By-Laws of the Town of Dycusburg, Ky.
Adopted June 22, 1868
Section 1. Any person who shall be found guilty of disorderly conduct within the town of Dycusburg, or shall be found loitering about in said town, not employed in some visible and laudable occupation, shall be fined ten dollars for each offence; and in default of payment, shall be committed to work on the streets of said town, not exceeding one day for each dollar of the fine.
Sec. 2. Upon theatrical and concert performances, or other shows, within the limits of the town, there shall be paid for license, to the Marshal, the sum of five dollars, except performances by the citizens of the town or county; and upon each exhibition of wild animals, menageries or circuses, there shall be paid by the owner or owners thereof, or the agent, the sum of ten dollars.
Sec. 3. Any person or persons, who shall violate section 2, or any part thereof, shall be fined fifty dollars.
Sec. 4. Any person who shall be guilty of drunkenness within the town of Dycusburg shall pay a fine of five dollars; and in default of payment, shall be committed to work on the streets of said town, not exceeding one day for each dollar of the fine.
Sec. 5. Any person who shall be guilty of profane swearing, in a clamorous manner, in the town of Dycusburg, shall forfeit and pay a fine of not less than one, nor more than twenty dollars for each and every such offence; and in default of payment, shall be committed to work on the streets of said town, not exceeding one day for each dollar of said fine, unless bond and security be given for the amount of fine and costs.
Sec. 6. Any person or persons who shall be guilty of fighting, running horses or any riotous or disorderly conduct in the town of Dycusburg, breach of peace or assult and battery; in said town, shall forfeit and pay a fine of not more than twenty dollars: and for any breach may be imprisoned ten days, or sentenced to work on the streets of said town ten days, or may be both fined and imprisoned, or made to work to that extent, or any part of each or either, at the discretion of the court; and in default of the payment of fine, the defendants shall be confined in the county jail, one day for each two dollars, or made to work on the streets of said town, one day for each dollar of said fine, at the discretion of the court.
Sec. 7. Any person who shall be guilty of any indecent or boisterous conduct, such as disturbs the peace and dignity of the town, or any boisterous conduct on the Sabbath, crying aloud in a disorderly manner, by day or by night, or any disorderly or strange noise, or any riotous conduct, not enumerated in any of the foregoing sections, shall be fined in any sum not exceeding twenty dollars, for each offence, and in default of payment shall be sentenced to work on the streets of said town, for a time sufficient to pay said fine at one dollar per day.
Sec. 8. Any person who shall be guilty of any grossly improper or indecent conduct, in any public part of the town of Dycusburg, shall be fined in any sum not exceeding ten dollars; and in default of payment, shall be sentenced to work on the streets of said town, one day for each dollar of the fine.
Sec. 9. Any person who shall shoot off a gun or pistol loaded with powder, within the corporate limits of the town of Dycusburg, other than a gunsmith on his premises, or burn squibs or fire crackers in any way, shall be fined, for shooting, five dollars; and for burning squibs or fire crackers, in any sum not above that amount for each offence.
Sec. 10. Any person owning a bitch, and permitting the same to run at large in the town of Dycusburg, shall be fined one dollar and forfeit said bitch, to be killed by the marshal, who shall be allowed fifty cents therefor, to be paid by the owners.
Sec. 11. Any person keeping or allowing to be kept a house of ill-fame or prostitution, shall be fined not less than ten, nor more than fifty dollars, for each and every offence; the same to be collected before the Police Judge as other fines; and in default of payment, the party or parties shall be confined in the jail of Crittenden County, for a period of not less than one nor more than six months, at the discretion of the court or jury trying the case.
Sec. 12. It shall be the duty of the town Marshal to arrest and bring up for trial all persons violating any of the by-laws of the town of Dycusburg, either with or without warrant, and see that the same are properly enforced, and for a neglect of his duty herein, when such violations come to his knowledge, he shall be fined five dollars for every such failure; and any person who shall refuse to render assistance to the Marshal, when legally required by him to do so, shall be fined in any sum not exceeding twenty dollars.
