Subject: Insurance Program


Effective Date: 08/21/2014

Approved by: ______________________________

Larry Westbrook, Board President


To minimize risk through the establishment of the requirement of Central Ohio Mental Health’s (COMHC’s) insurance program.


Central Ohio Mental Health Center will maintain an insurance program that provides coverage for all assets.

I. The functions of the insurance program include, but are not limited to the following:

A. Provides protection to persons served, members of the workforce, Board of Directors, volunteers and others associated with the organization, when applicable, against claims due to adverse events for which the organization is liable.

B. Provides coverage for buildings, equipment, inventory, malpractice, workers compensation, products and services, bonding of appropriate personnel, and vehicles at a level appropriate to the purpose for which the vehicles are used.

C. Addresses the organization’s liability needs and responsibilities regarding professional liability, product and services, Directors’ and Officers’ errors and omissions, and vehicles.

II. An annual review to evaluate the adequacy of coverage, and input from the current insurance provider and professionals regarding adequacy of coverage is sought.

III. The insurance program is explained to the Board of Directors and applicable members of the workforce.

IV. All staff shall receive information regarding applicable insurance coverage, personal risks and liabilities by Central Ohio Mental Health Center.


The Executive Director is responsible for the communication and implementation of this policy and any subsequent procedures that are applicable.

Revision: 08/21/2014

Approved: 05/26/2005

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