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I. Aim of the Presentation

The purpose of this presentation is to select and evaluation tools available in the Internet that will help catalogers perform their work in a more production and efficient manner.

II. Effect of the Internet on Cataloging

a.Accessibility of free tools in the Internet. The Internet is a powerful tool bringing a range of cataloging tools and resources at the librarian’s fingertips. By clicking the mouse, the librarian can consult the various tools needed to provide adequate bibliographic description, such as, online public access catalogs (OPACS), bibliographic utilities and databases or the Internet to search names of authors and places. This is a far cry from original cataloging a few years back. Cataloging activities involved so much legwork checking and verifying entries in existing card catalogs, or leafing through heavy volumes of the National Union Catalog (NUC), checking dictionaries, gazetteers and a host of reference materials. Hundie succinctly summarized the impact of the accessibility of tools in the Internet when she said “ Original cataloging has always been a very expensive task in terms of time and energy of professional catalogers” that resulted in the perennial problem of backlogs, outsourcing and subscription to expensive databases. She further adds… “Nowadays, with the advent of the Internet libraries, they may not need to do original classification and cataloging or they may not need to buy commercial bibliographic databases which are often costly. There exists a large number of … tools accessible through the Internet, typically including online public access catalogs (OPACS), bibliographic utilities and online bibliographic databases that can be searched free of charge.” Cataloging tools available in the Internet is limitless. Knowledge and use of these tools can save precious time and money for libraries.

b. Faster retrieval and exchange of information. Another effect of the internet is information explosion, where one can readily retrieve information anywhere. Faster retrieval and exchange of information spooned the growth of newsgroups and discussion lists. This provided opportunities for collegial consultations among catalogers. The Autocat, Interact and other discussions groups became a fora for lively discussion of new ideas and initiatives. Problems concerning the application of standards are posted. Exchange of ideas and sharing of experiences were instruments for resolving the issues. The discussion lists also served as good reference sites for new cataloging tools available in the market.

c. Telecataloging. The availability of cataloging tools and online public access catalogs of big private and university libraries as well as national libraries worldwide which linked resources and tools accessible in one website presents opportunities for the enterprising librarians. As Mcdonald pointed out : “One of the most innovative and revolutionary library services to evolve in the Internet era is reference linking, the ability to transmit bibliographic data through hypertext links and to connect users with the full richness of electronic collections with ease”. Telecataloging or remote site cataloging has emerged. Librarians can now perform cataloging outside the walls of the library. Tools that can be conveniently accessed help reduce a lot of the legwork and manual work that catalogers saving time and money. Bibliographic data can be easily downloaded or copied resulting in more productivity and efficiency. Bibliographic information about materials being cataloged can also be accessed through book reviews and publishers catalogs. This environment provides us the opportunity to work in the comfort of our homes.

III. Cataloging Tools in the Internet

Surfing tools in the Internet is fast and easy depending on the equipment the library has. Catalogers can hop from one link to the other to find materials they need, but one can easily be waylaid. Thus, the general information sites are comprehensive in scope in that one can find the tools and other resources such as bibliographic databases, online public access catalogs (OPACS), manuals and policies. The other websites deal with cataloging of special materials, such as maps, serials, e-journals, and audiovisual materials.

a. General Cataloging Sites

The general cataloging sites provide a one-stop shop for cataloging tools and online public access catalogs. and miscellaneous information on discussion and newsgroups. These include the classification and Cataloging tools, as well as links to bibliographic databases and utilities like the OCLC, online public access catalogs of national public libraries worldwide. Manuals of procedures and policies of certain libraries are available for libraries wanting to design or revise their workflows. Unlike a printed bibliography, the advantage of linking the site is that one can actually access the sites so that it is not necessary to evaluate the websites in detail. Miscellaneous information on discussion lists and news groups and how to subscribe to list are available..

Internet Library for Librarians: A Portal Designed for Librarians to Locate Internet Resources Related to their profession (http://www.itcompany.com/inforetriever/cat.htm) by the InfoWorks Technology Company and maintained by Internet Library for Librarian Editorial Team under the current executive editor, Yongmei Gu is a comprehensive cataloging and catalog management resources on the Internet. It provides links to 3,000 resources, 348 sites of which are on cataloging. The links include the LC Services and selective comprehensive resources for cataloging, authority maintenance, descriptive cataloging, subject cataloging and classification, MARC formats, policies and procedures, Web-interfaced and newspaper catalogs. A brief description is added for each website.

