Professional Mediation Resolutions Ltd
Skycliff House
25 Woodland Ave
Teignmouth TQ14 8UU
Web page:
Tel/Fax: 01626 776857
Delighted to hear that you are interested in or will be attending the above training course and all the details you need are given below(most people do Unit 1 & 2 together but if you have booked on Unit 1 only just take out of these details what is relevant to you). Make sure you submit your booking form on our web page.
This is an excellent accredited skills training with a form of assessment and accreditation which is very straightforward. PMR were the first to design and offer an accredited training in workplace mediation in the UK and have been receiving consistently high evaluations from course participants for many years.
Full course attendance is required for the accreditation so please arrange your time and travel arrangements accordingly.
The training will be both informative as well as enjoyable – we believe that learning new skills is best done in an atmosphere of fun, participation and positive support. You also need to be aware that because this training is Open College Network accredited, it is full of great learning and hard work. You will be doing about one hour or more of written work each evening of each unit in order to write up your notes for your ‘Learning Outcomes’ (i.e. what you have learnt throughout the day) which forms the main basis of your OCN assessment. Your Learning Outcome written assignment can then be emailed to PMR around two weeks after the end of each unit (refer to ‘Learner Information and OCN Assessment Procedure’’ given below)
Bring your own writing materials and comfortable, casual dress will be fine.
A requirement of this accredited course is that you do some background reading before the course and the mediation book for this training is the new comprehensive ‘The Essential Guide to Workplace Mediation’ Kogan Page 2008 by Nora Doherty & Marcelas Guylerwhich you can purchase from ‘Amazon Books’ on the internet.This book will be invaluable for your Learning Outcomes written assignment. We also suggest you familiarise yourself with the ‘step structure of mediation’ for the ocn assessed role-plays you will be doing on day 3 of unit one (or write it down on a card..)
And of course, you can always read other books and research on this subject before you attend the course.
Those who successfully complete Units 1 & 2 will also be eligible to attend the Advanced Unit 3 OCN accredited Certificate ‘Workplace Mediation with Teams’ which will take place as a 3- day public course every few years.Just look out for the dates on our web page and we will also email you.
The training is specifically designed to develop the necessary and essential skills to carry out face-to-face workplace mediation between people in dispute and to understand how mediation can be used effectively within the context of organisations, interpersonal conflicts between employees and its use within such personnel policies as grievance, equal opportunities and harassment.
The course is competency-based and accredited by the OpenCollege Network (WMOCN)and is supported by PMR’s extensive experience in carrying out independent workplace mediations for a whole range of public and private organisations and companies throughout the UK.
It is based on the classic mediation principles and the PMR six-step mediation structure, and also includes a range of valuable conflict resolution skills and communication techniques which can be used as an every day management skill.
It is intensive skills training at its best, based on a mixture of participative group exercises, discussions and role-plays of typical workplace disputes.
It is suitable for people within organisations such as directors, managers, supervisors, personnel and human resources staff, harassment support staff or counselling or welfare staff, lawyers, complaints officers, trainers, equal opportunities or diversity staff and anyone in an organisation who needs these skills. It is also suitable for private individuals who wish to receive high quality professional training in workplace mediation which is accredited.
- learn the key skills necessary to carry out a structured face to face workplace mediation between two disputants in an impartial and fair way
- to have a good understanding of the structure, the principles and main theory of workplace mediation
- to learn highly effective communication skills to help resolve conflicts in every day work life i.e the PMR ‘Brief Mediation’ model
- to have the skills to handle difficult emotions within the context of a mediation as well as within the workplace i.e. skills to de-escalate anger or aggression in person or on the phone
- to understand the conflict dynamics between people in the workplace increase awareness around diversity issues, stereotyping, prejudices, and anti-discrimination practice for mediators
- to know when mediation is most appropriate to use and when not
- includes the teaching costs of two units of three days each, consisting of high quality, interactive mediation skills training in workplace mediation.
- includes a wide range of comprehensive Handouts which will be given to you throughout the training (please note: all course material is under copyright and cannot be reproduced or copied without our permission)
- includes the full costs of liaison with the OpenCollege Network, course registration and external moderation fees and PMR moderation time.
- includes all student OCN registration costs per unit and the individual cost of the OCN Certificate. Successful completion of both units gives you an OCN Credit Certificate in ‘Mediation in the Workplace’.
- Course assessment will be by written assignments and skills assessment, which means completing ‘Learning Outcomes’ questionnaires for both units which you email to PMR after the end of each unit. (full details of the assessment are in ‘Learner Information & Assessment Procedure’ enclosed)
- includes tea/coffee refreshments mid-morning and mid-afternoon
- Lunch is not included and this you can get in the excellent cafés and eating places around or near Bloomsbury Square.
