Nicky Hayes March 2012
Nicky Hayes Yoga
Home Practice
Semi Supine or Savasana -
Breath awareness “I breathe in breath 1 - 9” for 5 minutes
Inhale arms straight, exhale draw knees to chest x6 rounds
On Exhale raise head off mat and draw nose to knees x6 rounds (if no problems with neck)
2. Knee circles
Place left foot to floor, right hand on right knee begin to circle clockwise into the right hip. Drawing small circles to begin with x6 repeat counter clockwise.
Repeat on second side
3. Hamstring stretch
Draw left foot into chest first, using your strap around the ball of your foot if you need to, exhale and send the heel up to the ceiling. Supporting leg is bent with knee tracking over the foot. Keep the left leg straight and breathe into the back of the left leg. Hold stretch for at least 15 breath. Repeat on the right leg.
4. Marijariasana (Cat Pose)
Inhale into the concave back, exhaling into the arched position. Check alignments wrists under shoulders, knees under hips, shin bones pressing down
x 6 rounds
5. Balasana
Use props if you need to under head and seat
Stay for up to 5 breaths
Baddha Konasana (Cobblers Pose)
Sit on a folded up blanket or block use a strap to assist if you need to
X 10 breaths
Janu Sirsasana (Head beyond knee pose)
Use props if you need to block under seat, strap around foot
Come to stand in Tadasana to connect into your standing work. Feel very confident secure grounded and connected into your standing work.
Triyaka Tadasana
Palm tree pose. Take the feet hip distance apart. Inhale the arms up and overhead, Exhale and side bend over to the right, Repeat to the left and repeat the whole thing again.
Step the feet 3 and a half to four feet apart. Or as wide as you are comfortable with. Turn the right foot out to 90 degrees and the left toes in 45 degrees. Check that you have you hips squared up to the long side of the mat. Raise the arms to shoulder height reach as far as you can to the right before lowering the hand down and placing it on the right leg either above or below the knee or onto a brick or block placed long end on near your right hand. Stay in the pose for up to 6 breaths repeat second side
Jathara Parivritti
Lying in semi supine with knees bent, bring your feet and knees together arms in a “T” position. Exhale allow the knees to fall to the left. Turn your head to the right and breathe into the twist. Hold for at least 5 breaths and repeat second side.
Bring your knees into your chest and rock gently from side to side to massage the lower back area.
Pranayama (breathing practice)
Bhramari - Humming bee breath. In a comfortable seated pose Close the eyes and plug in the ears using the second fingers. Exhale x9 making the hmmmmmm sound of a male black bee.
Savasana - Corpse pose
With eye pillows, bolsters under backs of knees, blanket for 10 minutes at least.
Bring the hands into Anjali Mudra at the heart centre dedicate the fruits of your practice to someone who may be in need of extra assistance at this time. Take your time when coming up to stand.
Please note that this home practice sheet is offered to my existing students who have already received instruction on these practices. It is not meant to be a substitute from seeing a qualified instructor.