The Cataloguer’s Toolbox (http://staff.library.mun.ca/staff/toolbox/) is a website for the Bibliographic Control Services of the Queen Elizabeth II Library at Memorial University of Newfoundland. It gives links and access to cataloging tools by activity, format and subject. Sites of national libraries around the world are provided. Websites of bibliographic utilities, conferences meetings, cataloging of electronic serials and archives are helpful sources for catalogers.

The Cataloger’s Reference Shelf (http://www.itsmarc.com/crs/crs0000.htm) maintained by the Library Corporation provides comprehensive links to cataloging resources that cataloger’s need, such as the MARC formats, Cataloging of special materials such as Archival Moving Image Decscription Conventions, loose-leaf publication cataloging, conser cataloging manuals, rare books and graphic matters. Presentation is clear and simple.

b. Descriptive Cataloging

Foremost cataloging sites for copy cataloging and establishing authorities is the Library of Congress Websites. Descriptive catalogers can access and download bibliographic and authority records from the Library of Congress online catalog (http://lcweb.loc.gov/catalog). Original cataloging of publication not found in the catalog may also be requested. The OCLC Bibliographic Formats and Standard Manual (http://www.oclc.org/oclc/bib/toc.htm) provides guidelines for OCLC utilities users but the manual intended for OCLC catalogers are also useful for those not familiar with MARC format tags and the AACR2 rules. Training Guides for Descriptive Cataloging, maintained by Elizabeth A. Read of Queen’s University Library ( is very good guide for beginning catalogers. Anglo-American Cataloging Rules and the MARC format codes are discussed with illustrative examples.

c. Subject Cataloging

Prepared for LC subject catalogers, the Library of Congress Cataloging Policy and Support Office (http://www.loc.gov/catdir/cpso/cpso.html) provides the latest cataloging policy and developments in the Library of Congress and the international community. List of cataloging tools and documentation aside from the latest subject headings online are found in the LC Headings Weekly Lists. An alternative online tool is the Subject Cataloger’s Electronic Resources Toolkit (http://www.loc.gov/rr/business/beonline/toolkit.html ) prepared by Jan Herd which aggregates various subject tools and documentation, MARC standards, Metadata Documentation for subject catalogers, Glossaries and Dictionaries for Internet or Electronic Resources including an online presentation on Subject Cataloging Skills Used on the Web.

d. Serials Cataloging

Serials cataloging is now affected by the rise in electronic resources and e-journals. Most of the websites combine traditional cataloging of serials enhanced by the inclusion of electronic serials. “Tools for Serials Cataloguers : A Collection of Useful Sources, (http://www.library.vanderbilt.edu/ercelawn/serials.html) is created and maintained by Ann Ercelawn. It provides links to various cataloging documentation, coding guidelines from the Library of Congress, OCLC and Conser. There is also a presentation and online tutorial on changes in the AACR2 for Chapters 9 and 12 regarding electronic resources. Intended as a guide for catalogers at the Serials Dept. at the UC Davis General Library, “Serials Cataloging Tools” is a selective listing of cataloging sources (http://www.library.vanderbilt.edu/ercelawn/serials.html). The listing further includes articles and guidelines on serials and internet cataloging with brief annotations. For practical cataloging, access Serials Cataloging: Fields Required in Full and Core Records (http://macfadden.mit.edu.9500/colserv/sercat/core/core-required.htm) . The site gives MARC full and core bibliographic records required for bibliographic description of serials and Internet publications. Some libraries would have different versions of a serial publication in their catalog. E-Serials Cataloging: Piggybacking (http://macfadden.mit.edu.9500/colser/sercat/eserials/piggybacking.html) is a guideline that allows for the adding of a record when there is an existing record that can be used for the e-version.

e.Nonbook Resources Cataloging

Organizing Audiovisuals and Electronic Resources for Access: A Cataloging Guide (http://slis.cua.edu/ihy/catmeta.htm) by Ingrid Hsieh-Yee lists 109 sites that includes keeping current for new initiatives in cataloging, cataloging aids & tools, cataloging standards and organizing internet resources. Tools for audiovisual materials are accessed by format. Authority Tools for Audiovisual and Music Catalogers: An Annotated List of Useful Resources, edited by Robert Bratton, from the Subcommittee on Authority Tools, Online Audiovisual Catalogers, Inc. (http://ublib.buffalo.edu/libraries/units/cts/olac/capc/authtools.html) “brings together in one place descriptions for information sources that are useful when developing authorized headings to support audiovisual and music catalog records.” The collection includes print and electronic resources that serves as a reference guide for audiovisual catalogers when establishing authority records. Tools for Cataloging Internet Resources compiled by Rick J. Block and Karl Fattig of the New England Technical Services Librarians (http://www.bowdoin.edu/~kfattig/netsl) includes cataloging manuals and documentation for cataloging internet resources. It also includes presentation overheads by Rick J. Block (with the presentation of Karl Fattig to follow) as well as work and research studies done by other groups and individuals.

