NorthsideMiddle School

2010-11 School Calendar

First Semester

Fri., Aug. 13Staff Meetings –No School for Students

Mon., Aug. 16 First Student Day

Mon., Sept. 6Labor Day – No School

Thurs., Oct. 14Fall Vacation – No School

Fri., Oct. 15Fall Vacation – No School

Thurs., Nov. 25Thanksgiving Vacation – No School

Fri., Nov. 26Thanksgiving Vacation – No School

Wed., Dec. 23End of First Semester

Christmas Break Begins

Second Semester

Mon., Jan. 3Staff Meetings –No School for Students

Tues., Jan. 4Classes Begin for 2nd Semester

Mon., Jan. 17MLK’s Birthday – No School

Mon., Mar. 14Spring Break Begins – No School

Mon., March 21Classes Resume

Mon., April 4Snow Day*

Mon., April 11Snow Day*

Fri. April 22Good Friday – No School

Tues. May 24End of 2nd Semester

Last Day for Students

*(School in session if need to make up day due to inclement weather, no

school if not needed for make-up day. If additional make up days are

necessary, they will be added at the end of the school year thereby

adjusting the last day for students and for teachers.)

Information Incoming

NorthsideMiddle School

Students and Parents

Need To Know.

Welcome to NorthsideMiddle School.

We look forward to welcoming your student to our school next August. Your attendance at this year’s 6th Grade Orientation is a step in the right direction in helping make the transition from elementary school to middle school a smooth one.

Communication between home and school is vital to a student’s success. Please feel free to contact us in the event you have questions or need assistance. Individual teachers may be contacted by e-mail through a link on the school’s webpage or linked to their voicemail by phone through the school’s main office.

1. Website:

2. Main Office: 376-4403

3. Guidance/Dean’s Office: 376-4401

4. Attendance: 376-4401

5. Nurse’s Office: 376-4270

6. Cafeteria: 376-4273

7. Library/Media Center: 376-4267

8. Bookstore: 376-4230

9. Athletic Director: 376-4381

School Hours: Arrival and Dismissal

School is open to students at 7:15 A.M. each morning. Students arriving before 7:42 A.M. will immediately go to one of the three areas listed below:

1. Gym 1 7th Grade

2. Commons 8th Grade

3. Cafeteria- Students eating breakfast may go to the cafeteria after 7:15

am. Students will stay in the cafeteria until 7:42 A.M.

School dismisses daily at 3:05 P.M. Students not participating in after-school activities or under the supervision of a teacher should be picked up by 3:15 pm. Students staying for detention should be picked up by 4:00 pm

Parents are asked to avoid dropping off their children before 7:15 A.M. School personnel are not available to supervise students before 7:15 A.M.

Please Support These Fundraising Efforts:

hundreds of participating products and sending them to school with your student. Students should print their name on the back of each box top and turn them into their social studies teacher. Weekly drawings will reward participating students with great prizes.

pop tabs to school with your student. Students may submit tabs to the Guidance Office.

Shopping for School Clothes -Dress and GroomingPolicy

Pages 24-25 of the student handbook cover Northside’s policy on

DRESS AND GROOMING. A few of the highlights you should be aware of prior to shopping for school clothes include:


- Deliberately ripped or torn clothing is considered inappropriate,

even ifthey are store-bought in that condition.

- Clothing should be worn that adequately covers the body entirely at all

times including the back and stomach. All shirts for both boys and girls

should have sleeves. See through blouses, bare midriffs, halter tops,

mesh shirts, low cut shirts, shirts with open sides, spaghetti straps, and

other inappropriate clothing are prohibited.

- Students are to wear shoes at all times in the building. Bedroom slippers

are not permissible.

- One's appearance should not be vulgar, obscene, offensive or

disruptive. Undergarments should not be visible.

- Students are not to wear unnecessary outdoor attire in school.

- Pajama pants and pajama tops are not acceptable.


- Boys’ trousers must be pulled up to the waist and secured in a manner

that prevents them from falling down or riding low on or below the



- Shorts and skirts must be within four inches from the top of the

student’s kneecap or not come any higher than the tips of the students’

fingers when the students are standing with their arms relaxed at their

sides – whichever length is closer to the kneecap. When wearing

layers, the outermost garment must meet dress code requirements.

Shopping for School Supplies

There will be two supply lists; one for all Northside students, and another (more specific and shorter) list once the students learn what team they are on. This way, parents can buy many of the "common" items ahead of time. Also, prepackaged supply kits will be available for online purchase, at a cost of just over $20, shipped directly to Northside. That information will be on the Northside website by April 26.

Supply list 1 (for all Northside students):

Blue or Black Pens (qty 10 total)

Pencils (qty 24)

70 sheet college ruled notebooks (qty 8)

Colored pencils (one pack/qty 12)

Two-pocket folders (qty 8)

Loose leaf paper (120 sheets)

Also, students will be asked to have a minimum 1G flash drive for storage of documents. Northside will also have these on sale in the main office for about $10.

Cell Phones

We understand that cell phones have become a very important part of our lives. While we understand it may be necessary to bring a cell phone to school, we do not allow cell phone use during the school day (7:15-3:05). Students bringing their cell phone to school need to have it in “off mode” upon entering the building. The cell phone needs to be placed in their locker for the duration of the school day. Students who violate the cell phone policy will have their phone confiscated which will require a parent coming to school to retrieve it. Multiple violations of the policy will result in additional discipline.