Who Is Tomochichi? (2 People)

Who Is Tomochichi? (2 People)

Who is Tomochichi? (2 people)

Oprah: What an exciting week of guests we’ve had!! First we had James Oglethorpe; yesterday we had Mary Musgrove, and today, I’d like for you to welcome Tomochichi- The Chief of the Yamacraw Native American tribe.

Tomochichi: Thanks Oprah.

Oprah: So Tomochichi, can you take us back to when you first met James Oglethorpe?

Tomochichi: Sure Oprah. I saw his ship coming down the Savannah River and knew it was a group of English people. From the beginning, I wanted to make the English people feel welcome. As a matter of fact, we held a ceremony to welcome them. I also sent my Medicine Man with a gift for James Oglethorpe.

Oprah: Do you mind if I ask what it was?

Tomochichi: Not at all. It was a fan made of white feathers. I wanted him to know I was offering peace and friendship.

Oprah: How old were you when you met James Oglethorpe?

Tomochichi: I was around 80.

Oprah: You look very fit. I can’t help noticing how tall you are!!

Tomochichi: I am tall. Around 6 feet tall to be exact.

Oprah: Is the outfit you have on what you normally wear?

Tomochichi: Yes. Since it’s getting colder, I tie animal skins around my legs for pants and since today is a special occasion, I wore this colorful blanket and put feathers in my hair.

Oprah: Are you married?

Tomochichi: Yes. My wife’s name is Senauki. She’s a great wife and a great cook. She makes the best fish and oysters in the world. On other nights, she fixes me either deer, opossum, squirrel, rabbit or sometimes even alligator. She’s also has a great corn and squash recipe.

Oprah: Sounds like your wife is very busy. What do you do?

Tomochichi: Oh I’m busy too. I use a bow and arrow to hunt all the animals my wife makes for dinner. I also use traps that I make out of vines to catch fish in. I use a spear to fish too.

Oprah: How do you think James Oglethorpe would describe you?

Tomochichi: I think he would say that I was trustworthy. James knew he could believe what I told him and that I would keep my promises.

Oprah: It’s been a pleasure meeting you Tomochichi. Hope you can come back and visit us again.


Oprah: I’m sorry to tell you that we received word that Tomochichi recently died. I do want to report that his friend James Oglethorpe did not forget him. He had a big funeral in Savannah and placed a huge stone over his grave with his name on it.