Biology Mrs. Douma Modeling Mitosis

Modeling Mitosis Worksheet

Purpose: Understand mitosis by creating a model of the process.


1. Construct a model of the process of mitosis. You may choose to model either an animal cell or a plant cell. You will need 6 index cards, one each for Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase, and Cytokinesis.

2. On the lined side of the card, label the phase and list the characteristics of that phase. Then turn the card over and create the cell in that phase.

3. Cut 2 pieces of yarn about 5 cm long from each color. Each piece of yarn will represent a chromatid. Tie the two pieces together to create a centromere.

4. In order to represent the homologous chromosomes, use different shades of colors.

a. There are two chromatids attached at a centromere of one dark color

b. There are two chromatids attached at a centromere of a light color

c. One color represents the chromosome from the mother and the other color represents the chromosome from the father

d. The genes on the light and dark chromosomes are for the same traits, i.e. they are homologous chromosomes.

5. Draw the outline of the cell (round for animal, rectangle for plant) on the card. Use markers to draw the nuclear membrane, centrioles, spindle fibres, cell plate, etc. as needed. Glue or tape the yarn chromatids (chromosomes) to the cards to illustrate each stage of mitosis.

6. When your models are complete, mix the cards up and then put them in the proper sequence while explaining the process to a peer.

7. In your notebook, date and title a page “Mitosis”. Answer the following questions. Your answers should be complete and in detail.


1. What types of cells go through mitosis? ___________________________________

2. When do cells go through mitosis? ______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

3. What is the purpose of mitosis? _________________________________________
