Congratulations on your new role and welcome to the University of Sunderland!
Please find enclosed within this employment pack important documentation, which needs to be completed by you and returned to the Human Resources Department, PRIOR TO YOUR START DATE in order to confirm your appointment with the University.
This pack includes;
- Personal Details Form– This form is required by the HR and payroll department to ensure correct payment of your salary.
- Employment Eligibility Guidelines – this information is required by the HR department to confirm your eligibility to work in the UK.
- Pensions Information – For your information. You will automatically be included in a Pension Scheme unless you opt out.
- Health Questionnaire – This form should be completed and placed in the Occupational Health envelope and should be sealed for confidentiality reasons. This form will be used to gain medical clearance.
It is essential that AT LEAST the documents listed 1, 2 & 4 are completed and returned to the Human Resources Department AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Failure to return these documents may delay start date / payment of salary.
Application form and guidance information for Car Park Permits. These are available on the Facilities website: or by ringing 0191 5152021. Staff have the option of Pay and Display at a discounted hourly rate or an annual pre-paid permit.
PLEASE NOTE: All documents can be returned to the HR Department and will be forwarded to the relevant teams. If you would prefer to make an appointment to bring your documents direct to the HR Department, please contact the HR Assistant named on your appointment letter or forward the documents to;
Human Resources Department
Third Floor, EdinburghBuilding
Chester Road
0191 5152057
ALL personal documents will be returned to you home address by recorded delivery.
If you have any questions / queries, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you for your co-operation in this matter, we look forward to you joining the University.
To be completed by HR: / Payroll Number:SECTION 1: EMPLOYEE DETAILS
Surname: / School or Service: select Academic ServicesExecutiveFacilitiesHuman ResourcesMarketing and CommunicationsPlanning and FinanceSchool of Arts, Design, Media & CultureSchool of Business Law and PsychologySchool of Computing and TechnologySchool of Education and Lifelong LearningSchool of Health, Natural and Social SciencesStudent and Learning SupportStudent Recruitment and Business Partnership
Forename(s): / Date of Birth: / National Insurance No:
Known As: / Marital Status / Single
Title (Mr / Mrs etc): select DrMissMrMrsMsProfRev / Married / Divorced / Widowed
Address in full: / Separated / Cohabiting / Civil Partnership
Contact Telephone Number:
Mobile Number:
Post Code: / Email Address:
Full Name: / Relationship :
Address: / Telephone Number (Day):
Telephone Number (Evening) :
Mobile Number:
Post Code:
Location:Job Title: / Start Date:
SECTION 4: BANK DETAILS – Please ensure that you have a completed and SIGNED form of the bank details
Account Holders Name: / Bank Account Building Society AccountName of Bank / Building Society: / Branch:
Sort Code: - - / Account Number: / Building Society Ref No:
Due to the Data Protection Act, the University must receive bank details that are completed by the individual. Please note it is the responsibility of the authorising person to ensure that bank details supplied are correct.
Under pension regulations teaching staff will automatically be included in the Teachers’ Pension (TP) Scheme and non-teaching staff in the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS), unless you choose to opt-out. Further details are provided in the enclosed information sheets, which are also available from
I wish to join the Pension Scheme: Y N / TPS LGPS USS Opt-Out
Authorised by (Please print full name):
Signature: / Date:
Completed forms should be returned as follows: Send as an e-mail attachment to your HR Assistant and retain a copy for your records. If you are unable to access e-mail please print and send to: HR, 3rd Floor, EdinburghBuilding, City Campus, Chester Road, Sunderland, SR1 3SD. For help or advice please call: 0191 515 2263 or email your HR Advisor.
HR Use only
Date Received by HR / HR Verification / Chris21 input
Section 8 of the Asylum and Immigration Act 1996 places new obligations on employers to ensure that those candidates who are offered employment are legally entitled to take that offer prior to their commencement of employment.
As a result of the above and our offer of employment to you, would you please forward immediately to Human Resources either :-
- one of the original documents included in List 1 – These include UK passports, EEA passports and National Identity Cards, and UK Residence Permits. For the full list please see over the page.
- or two of the original documents in either combination one or two included in List 2. Please see over the page.
Should the surname differ on either document, in the combination, a further document to explain the reason for this should be supplied. This could be a marriage certificate, divorce document, deed poll, adoption certificate or statutory declaration.
Please note that a document from combination one can not be mixed and matched with one of the documents from combination two.
Should you require assistance or advice regarding the documents that are required please refer to either the Home Office website – or contact the Human Resources Department on ext 2057.
Please note that the University is required to carry out this check before your employment commences and in any event cannot authorise any payment to you until one of the above documents have been received.
The submitted document/s will be copied for your personal file and the original returned to you by recorded delivery immediately.