(This course is non residential)
‘Mediation in the Workplace’ has been developed and trade marked by PMR Ltd and is accredited by the Open College Network (OCNWMRa recognised national accrediting body). The individual accreditation means that it is assessed in two ways: completion of a set of written ‘Learning Outcomes’ to show that you have learnt certain competencies and by tutor ‘skills assessment’ throughout the exercises and role-plays of Unit One. As this course is about learning new skills in mediation and conflict management, there will be a range of pair work and group exercises throughout the course and a whole day of role-plays of workplace mediation scenarios on day three of Unit One.
In this training programme, the learning outcomes come in the form of a questionnaire that each participant must complete for both Unit 1 and 2, of six to seven questions relating to the learning points covered on the course. You need to write a minimum of twoor more(3/4) pages for each question. Notes need to be taken on each evening of the course on the learning outcomes of each day (which takes about one to two hours) and you will then email the final version to PMR around two weeks after each unit ends. These will then be assessed and graded by an OCN internal and external moderator. All students are treated fairly and equally. The grades for this course:
Level Two: this represents giving the correct information similar to what has been said on the course and on the handouts with some research or use of background reading or work examples. It is equivalent to NVQ Level 2 or GCSE grades A – C.
Level Three: this represents giving correct information with the addition of the student’s own thinking, more analysis and further examples from your own work experience and more thorough use of background reading and research and more pages written. It is equivalent to NVQ Level 3 or ‘A’ Level.
Fail: If the above standard for level 2 or 3 are not reached then the participant will receive a fail i.e. no certificate (though they can continue the training for their own learning) or they can retake the unit another time at their own cost. Often writing insufficient per question is the main reason for a fail.
Written assignments must be that of the individual and copying from another is not permitted. When quotes from other work is included, do give the source/reference or name if you can. (PMR have a ‘Plagiarism Malpractice and Access to Fair Treatment’ policy)
Feedback: we will endeavour to email you your Unit One grade in confidence before Unit Two just to give you some feedback for completing the Unit Two learning outcomes.
You can do Unit One on its own, but to receive the OCN accredited Certificate, you need to complete both Units 1 & 2.
Successful completion of the learning outcomes and competencies means that participants must attend the whole of the training course (any absences, for any reason, more than one hour- will mean that you will not receive the accreditation or you will need to redo part of the course at a future date at your own cost)
You will receive your OCN Credit Certificate approximately 3/4 months after the end of Unit 2 Please do not contact us about this- we will post your OCN Credit Certificate (with the Unit 1 & 2 grade on it) to you by recorded delivery if in UK to the ‘address indicated on your course ocn registration form’ as soon as we receive it. Replacement OCN Certificates for any reason will cost £100 and any additional admin necessitated by your actions or additional admin demands will be charged at £75 per hour or pro rata.
If you consider yourself to have a disability and/or learning difficulty and would like to discuss what support you might need, then please let us know prior to the course i.e.
Visual impairment Learning difficulty
Hearing Impairment Language difficulty
Mobility Dyslexia
Other physical disability Dyscalculia
Medical health condition Other specific
PMR is a small company and we do not have any facilities ourselves but we will do our best to accommodate your particular needs if we can or to consider different forms of assessment if really needed. We would also put you in contact with the training venue if you wish to talk over with them any special requirements you may have.
As a public course participant, you can get£200 off the usual price of our DVD in ‘Workplace Mediation’ –you only pay £99plus vat
- a highly useful resource to have your own copy or one for your organisation. You can order it at this special price after you have made payment for the course by just e-mailing us or by submitting your order via our webpage and the tutor will give you your DVD on the course itself.
The Video is now only £49 plus vat.
Please note:
Fluency in English: A high level of spoken and written English is required for this training.
