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The purpose of supportive services is to help students complete the program and overcome obstacles that hinder them from their successful future. Any students who seek supportive services must ask their case manager. The Case Manager must request an approval from the YouthBuild Program Manager if it requires money. See the following for documents that need to be filled out in order for a student to receive certain supportive services.

1. Transportation

a. Students must speak with their Case Manager about transportation issues. If they live in a distant city and/or do not have transportation to attend the program, the Case Manager must help either by providing the student with a bus card or van shuttle pick up. This will be determined on a case by case basis and resource availability.

2. Substance Abuse

a. Any staff member who suspects a participant is struggling with substance abuse must consult with the participant’s case manager/counselor. The case manager would then refer the participant over to a Substance Abuse Counselor – Trinitas Treatment Center.

b. Any participant who seeks out substance abuse services may do so by consulting with their case manager/counselor.

3. Mental Health

a. Any staff member who has reasonable reason for a participant to receive mental health services may refer the participant to the on-site therapist provided by Trinitas.

b. Participants may request these services through their Case Manager.

4. Anger Management

a. Anger management courses are available to all participants at the BND/YBE site or out sources to a certified counseling institution.

b. Participants may request these services through their Case Manager.

c. If court mandated, participants must speak to the courts to verify that the BND/YBE or outsourced anger management courses is acceptable.

5. Healthy Relationships

a. Healthy Relationship courses are available to all participants at the BND/YBE site.

b. Participants may request these services through their Case Manager.

6. Daycare

a. BND/YBE does not provide daycare, however, during academic hours; participants may bring their children during emergency situations.

b. Participants may request these services through their Case Manager.

7. Housing

a. BND/YBE has resources available for housing through the Comprehensive Emergency Assistance System and Continuum of Care (CEAS/CoC) Agencies such the Community Access, the Salvation Army & the YMCA.

b. Participants may request these services through their Case Manager.

8. Tattoo Removal

a. BND/YBE direct students to resources available for tattoo removal if requested.

b. Participants may request these services through their Case Manager.

9. DMV

a. Any participant who needs a NJ ID, may request a DMV form from their Case Manager or be taken to the DMV to obtain said ID.

10. Food Bank

a. BND/YBE has resources available for food through various sources.

b. Participants may request these services through their Case Manager.