Parent Fair

Tuesday – March 25, 2014

6:30 – 8:30 p.m.

Stevenson High School – Auditorium

33500 Six Mile – Livonia

An evening full of helpful information for PARENTS

Parents can select twoof the following sessions to attend – each is 50 minutes long

Key:(E) – For Elementary Parents, (M)–For Middle School Parents, (H) – For High School Parents, (A) – For All Parents

1. Anxiety in Children and Teens (A) – Kathy Weaver, Elementary Student Assistance Provider – Anxiety is a normal reaction to stress and can be helpful is some situations. For some, however, anxiety can be excessive and negatively impact daily living, relationships with family and friends, and it can interrupt functioning in school. Anxiety disorders affect one in eight children. Untreated anxiety can place young people at higher risk to perform poorly in school, miss out on important social experiences, and engage in substance abuse. During this session, parents/guardians will become familiar with the signs of anxiety in children and teens, how they can help, and how to partner with the school.

2. Financial Considerations for Your College Bound Teen (H) – Lori George, Guidance Counselor – Participants will learn about resources for financing post secondary education. Information about the cost of colleges, cost comparisons, opportunities for scholarships, and tips on filing the Free Application for Student Aid (FAFSA) will be presented.

3. Helping Your Child Deal with Mean Teasing and Bullying (E)– Vicki Dwelley and Julie Juenemann, Elementary Student Assistance Providers – Practical tips will be shared for helping your child when they are being teased or mistreated by peers. The school district’s policy on bullying will also be discussed.

4. “Hey, the neighbor kids are using opiates!” (M,H)– Bob Douville, Student Assistance Provider (retired) – Prescription medications, painkillers, heroin, etc. The questions of how and why have they become so popular and available to the kids in our community will be explored. Information on how these drugs affect our children, our families and this community will be shared. Parents can have a strong effect on whether or not their kids will try and/or use these drugs and preventive measures will be discussed.

5. Lots of Firsts: Secondary Transitions (Upper E,M,H)– Tracey Hammaren and Janette Mow, Guidance Counselors – The goal of this presentation is to help parents understand the transitions that students experience as they move from upper elementary to middle school and from middle school to high school. Various resources will be provided.

6. Parenting the Digital Student (A)– Sheila Hoetger and David Mitchell, Middle School Teachers – Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter,, Instagram, Vine, Pinterest. Do you know what these are and if your son/daughter is using them? This session is for parents of all ages who are interested in learning more about the various social media apps and/or sites that students are using. The session will include students that will give us a “peek” into their world and explain how today’s students are using these tools, because let’s face it, they ARE the experts. This will be more of a discussion rather than a presenter-led session, so bring your concerns, questions and ideas. After all, we’re in this together!


7. Parent/School Communication: Using Parent Connect, Teacher Email and Other Useful Tools (A)- Ben Dewey, Middle School Teacher – This session will explore using the tools in Livonia Public School’s Parent Connect System. We will explore checking grades, lunch accounts, email alerts and other critical spots on the district website will be explained. The when, what and how of contacting teachers and other school staff will also be discussed.

8. Supporting Student Success with Online Resources (M,H) – Jim Miller, Guidance Counselor – This session will present a brief overview of internet sites and resources that can be used to support student learning. A brief overview of academic support through Khan Academy, and others will be included. An introduction to sites geared toward academic enhancement will also be included. This is geared towards parents with students in grades 7-12, but of course anyone is welcome.

9. Supporting Students with Limited Attention and Focus: A Parent’s Guide to AD/HD (A)– Elizabeth Jaworski and Angie Finkbeiner, School Psychologists – This presentation is intended for parents with students of all ages. We will present the diagnostic criteria for AD/HD, the impact of inattention on school performance, and intervention and treatment options.

10. What to Do When Your Child is Struggling in School (A) – Jacalyn Sanders, Elementary Teacher – Your child is struggling in school and you don’t know why. The presenter will share her own experiences not only as a classroom teacher and learning specialist, but as the parent of two children who both faced significant learning challenges. She takes an honest look at the root of academic concerns, including physical, social, emotional and intellectual factors. She will show parents how to tap into both general and special education services in order to find the necessary support.


The two sessions I would like to attend are: # ______and # ______

To register:

Click Here


Call: 734–744–2660 ext. 48157



Registrations appreciated by March 20, 2014

Sponsored by the Livonia Public Schools Student Assistance Providers