San Joaquin Delta College
Maria Bernardino, Director of Purchasing
5151 Pacific Ave.
Stockton, CA 95207
Fax 209-954-5601
April 11, 2007
RFP 07-006
San Joaquin Delta College is requesting proposals from qualified agencies to provide ASL Interpreting Services. The term of the service contract will be for one year, effective July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2008, with the option to renew one additional year. Renewal option will be at the discretion of the District.
The services will be provided on an “as-needed” basis throughout the year and will be coordinated by the Interpreter-Coordinator, under the Disabled Student Services Department. Interpreting services will be provided on the Delta College campus in Stockton, California unless otherwise specified by request. The District may qualify more than one firm to provide the interpreting services. However, priority will be given to the firm providing the lowest hourly rate. If for some reason, the firm cannot provide all of the necessary interpreters or cannot provide them within the required time, the firm who was qualified as the second low bidder will be asked to provide the services. The same process will be followed for the rest of the qualified firms. A yearly purchase order will be issued, to the individual firms, for billing purposes.
The College reserves the right to cancel or change the term of the service contract with a 15-day written notification. Termination justifications may include but not be limited to the following: Non-performance and funding issues or contract term expiration.
This RFP, the Proposal and the General Service Agreement will become the official Service Agreement. The SJDC Contract Language will supersede any other contract language.
Interpreters Used in this contract should have the following:
1. Educational interpreting experience at the post-secondary level. Preferable with AA/AS Degree or higher.
2. Agency will comply with Certification by RID.
3. A flat hourly fee must be charged for the same class when there is a semester-long assignment.
4. A schedule of the regular dates for interpreting services will be provided to the agency in advance.
5. Two-hour minimum will be based on “per day” assignment, not “per class” assignment.
6. To the extent possible, the agency will assign the same interpreter to the same student/class assignment, to ensure continuity and consistency of service.
7. If/when the student “no shows” for a class or the assignment ends early, the assigned interpreter will report to the SJDC Interpreter-Coordinator for another possible assignment at that time.
8. The assigned interpreter will report ANY irregularities that occur in the class (or with the student) directly to Interpreter-Coordinator, i.e. announced absence of student or instructor; cancellation of class; habitual tardy by student, etc.
April 11, 2007 Release of RFP
April 18, 2007 Due date to submit written questions/clarifications regarding the proposal. Questions must be submitted in writing to Maria Bernardino, Director of Purchasing via fax at 209-954-5601 or
e-mail at
April 24, 2007 Last day to issue Addenda
April 30, 2007 Proposals due date. Must be received before the end of business day (5:00 p.m.)
Firms desiring to be considered for this service shall submit, as a minimum, the following information in their proposals. Proposals should be submitted in one (1) original and two (2) identical copies.
· Billing rates for each classification or levels of interpreting services of employees proposed, i.e. lower rate for less qualified/experiences personnel.
· Information on their firm (size, specialties, permanent employees, etc.) in descriptive terms
· Resumes for key employees to be employed on proposed service.
· List of recent job references of (past three years) services of similar scope.
· A copy of your Professional Insurance and appropriate license to do business in the State of California will be requested prior to awarding the contract.
· A copy of the Worker’s Compensation and Liability Insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 per single occurrence, $1,000,000 general aggregate and identifying San Joaquin Delta College, officers, agents and employees as the “Additional Insured”.
The Contract will not be issued until the above requirements are met.
Proposals must be submitted to the Purchasing Office at San Joaquin Delta College, 5151 Pacific Avenue, Stockton, CA 95207 by the end of business day on Monday, April 30, 2007. San Joaquin Delta College reserves the right to waive any informalities or irregularities and to reject or award any or all proposals.
If you have any questions regarding this invitation, please contact Maria Bernardino, Director of Purchasing at (209) 954-5065.
SJDC-RFP N0. 07-006