 / Hours:200 / ECTS:8
Courses: / DBA Modern / Contemporary Dance Specialisation 1
DBB Improvisation 1
DBC Partner Work Modern Dance 1
DBD Supplemental Training Modern Dance 1
Skill Goals
The student
  • Further develops his/her dance skills in a selection of modern/contemporary dance techniques, focusing on center, variations, tension, breathing, momentum, and use of gravity as a source of movement
  • Demonstrates developed abilities of expression by dancing with the proper understanding of the given technique’s style, by using dynamic variation, precision in the initiation of movements, and fluidity in transitions
Knowledge Goals
The student
  • Has an integrated understanding of the central technical principles and differing style variations within the various techniques within modern/contemporary dance
  • Has an increasing understanding of the modern/contemporarydance vocabulary
Proficiency goals
The student
  • Shall be able to dance in relation to other dancers, with several musical expression forms and with an individual interpretation of different movements

  • Examination: Practical exam class.

Module:EBPedagogic Placement2 / Hours:100 / ECTS:4
Courses: / Pedagogic Placement 2,youth
Skill Goals
The student
  • Shows the ability to facilitate/teach a specific intent through given artistic expressions to a chosen target group
Knowledge Goals
The student
  • Has an increased knowledge about pedagogic facilitation/teaching in an artistic situation/setting
Proficiency goals
The student
  • Is an active partner in project work

  • Examination: Independent performance project: see AB

Module:FBDanceDidactics2 / Hours: 62,5 / ECTS:2,5
Courses: / FBA Classical dance didactics
FBB Jazz dance didactics
FBC Modern/contemporary dance didactics
FBD Joint teaching practice
Skill Goals
The student
  • Utilises the didactic relational model as a tool in teaching
  • Is able to demonstrate creativity in working with movement at Level 2
  • Can observe and analyse the teaching of dance
Knowledge Goals
The student
  • Has knowledge and skill sufficient to teach at Level 2.
  • Is able to reflect upon and analyse dance teachin
Proficiency goals
The student
  • Is able to plan carry out and evaluate teaching at Level 2

Examination: Observation of teaching in Joint practice.
Module: GBDance Pedagogy 3 / Hours: 62,5 / ECTS: 2,5
Courses: / GBA Aesthetics and formation 2
GBB Teaching and learning 2
Skill Goals
The student
  • Has an academic proficiency in thinking and writing
  • Is able to utilize knowledge about project work in teaching methodology
Knowledge Goals
The student
  • Has knowledge about group dynamics and teaching in groups
  • Has an understanding of the pedagogical consequences of facilitating/teaching specific intentions through the use of dance
Proficiency goals
The student
  • Is able to plan and carry out a performance in cooperation with others
  • Is able to evaluate a performance individually, critically, and constructively in relation to several qualitative concepts

Examination: Written paper
Module: IBAesthetics and History 3 / Hours:62,5 / ECTS: 2,5
Courses: / IBADance History
Skill Goals
The student
  • Is able to analyse and understand artistic dance expression from a historic and aesthetic point of view
Knowledge Goals
The student
  • Understands the main lines of development of western dance
  • Understands the development of scenic dance in Norway and has an overview of the contemporary field of dance in the country
  • Has an overview of chosen historical developments in the field of dance
Proficiency goals
The student
  • Has cultivated an open and reflective attitude toward dance and art in general
  • Is able to see the relations between dance history and his/her own activity as a dancer

Examination: Written exam