Sec. 13. All peddlers and transient persons exposing to sale goods, wares and merchandise, within the corporate limits of the town of Dycusburg shall pay to the Clerk a tax of five dollars per day for each and every day that he exposes his goods to sale, and obtain a license from the Clerk therefor, and upon failure to pay the same, shall be fined fifty dollars for every day, or part of the day, he she, or they so sell; and on failure to pay said fine, the Marshal is hereby required to arrest the person or persons refusing to pay, and bring him, her or them before the Police Judge for trial, Provided, That nothing herein shall apply to the citizens of Dycusburg or Crittenden
Sec. 14. It shall be the duty of the Police Judge and Town Marshall to make, in writing, a monthly report to the Trustees, showing all monies that have come into their hands belonging to the town, and the disposition made of it; and when said reports are approved and received by the board of Trustees, it shall be the duty of the Clerk to make a record of all monies paid over by said officers to the Treasury, which said record shall be a receipt for the same; and upon failure of said officers to make said reports, they and their securities shall be held responsible for said sums due, and ten per cent thereon.
Sec. 15. Any person or persons, other than a licensed tavern keeper, shall pay to the Town Marshal the sum of fifty dollars, who shall give a receipt for the same; and on presentation of the receipt, to the Clerk, he shall issue said person or persons a coffee house license to retail ardent spirits for twelve months from date thereof; and upon failure to obtain said license as herein provided, the party offending shall be subject to a fine of five dollars for each offence, obtained before the Police Judge.
Sec. 16. It shall be the duty of the Town Marshall to attend the removal of all obstructions, and the abatement of all nuisances, in the town and streets thereof, either coming under his own view, or to which his attention may be called by the Board, or any member thereof. It is hereby declared that the following matters and things are nuisances, which it is the duty of the Marshall to cause to be abated and removed, to wit: to suffer wood boxes or any other material, to remain in the streets or upon the side walks, more than twenty four hours, he or she shall be liable to a fine of not less than one dollar for each offence, to be recovered in the Police Court of Dycusburg. The Marshall shall cause to be removed, dead hogs, horses cattle, dogs and cats; and upon the failure of the owner, after notice given to cause the same to be removed, he shall pay the Marshal fifty cents for the each carcass, and for his services, where there is no owner, the Treasurer shall
pay the Marshal fifty cents for the removal of each dead horse, mule, or cattle, and twenty-five cents for each hog, dog, cat or other dead animals, in the boundary of the corporation. To exhibit a stud horse, jack, or bull on the streets of said town, there shall be a fine of not less than five
dollars, to be recovered before the Police Judge.
Sec. 17. To erect a pig sty within forty feet of any street of said town shall be a finable offence of not less than five dollars. Any person hitching or causing to be hitched a horse or mule on any pavement, obstructing the same, shall be fined not less than one, nor more than five dollars for each offence. Any person or persons who shall thrown or cause to be put into any public well, anything that will damage the same or destroy the buckets, cut the ropes, or stretch the same into the streets, shall be fined not less than ten, nor more than twenty-five dollars. If a minor, the parent or guardian shall be responsible for the same, recoverable before the Police Judge.
Sec. 18. That if any person of persons shall sell any goods, wares, or spiritous liquors on Sabbath day, except for medical or burial purposes, shall be fined not less than one nor more than five dollars for each offence. Any person or persons who shall work or cause work to be done on or near their premises, thereby breaking the Sabbath, except said work is of necessity, he or they so offending shall be fined not less than two nor more than five dollars, for each offense. All statutes applicable for the good government of the town, in cases not provided for in these By-Laws, are
adopted as a part thereof.
Sec. 19. All fines imposed by these By-Laws, and not especially provided for, shall be recovered by warrant, before the Police Judge. It shall be the duty of the Marshal to collect all taxes and fines as assessed; and for said service he shall received five per cent; and for other services rendered he shall receive a just compensation, as the nature of the work may require.
