The Cash Learning Partnership (CaLP) is a global network of actors engaged in policy, practice and research within cash transfer programming (CTP). Formed of a community of practice including over 150 organisations and more than 5,000 individuals in the humanitarian sector and beyond, the CaLP is based on learning, knowledge sharing, networking and coordination around the appropriate and timely use of CTP in humanitarian response. The CaLP believes that when appropriately incorporated into humanitarian response planning that includes access to goods and services, CTP presents opportunities for effective and efficient programming to meet the needs of people and communities affected by crises. With the number, scale and complexity of humanitarian crises increasing, CaLP acts as a catalyst for positive transformation within the cash community of practice.
CaLP originated from the international community’s determination to gather lessons learnt from the 2005 Indian Ocean Tsunami emergency response. CaLP’s development over its first decade has been supported by a Steering Committee of member organisations composed of Oxfam GB, Save the Children, Action Against Hunger / ACF International, the Norwegian Refugee Council and the British Red Cross, recently replaced by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) as representative of the wider Red Cross / Red Crescent movement.
To better reflect the strategic intent of the CaLP, the governance structure now consists of a Board of Directors which will be supported by a Technical Advisory Group (TAG). While the Board provides leadership at a senior strategic level, ensuring organisational buy-in, commitment from members and external influence, the TAG will provide cross-sectional representation, support the substantive work of CaLP, and ensure that high standards and field linkages are maintained.
The Strategic Review of the CaLP (2014) confirmed that, in order to be more representative and to have greater leverage and influence, CaLP should expand its membership to include a diverse range of members with experience in CTP.
Consequently, as of 31 July 2015, the CaLP is initiating an open call for membership to deepen the level of participation within the community of practice. The CaLP Membership will be open to members from diverse backgrounds, including non-governmental organisations (NGOs), donors, UN agencies, academic institutions, independent experts, private sector actors, humanitarian networks, inter-agency initiatives and National Disaster Management Authorities.
Members also have the ability to apply for membership to the Technical Advisory Group and/or express their interest for a position on the Board of Directors according to the specific application criteria. The Board will be comprised of a total of 13 members, meanwhile, the Technical Advisory Group will be comprised of a total of up to 20 members (in addition to advisors on specific issues). Additional information regarding each group, including detailed information on roles & responsibilities, expectations, criteria for membership, benefits and other information, is available in the Terms of Reference (ToR).
Prospective organisations and independent experts[1] wishing to become a member of the CaLP are invited to complete and submit the “CaLP Membership Application Form” by 18 September, 2015 to in order to be considered for membership in 2015. CaLP reserves the right to phase applications based on number of applications received. Applications received after 18 September, 2015 will be considered by the Board on an ongoing basis.
Applications will be assessed on the basis of the applicant’s profile in cash transfer programming as evidenced by the membership application form, as well as the applicant’s alignment with CaLP’s vision, goal and principles.
Once submitted via email, a CaLP representative will normally confirm receipt of your application within 7 working days.
Please be advised:
CaLP may request applicants to submit the following documentation as necessary – proof of current legal registration, proof of social corporate responsibility / humanitarian principles or equivalent, most recent organisational annual report, including audit information.
Any inquiries related to this application process may be directed to CaLP at .
Part I: Applicant’s Background and Details – FOR ALL APPLICANTS
Basic Information / Name of applicant/organisationCategory / Non-Governmental Organisation
United Nations
Donor Community
Private Sector Actor
Other (please specify):
Address (City/State/ZIP/Country)
Phone Number (mainline including country codes)
Overview / Date of Organisational Establishment
Mission Statement
Primary Continents/Countries of Operation
(within the last 5 years, including approximate financial and personnel volume per region/country, as applicable)
Areas of expertise e.g. WASH, Food Security and Livelihoods, Conflict and Recovery etc. (sectors and contexts)
Leadership & Administration / Organisational President or CEO (as applicable)
(country, date and registration number)
Approximate Annual Financial Income
Personnel Capacity
(total number and type of staff groups employed e.g. programme, policy, communication, etc.)
Participation in other Networks
(name of group and dates of participation)
Participation in other Boards of Directors
(name of group and dates of participation)
Contact / Organisational Focal Point for CaLP Inquiries
(name and position/title)
Phone Number
Fax Number
Part II: Experience, Alignment and Value-Added
Cash-related Capacity and ExperienceApplicants’ Cash Transfer Programme (CTP) Capacity / Number of total years of CTP experience:
0-2 Years
2-5 Years
5-10 Years
10+ Years
Within the following sectors:
Food Security & Livelihoods
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
Other (please specify):
Within the following functions:
Other (please specify):
Within the following programming phases:
Rapid onset
Recovery/ Rehabilitation
Slow onset
Other (please specify):
Experience with Cash Transfer Programming Interventions
(Please specify 3-5 recent experiences, including time period, country/region, percentage of budget dedicated to CTP, number of personnel implementing CTP, total beneficiaries, CTP modality, sector and objectives)
Additional details may be provided as attachments to this application (as appropriate). / (1)
Most Influential cash-related Publications
(Please cite title, date, author and website link) / (1)
Engagement and Alignment with CaLP
Previous engagement with CaLP (if any)
Note: Prior participation is not a criterion for membership.