UNIT ONE: ‘Facilitating A Mediation Session’: 3 days
- to increase participants awareness around the subject of conflict, positive and negative aspects, why it is often difficult to handle and to look at ways they personally handle conflict situations
- to teach participants a number of up to date communication skills and techniques to help resolve conflict and interpersonal disputes effectively
- to inform participants about what mediation is, the principles and six step structure of mediation and how it differs from other forms of dispute resolution
- to teach the core skills of how to facilitate a face to face workplace dispute between two people (through a whole day of role-play with real-life workplace scenarios (i.e. harassment/bullying cases and many more)
- conflict: words and associations
- negative and positive aspects of conflict
- behaviours that escalate and de escalate complaints or conflicts
- clarifying the skills of a mediator
- personal and organisational responses to conflict: passive/flight/fight/assertive
- a definition of workplace mediation
- the principles of workplace mediation
- issues of confidentiality and boundaries
- the six step structure of mediation
- the importance of ground rules and keeping safety
- explanation of the concept of mediation win/win problem solving
- how to move from ‘positions’ to underlying ‘interests’ and ‘needs’
- effective conflict resolution communication techniques
- active listening and summarising skills
- building rapport and appropriate body language
- reframing inflammatory, negative or derogatory language
- identifying underlying issues
- strategies to remain professional and impartial as a mediator
- when mediation is appropriate to use and when not
- structuring the mediation process through the use of the six steps in order to come to workable agreements
- skills to maintain control of the mediation and to remain fair and equal
- one whole day of participants role-playing face to face solo and co-mediation of
- typical workplace complaints, with coaching from the tutor
- to describe and assess how best to use workplace mediation within organisations, particularly in reference to personnel policies
- to look at useful theories of understanding interpersonal dynamics, the causes of conflict in the workplace and how to handle differences as a mediator in a mutual, non judgemental way
- to look at your own stereotypes and biases in order to raise awareness around discrimination issues and to maintain equality and impartiality
- to learn and practise further essential mediation skills such as how to handle difficult behaviours or strong emotions within the mediation itself (through role-play)
- to learn how to deal with highly ‘complex’ mediations through a detailed case study
- further practise of mediation using the case study
- personality clashes, dealing with difference, useful models of understanding interpersonal dynamics in the workplace
- your own personal triggers, what gets to you
- skills on how to deal with someone who is angry or aggressive with you within the general context of your everyday work
- role-playing a ‘brief’ mediation between two people who are angry with each other, using mediation as an everyday management tool
- looking at your own stereotypes and biases in order to increase awareness of diversity issues
- an appreciation of how differences in culture may be part of workplace conflicts
- exploring how organisations can discriminate against certain groups
- anti-discrimination practice for mediators
- strategies on how to remain impartial and fair to all
- holding boundaries within mediation, what is appropriate to mediate and what not
- skills within mediation to affirm the positive and support movement towards clarity of communication and agreements for the future
- creative ideastorming, getting to realistic, workable solutions
- how mediation can be used within such personnel policies as Equal Opportunities, Grievance, Dignity at Work, Harassment or Bullying
- the range of possible uses of mediation within organisations, internally and externally, including complaints procedures
- the benefits of workplace mediation to employees and to organisations
OCN Certificate ‘Mediation in the Workplace’
UNIT ONE - 3 days
What is Conflict
Conflict associations and feelings
Conflict positive and negative
Responses to Conflict – your own personal response
How organisations respond to conflict
(Behaviours that escalate and de-escalate conflict)
How Mediation differs from other dispute resolution methods
Dispute Resolution Terms
group warm up exercise
What is Workplace Mediation
Viewing of Part I of the PMR DVD ‘Workplace Mediation’
Six Step Structure
Part II of the DVD – viewing a mediation concerning a bullying complaint against a manager
The Skills of a Mediator
Mediation theory –
The concept of Win/Win
Positions, Interests and Needs
Win/Win negotiating and examples
Closing circle
evening – writing up notes on learning from the day (approx. one hour)
Checking in with group re: Learning Outcomes
Listening Skills exercises
Listening and remembering
Listening and summarising
Note-taking in mediation
Listening and rapport building
Matching and Leading
Reframing Inflammatory language
‘Mini- Role-plays’ of dealing with difficult feelings or situations in a mediation
group warm up exercise
Strategies and phrases to remain impartial when mediating
Stages 1 and 2 of a six step mediation in detail
Role-plays of stage 1 & 2 of a mediation
When Mediation is appropriate to use and when not
Closing circle
evening – writing up notes on learning from the day (approx. one hour)
The purpose of individual meetings
Dealing with strong emotions in a mediation
Example of Mediation Voluntary Agreements
Role-plays of solo six step mediation to stage of at least one written agreement (using scenarios provided) - coaching and skills assessment by tutor
group relaxation and visualisation exercise
Co-Mediation role-plays
The pros and cons of co-mediation
When to use co-mediation
Closing circle and end of unit one
E-mailing of the Learning Outcomes for Unit One to PMR Ltd for assessment by the deadline given (approx. two to three weeks later).
UNIT TWO - 3 days
reasons for conflict in the workplace
personal triggers
different work cultures and conflict
mediation skills of acknowledging and validating both parties
group warm up exercise
theories of interpersonal control dramas
dynamics of interactions – persecutor/victim/rescuer
and how to deal with this as a mediator