BCN 2230

Building Construction Materials and Methods

CATALOG DESCRIPTION: BCN 2230 Building Construction Materials and Methods (4) (A.A.). Four hours lecture per week. This course is designed to teach the principles and practices of light construction. Building layout, form work for concrete, concrete placing, block and frame, stair building, roof framing, and exterior and interior finished are some of the topics to be covered.


At the successful completion of this course, the student should be able to:

1. Demonstrate the ability to understand layout and marking tools, leveling and plumbing tools, handsaws and chisels.

2. Demonstrate competence in understanding footings and their methods of construction.

3. Understand the methods of layout and construction of concrete slabs.

4. Identify and define the component parts of western and balloon frame construction.

5. Understand the components of a frame wall.

6. Identify the different types of block shapes and mortar types.

7. Be familiar with truss and roof construction.

8. Be familiar with all types of hurricane supports.

Date of last review: 2/11/02

Date of last revision: 2/11/02