Sec. 20. Any person or persons carrying concealed weapons shall be fined not less than five, nor more than fifty dollars; and in default of payment shall be committed to work on the streets, one day for each dollar of the fine or committed to the county jail one day for each two dollars of the fine at the discretion of the court.
Crittenden County, Kentucky 1854 Petition
To the Worshipful Judge of the County Court of Crittenden County
Your Petitioners residents of the Town of Dycusburg and being citizens thereof Knowing the deleterious effects and the evils resulting from the use and sale of Arden Spirits as a beverage within our corporation, Would most Respectfully ask and pray your Honor not to grant license for the Sale of the same within the corporate limits of our town to any Merchant, druggist or tavern keeper from and after your December term 1854 for the term of twelve months.
Presly G. Johnson S. McWaters
David A. Brooks Wm. Brashear
James Moore Aaron Lindley
William A. Brooks T.T. Thompson
A. Foster W.A. Duvall
D.D. Moore Preston Giles
Dan R. Cassidy S.H. Cassidy
L.T. Gwinn A. Lynes
Alex Levy J. Smith
G.D. Clark H.P. Lander
Wm. Miles John M. Shannon
W.B. Joiner Isac Loyd
M.W. Donakey E. Gore
J.M. Stephens E.A. Morris
H.H. Raiser Robert McCollum
F.C. Dobyns W.K. Blue
Brenda Joyce Jerome, CGRS 7/5/98
posted on Crittenden County, Kentucky genealogy website: (viewed August 1999)
Dycusburg Police Docket, 1874 – 1902
Columns include
Name of Parties, Kind of Suit, No. Suit, Judgment, Costs, No. of Execution, When Issued, Constable, Return-day, Return
[2] April Term, 1874
Suit No. 1 – F.M. Clement against L.B. Parish
Debt due by note
Judgment for plaintiff for sixty-five dollars and ninety-nine cents with interest from the 4th day of April 1874. Also cost of suit.
Cost $1.35
April the 4th 1874
Suit No. 2 – R. Carington against J.R. Duncan
Debt due by account
Judgment – continued from April term to May by request of deft. Continued to June term. Judgment for defendant
Cost $1.35
April the 4th 1874
Suit No. 3 – John R. Clifton against Samuel Burklow
Debt by acct.
Judgment for plaintiff for ten dollars and ninety-five cents. Also cost of suit.
Cost $1.35
April the 4th 1874
Suit No. 4 – R. Carington against Marshall Waddle
Debt by acct.
Judgment for plaintiff for four dollars with interest from the 4th day of April 1874. Also cost of suit.
Cost $1.35
April the 4th 1874
Suit No. 5 – E. Gregory against Thomas Parish and W.S. Grave
Debt by acct.
Dismissed at cost of plaintiff
Cost $.75
April the 4th 1874
Suit No. 6 – B.D. Peek against John A. Smith
Debt by acct.
Dismissed by plaintiff
Cost $.75
April the 4th 1874
Suit No. 7 – W.E. Dycus & Co. against John A. Smith
Debt by account
Cost $.75
Satisfied in full April the 14th 1874. Cost paid. Signed U.C. Cobb and J.D.
April the 4th 1874
Suit No. 8 – W.E. Dycus & Co. against John A. Smith
By attachment
The attachment executed and papers filed in office. Satisfied.
[4] May Term, 1874
Suit No. 9 – Brown & Klapp against William Simpkins
Debt due by note
Judgment for plaintiff for thirty two dollars and forty seven cents with interest from the 25th day of November 1873 and cost of suit.
Costs $1.35 and $.75
Suit No. 10 – J.C. Cassidy vs. L.W. Burklow
Debt due by Note
Judgment for plaintiff for eleven dollars and fifty cents with interest from the 1st day of January 1874. Also cost of suit.
Cost $1.35
Suit No. 11 – J.C. Cassidy against Samuel A.? Felker
Debt due by Note
Judgment for plaintiff for four dollars and fifty cents with interest from the 1st day of Jan. 1874 Also cost of suit.
Cost $1.25
Suit No. 12 – J.C. Cassidy against Joseph Campbell