g. Map Cataloging

Map Cataloging Resources, http://www.waml.org/mapcat.html) developed by Katherine Rankin gives a listing of print and electronic manuals and tools used for cataloging maps including a discussion group. Linked to Map Librarian’s Toolbox (http://www.waml.org/maptools.html) this site gives an alphabetical listing by subject of various sources that links directly to the topic selected by Linda Zellmer.

h. Bibliographies

The good thing about online bibliographies as compared to printed versions is the ability to search directly and access the materials listed by clicking on the links to the Internet sites. Cataloging Tools in the Internet (http://lists.tblc.org/pipermail/tblcats/2000-February/000182.html) by Julie Moore Crowley which started in 1999 meets the needs of original catalogers. It is an exhaustive listing of 133 cataloging tools of major cataloging agencies, such as the Library of Congress websites on different tools, outstanding cataloging sites from the academe, OCLC internet sites, languages, English dictionaries, encyclopedias, geographic names, and other reference materials that original catalogers would need.

If you want some annotations or tips from a practicing librarian, At Our Fingertips: Online Cataloging Tools by Kathleen L. Wells, senior librarian at the University of Southern Mississippi (http://www.sandstrum.com/catalogtools.html) is a very good critical introduction to selected tools for catalogers arranged according to the format. There is a listing for general information sites, manual of policies and procedures, description, classification, subject cataloging, OCLC and Marc tools and nonbook materials. Special features of each site and specific materials for specials problems are pointed out.

IV. Implications of Development for Local Librarians

a. Participation on broader issues concerning library automation.

Tremendous growth in the Internet benefited the libraries, particularly those involved with the processing of materials like catalogers. The developments have inevitable implications on the relevance of the tools and the standards that we use. Since 1998, the AACR2 underwent several revisions to accommodate emerging resources such as the electronic and online materials. Condron and Tittemore listed twelve major projects of reputable institutions involved in creating metadata standards for multimedia materials. These are projects concerned with archival materials,audiovisual and other resources whose metadata cannot be adequately covered by existing rules of the AACR2 and the MARC format. The Dublin Core and the Encoded Archival Description are now starting to attract the interest of institutions for use in their collections. Innovations not only on standards but also in the hardware and software for library automation are surfacing everyday and these are challenging us to participate to shape changes that will make us work effectively and efficiently. The aggregators of the cataloging tools are found in websites of institutions in the West. There is so far no website yet in Asian libraries which have included their tools in the websites.

b. Encourage experimentation . The catalog is still evolving as more complex technology and communication tools are developed. These will the kind scope and depth of library collection, the equipment and tools and standards that we use. New library tools are being developed and librarians are encouraged to critically utilize them. Feedback mechanism on sending new ideas and changes to enhance could produce products that meet library needs. Long time ago, the Ranganathan classification was conceived, an Asian contribution to library science on the organization of materials. Computer manufacturing and software developments are now moving back to Asian countries because of the low cost of labor in developed countries. It means therefore that we have the technical expertise, and to use that expertise to our advantage is a challenge.

c. Reskilling librarians. The most important factor for meeting the

technological challenge of the new electronic and Internet libraries are well-trained, knowledgeable catalogers with sufficient technical skills with the computer equipment. This means that librarians should be trained concerning the traditional organization of library materials, but as information analyst working with electronic resources and computers will further need to be equipped with computer skills.

d. Working cooperatively. Investments on computers, cataloging tools as well

as library resources, perhaps deterred Philippine libraries from the automation of most of its operation. A lot of libraries are still cooping to buy the needed reference materials for students and faculty. But, the Internet is now a powerful tool for information storage, retrieval and dissemination. Access to information worldwide is easy and a lot of it free. Connecting to the Internet is, however very expensive given the fact that it is a long distance call. By working cooperatively to aggregate the cataloging tools accessible locally in a website, libraries can save the cost of accessing remote sites abroad.