Butler Collaborative for Families

General Membership Meeting

April 12, 2012

The mission of the Butler Collaborative for Families is to build a unified and integrated network of services buy using a multiple agency approach to break down barriers and strengthen the system of care for the children and families of Butler County.

Welcome and Introductions - Everyone introduced themselves.

Approval of the March General Membership Meeting minutes where made by Jill McDonald and seconded by Janet Elder.

Presentation – United Way 211 by Lesile Osche – Introduced the 211 system, the system is for residents through out Butler county and surrounding counties. Resident can call 211 and ask for information regarding other social services or try to locate a social service that can help them. The 211 system is open 24 hours a day. Providers are advised to access the 211 system and review the agency information. Good idea to call for assistance in making changes to the agency information.

BCF Mini – Grants Updates

Presentations from last year’s grantees.

Media Awareness for Parents and Professionals- Laurie KublIi- Held a presentation on online predator’s .With the money the received they want to continue to provide sources of information to the community.

Project Action- Rick Eagle- Started a family fitness program called Project X, 9 sessions of personal health plans and goals. 20 people participated. This fitness program was run by Penn State Extension. Some of the money was used for environmental scholarship funds and to help with a boat tour of Moraine.

Will be awarded next month

Subcommittee/Ad – hoc Committee Reports

A. Budget and Finances – 21,760.00. 7,323.00 in designated funds. Developed a fund for reserve. Everyone in favor. Deb and Elan Walter-Lewis approved.

B. Resource and Development – April 20th – Red Cross 1st Aid & CPR - $55

(register online through the BCF training and events calendar). 7 are registered at this time. There has been trouble with paying online so you can pay at CCR or send a check to them.

C. Integrated Children’s Services – Human Services 101 identified 10 training. More info on Speed Dating training in May. Many identified an area for more information on Aging Resource Center.

D. Drug, Alcohol, and Tobacco Coalition (DATC) – There is a meeting next month and they did not meet for this month.

E. Family Advisory – They are meeting April 30th at 10:30 AM

F. Youth Advisory (YINO) – Mentoring- Classified what makes a mentor. Kids talked about what they need- situational. Came up with original categories will meet on the 30th from 8:30 am – 11:30 am at Monarch Place.

G. Family Development Credentialing (FDC) - Is coming to the end of the series.

Grant Opportunities

Agency Updates- Week of the Young Child is having an expo at Clearview Mall and is in need of volunteers.

Butler First Step – New site for kids aging out of the system with how to info.

Kudos – For CCR sponsoring Drug and Alcohol Free bowling night.

For the Good of the Order

Next meeting date – Thursday May 10th, 2012
