
Channel Margin Analysis for

Natureview Farm Case

Fill out the table below and submit it a hard copy to me by March 30 (Tu).

If you are submitting the Natureview Farm case analysis, submit one for your team

If you are not submitting the case analysis, it is an individual opportunity for extra credit

Extra credit: five points

Steps to take:

1.  Read the case carefully.

2.  Open the link below and use it to calculate “manufacturer margin %” for each scenario.

Example: 8-oz Yogurt selling through supermarket channel

Manufacturer cost per unit: $0.31

Distributor margin: 15% (p. 5 of the case)

Retailer margin: 27% (p. 5 of the case)

Average Retail price: $0.74 (Exhibit 3 of the case)

è Plug in these numbers and derive manufacturer margin %

3.  Fill in the table below and submit a hard copy of the table to me.

Section: MKT 451


Channel / Yogurt Size / Manufacturer Margin %
Supermarket / 8-oz
Natural Food channel / 8-oz