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
List 1.
- A United Kingdom passport describing the holder as a British Citizen or as a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies.
- A national passport or national identity card showing that the holder is a national of a European Economic Area country or Switzerland.
- A residence permit issued by the Home Office to a national from a European Economic Area country or Switzerland.
- A Passport or other document issued by the Home Office which has an endorsement stating that the holder has a current right of residence in the United Kingdom as the family member of a national from a European Economic Area country or Switzerland.
- A passport or other travel document endorsed to show that the holder can stay indefinitely in the United Kingdom, or has no time limit on their stay.
- A passport or other travel document endorsed to show that the holder can stay in the United Kingdom: and that this endorsement allows the holder to do they type of work you are offering if they do not have a work permit.
- An Application Registration Card Issued by the Home Office to an asylum seeker stating that the holder is permitted to take employment.
List 2.
Combination One
1. A document giving the person’s permanent National Insurance Number and name. This could be a P45, P60, National Insurance card, or a letter from a Government agency.
Along with one of the following
- A full birth certificate issued in the UK, which includes the names of the holder’s parents.
- A birth certificate issued in the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man or Ireland.
- A certificate of registration or naturalization as a British Citizen.
- A letter issued by the Home Office to the holder which indicates that the person named in it can stay indefinitely in the UK, or has no time limit on their stay.
- An Immigration Status Document issued by the Home Office with an endorsement indicating that the person named in it can stay indefinitely in the UK, or has no time limit on their stay.
- A letter issued by the Home Office which indicates that the person named in it can stay in the UK, and this allows them to do the type of work being offered.
- An Immigration status document issued by the Home Office with an endorsement indicating that the person named in it can stay in the U, and this allows them to do the type of work being offered.
Combination Two
1.A work permit or other approval to take employment issued by Work Permits UK.
Together with either
- A passport or other travel document endorsed to show that the holder has current leave to enter or remain in the UK and is permitted to take the work permit employment in question.
- A letter issued by the Home Office to the holder confirming the same as above.
The University includes all new teaching employees in the Teachers’ Pension Scheme from their date of appointment. The Teachers’ Pension Scheme is available to all teaching staff, whether permanent or temporary, full or part-time (including Academic Tutors).
You have the right to opt out if you wish, however the University would strongly advise that you seek advice about your pension provision before making your final decision.
If you decide that you do not wish to join the Scheme, please indicate this on the enclosed ‘Personal Details’ form. Alternatively, contact Payroll on the number below.
Please note the following:
- After 1st January 2007 part-time teaching staff who join the University or change from full-time to part-time are automatically included in the pension scheme unless they opt out.
If you have been part time since before 1st January 2007 and were not a member of the TPS before that date then you will need to opt in if you want to join the scheme. Please inform Payroll.
- If you are currently contributing to either a personal pension scheme or a stakeholder pension scheme, and wish to continue to contribute, there are certain conditions which may affect your eligibility to join TPS. Please contact TPS for advice if this affects you.
- If you are a member of the Teachers Pension Scheme with another employer whilst working at the University of Sunderland, this may affect your pension provision; for example should you choose to opt-out of the pension scheme this would affect both employments.
As per Teachers Pensions Regulations it is the responsibility of the individual to notify the employer of any personal changes in circumstances that may affect their pension status.
- If you wish to transfer pension rights into TPS from a previous pension scheme, you must apply to do so within 12 months of joining TPS.
- If you are over the age of 75 you are ineligible to join the scheme.
For further information about TPS, please contact:
Capita Teachers’ Pensions
Mowden Hall
Telephone: (0845) 6066166
Or contact Payroll on (0191) 515 3177
or see the Human Resources web site:
The University includes all new teaching employees in the Teachers’ Pensions Scheme and all new non-teaching employees in the Local Government Pension Scheme from their date of appointment.
If you do not wish to join the TPS or LGPS for any reason then you may at your own discretion choose to opt out and make alternative pension provision.
The USS is one alternative option available to all non-teaching staff, whether permanent or temporary, full or part-time.
Entry to the scheme is optional and the University would strongly advise that you seek advice about your pension provision before making your final decision.
If you decide that you do not wish to join the Scheme, please indicate this on the enclosed ‘Personal Details’ form.
Please note the following:
- If you are over the age of 60, you are ineligible to join the scheme
- If you are currently contributing to either a personal pension scheme or a stakeholder pension scheme, and wish to continue to contribute you would not be eligible to join USS.
- If you wish to transfer previous pension right into USS from a previous pension scheme, you should apply within 2 years as time limits can be applied in certain situations.
For further information about USS please contact:
In writing:
Liverpool L3 1PY
Telephone: 0151 227 4711
Or contact Payroll on (0191) 515 3177
or see the Human Resources web site: