COS 321 — Bible III: Gospels
Mississippi Course of Study
Millsaps College
Dr. J. Eric Pridmore, Instructor
April 8-9 & 22-23, 2016
Course Description
This course focuses on the content and message of the Gospels, as well as the theological perspectives of the Gospel writers. The practice of exegesis will be emphasized.
Course Objectives
This course will enable students to be able to:
1. Understand the origin, message, and purpose of each Gospel.
2. Exegete this form of literature.
3. Apply exegesis to preaching, other pastoral responsibilities, and issues of the present day.
Class Process
This class is designed to be conducted in an open discussion/seminary model with input expected from all class members. The student is expected to complete all readings and be prepared to share insights, thoughts, and questions from the Biblical text as well as the other assigned texts.
Required Texts
1. Introducing the New Testament by Mark Allen Powell
2. An Introduction to Jesus and the Gospels by Frederick Murphy
3. Anatomy of the Fourth Gospel by Alan Culpepper
4. New Testament Exegesis: A Handbook for Students and Pastors by Gordon D. Fee
Supplementary Texts
These are not required but are suggested and will be helpful in your study.
1. Luke (Westminster Bible Companion) by Sharon Ringe
2. Abingdon New Testament Commentary on John by Moody Smith
3. Gospel Parallels: A Synopsis of the First Three Gospels, with Alternative Readings from the Manuscripts and Noncanonical Parallels by Burton H. Throckmorton
Course Assignments
1. Pre-Session – Paper One
Due Date: Friday, March 25, 2016
Format: 3-4 complete pages in length, double-spaced, normal font, and computer-printed. Hand-written work will not be accepted.
Write an essay thoroughly describing your current method of sermon preparation including what resources you use. Be sure to include in your essay the following:
* A written definition (in your own words) of Biblical exegesis.
* Why is thorough exegesis important to the sermon, to the congregation, and to the pastor?
* What are the resources you use for sermon preparation?
* Use appropriate citations and endnotes or footnotes. Attach a bibliography listing the resources you use for sermon preparation.
* If you email the essay, you must attach it as a Word (.doc, .docx) or text (.txt) file. If you mail the essay, I must receive it no later than the stated due date in order to receive full credit for the assignment.
2. April 8-9 — Situating the Gospels: The Political, Social, Philosophical, and Religious Background of Palestinian Judaism
a. Read the Gospel of Mark utilizing a simple journal to record your thoughts and questions as you read. The journal is for your use only and will not be turned in or graded. You will be asked to confirm that you have completed this work.
b. Frederick J. Murphy’s book is an excellent resource. Prior to arriving in class for our first weekend session, you are expected to have read chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
c. Prepare 10 thoughtful questions from your reading of Murphy’s book. Be prepared to share these in class as part of our discussion. These questions will be collected at the end of class on Saturday. Questions should be computer-printed and not hand-written.
d. Mark Allen Powell’s book is an excellent resource. Prior to arriving in class for our first weekend session, you are expected to have read chapters 1, 2, 3, and 4.
e. Paper Two
Due Date: Friday, April 8, 2016 (upon arrival in class)
Format: 7-9 complete pages in length, double-spaced, normal font, and computer-printed. Hand-written work will not be accepted. NOTE: Papers submitted after class ends for the weekend session will be immediately considered one week late. One letter grade will be subtracted for each week an assignment is late.
Choose one of the Gospel lessons from the Gospel of Luke for Lent in the Revised Common Lectionary for Year C. Utilizing the texts by Murphy and Powell as well as Fee (Chapter III in particular), Throckmorton, and at least two modern commentaries, write a thorough exegetical essay of the Gospel lesson. Use appropriate citations, endnotes or footnotes, and a bibliography. Be sure to include the following information in your essay:
* What is your initial understanding of the basic content of this passage? (Fee III, 1.2)
* Name 3 or 4 main points or observations that you believe would be worth mentioning in your sermon. (Fee III, 1.6)
* What are some key words in the text that may need to be explained to your congregation and how would you explain those words? (Fee III, 1.4 & 2.3)
* Describe the general historical setting for this passage. Start with the setting and events from the book of the Bible you are working with. Stay within the Biblical text first. Once you gather all you can from the Biblical text then utilize outside sources. (Fee III, 2.5 & 3.1 as well as Murphy and Powell)
* Compare your passage with the other Synoptic Gospels. Does your text appear in the other Gospels? If so, how is it used? Why did the writer state it this way? (Fee III, 1.4 & 2.3)
* Consult at least 2 modern commentaries regarding your Biblical text. How did your exegesis and understanding of the passage compare with these commentaries? (Fee III, 4.1)
3. April 22-23 – The Gospels: A Critical Overview and Analysis of Individual Characteristics
a. Read the Gospel of John utilizing a simple journal to record your thoughts and questions. The journal is for your use only and will not be turned in or graded. You will be asked to confirm that you have completed this work.
b. Frederick J. Murphy’s book is an excellent resource. Prior to arriving in class for our second weekend session, you are expected to have read chapters 6, 7, 8, and 9.
c. Prepare 10 thoughtful questions from your reading of Murphy’s book. Be prepared to share these in class as part of our discussion. These questions will be collected at the end of class on Saturday. Questions should be computer-printed and not hand-written.
d. R. Alan Culpepper’s book is an excellent resource. Prior to arriving in class for our second weekend session, you are expected to have read chapters 4, 5, 6, and 8.
e. Paper Three
Due Date: Friday, April 22, 2016 (upon arrival in class)
Format: 7-9 complete pages in length, double-spaced, normal font, and computer-printed. Hand-written work will not be accepted. NOTE: Papers submitted after class ends for the weekend session will be immediately considered one week late. One letter grade will be subtracted for each week an assignment is late.
Choose one of the Gospel lessons from John for Easter in the Revised Common Lectionary for Year C. Utilizing the texts by Murphy, Powell, and Culpepper as well as Fee (Chapter III in particular), and at least two modern commentaries, write a thorough exegetical essay of the gospel lesson. Use appropriate citations, endnotes or footnotes, and a bibliography. Be sure to include the following information in your essay:
* What is your initial understanding of the basic content of this passage? (Fee III, 1.2)
* Name 3 or 4 main points or observations that you believe would be worth mentioning in your sermon. (Fee III, 1.6)
* What are some key words in the text that may need to be explained to your congregation and how would you explain those words? (Fee III, 1.4 & 2.3)
* Describe the general historical setting for this passage. Start with the setting and events from the book of the Bible you are working with. Stay within the Biblical text first. Once you gather all you can from the Biblical text then utilize outside sources. (Fee III, 2.5 & 3.1 as well as Murphy, Powell, and Culpepper)
* Consult at least 2 modern commentaries regarding your Biblical text. How did your exegesis and understanding of the passage compare with these commentaries? (Fee III, 4.1)
Important Note on Course Assignments
In order to receive full credit for course assignments, students must follow ALL instructions, including assignment length, appropriate citations, bibliography, formatting, and due dates. Additionally, assignments should clearly and thoroughly address all questions and issues stated in the instructions.
Contact Information
Rev. J. Eric Pridmore, Ph.D.
P. O. Box 755
Poplarville, MS 39470
601-795-4519 (Office)
601-278-3758 (Cell)