TO: John Bowles, Town Manager

THRU: Chuck Pavlos, Public Works Director

FROM: Russell Grimes, Capital Projects Manager

DATE: January 31, 2013

RE: Projects Update as of January 2014


1.  Grove Park Water Main & Roadway Improvements

a.  Final Project close out date is January 21, 2014.

2.  Lift Station Improvements (Eldridge, Holly Point W. and Grove Park)

a.  Holly Point W (substantially complete as of November 27, 2013).

b.  Eldridge Loop (substantially complete as of December 20, 2013).

c.  Grove Park to begin construction January 6, 2014.

d.  Anticipated Final completion date April 29, 2014.

3.  Ash Street Sewer Improvements

a.  Water main construction complete.

b.  Gravity sewer construction to begin approx. January 31, 2014.

c.  Anticipated substantial completion date April 29, 2014.

4.  Wells Road Improvements

a.  Anticipated start date February 3, 2014.

b.  Anticipated substantial completion May 2, 2014.

5.  Campbell Ave & Anna Ave Improvements

a.  Anticipated start date March 3, 2014.

b.  Anticipated substantial completion June 3, 2014.

6.  TC Miller Bathroom Renovation

a.  Start date January 6, 2014.

b.  Existing restroom demo complete.

c.  Anticipated substantial completion May 30, 2014.

7.  Town Hall Security Upgrades

a.  Start date January 2014.

b.  Protective window at finance counter complete.

c.  Door card reader system currently being installed.

d.  Anticipated completion February 2014.

8.  Eldridge Loop Roadway Replacement

a.  Water main installed under Unit Price Contract as of January 31, 2014 complete.


1.  Improvements to Marcia Drive and Betty Court

a.  Finalizing design.

b.  Anticipated bid date March 2014.

2.  Plainfield Ave Water Main & Roadway Improvements

a.  Under Design.

b.  Plan to brief project status at next Public Works Committee meeting.

3.  Floyd Circle Water Main & Roadway Improvements

a.  Finalizing design

b.  In the process of acquiring CDBG funding.

4.  Eldridge Loop Roadway Replacement

a.  Road construction and sewer force main relocation under design.

b.  Project being recommended for CDBG funding under Economic Development category.

5.  Surge Tank Modification Project

a.  Bid date February 28, 2014.

b.  Scope of work will consist of modifying the existing wastewater surge tanks to include the following.

c.  Install automated vacuum priming system.

d.  Clean, paint and make modifications to the existing steel wastewater surge tanks.

e.  Install new piping and replace existing steel walkways.

f.  Construct and install grit removal system components.

Public Works Department 700 Ash Street Orange Park, FL 32073

Phone 904-264-7411 Fax 904-278-3030