Internal Policy Alignment with CaLP
Please give example of how your organisational internal policy would support membership of CaLP
Contributions to the CTP Community of Practice
Please specify any (1) operational procedures, (2) tools, (3) ways of working dedicated to CTP within your organisation / (1)
Ability to share resources with the CTP Community of Practice via CaLP / YES / NO If no, please explain:
FOR ORGANISATIONAL APPLICANTS ONLY FROM HERE, if you are not an organisational applicant you can proceed to Part IV below. THANK YOU!
Part III: Organisational Resources, Capacity and Drive
Organisational Resources, Capacity and DriveOur organisation is willing and able to:
Host CaLP staff over the long run. / Yes / No
Please explain:
Respect the autonomy of CaLP, allowing it to function largely independently of our organisation’s own global, regional or country policies and practices, including when these may be in conflict (i.e. on advocacy related matters). / YES / NO If no, please explain:
Demonstrated capacity to raise/contribute multi-year funding for a partnership like CaLP. / YES / NO
If no, please explain:
If yes, please give example:
Promote CaLP and assist in CaLP communications. / YES / NO If no, please explain:
Part IV: Technical Advisory Group (TAG) – Specific Questions
If you do not intend to apply for the TAG, please skip this section and proceed to Part V below.
CRITERIA FOR TAG MEMBERSHIPAbility to provide current expertise to the TAG in the following Sectors / Functions / Programming Phases (please select all that apply): / Sectors of current expertise:
Food Security & Livelihoods
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
Other (please specify):
Functions of current expertise:
Other (please specify):
Programming Phases of current expertise:
Rapid onset
Slow onset
Recovery / Rehabilitation
Other (please specify):
Sector specialist(s) on cash transfers and markets, with linkages across the private sector, academia, community-based organisations, NGOs and policy groups. / YES / NO
If yes, please explain:
Demonstrated commitment to humanitarian principles, transparency, coordination, accountability, quality and improving performance. / YES / NO
If yes, please explain:
Proposed Technical Advisory Group Member is willing and able to:
Participate in at least one Technical Advisory Group face-to-face meeting per year, regular email conversations and ad-hoc conference calls. / YES / NO If no, please explain:
Chair or co-chair technical working groups on a defined topic within area of expertise. / YES / NO If no, please explain:
Provide detailed inputs related to the individual’s area of technical expertise[2]. / YES / NO If no, please explain:
Motivation & Vision
Participation in other Technical Advisory Groups
(name of group and dates of participation)
Motivation for CaLP TAG Membership
What additional skills/expertise/resources would you bring to the TAG?
Vision for the Future of CaLP
(Please describe how, if selected as a member of the TAG, your organisation / you would envision contributing towards the growth of CaLP/institutionalization of CTP over the next 2-5 years.)
CV of Technical Focal Point for TAG and
Other Technical CVs Across Sectors/Functions
Please submit the CV of the:
1) Proposed Technical Focal Point to attend the TAG
2) For organisational applicants only: Other Technical CVs across organisational sectors/functions
Part V: Board of Directors Expression of Interest – Specific Questions
If you do not intend to express your interest to part take in the Board of Directors, please skip this section and proceed to Part VI below.
CRITERIA FOR BOARD MEMBERSHIPStrong professional background and ability to provide expertise to the CaLP Board of Directors in the following areas (please select all areas that apply): / Accounting & Financial Management
Advocacy & Policy
Human Resources
Humanitarian Operations
Legal Affairs
Other (please specify):
Commitment to humanitarian principles, transparency, coordination, accountability, quality and improving performance. / YES / NO If yes, please explain:
Proposed CaLP Board Member represents a high-level decision-making function. / YES / NO If yes, please explain:
Proposed Board Member is willing and able to:
Participate in at least two Board Meetings per year. / YES / NO If no, please explain:
Chair on a rotational basis. / YES / NO If no, please explain:
Contribute on an ad-hoc basis to the review of CaLP work pieces related to his/her area of expertise. / YES / NO If no, please explain:
Help identify and cultivate potential donors with the CaLP Director. / YES / NO If no, please explain:
Serve without compensation and sign and abide by a Conflict of Interest Statement. / YES / NO If no, please explain:
Motivation & Vision
Motivation for CaLP Board Membership
What additional skills/expertise/resources would you bring to the Board?
Vision for the Future of CaLP
(Please describe how, if elected as a member of the Board of Directors, you would envision contributing towards the growth of CaLP/institutionalization of CTP over the next 2-5 years.) (Maximum of 250 words).
CV of proposed CaLP Board of Director Representative
(Please submit the CV of the proposed CaLP Board of Director Representative to show how the individual profiles aligns with the selection criteria for the Board of Directors).
Part VI: Additional Comments
As a final step in the application pack, you are invited to submit any additional information you feel would support your application. If you have any additional comments, descriptions or narrative to support your application, please feel free to utilize the text box below.
The Cash Learning Partnership (CaLP) Membership Application Pack Page 2 of 9
[1] For independent experts, proof of legal registration will be requested.
[2] It is estimated that a work effort of approximately 1 day per calendar month will be dedicated to CaLP-related project activities (e.g. to research, review, steer the working group, support the development of a strategy, etc.) in addition to ad-hoc conference calls and the annual technical advisory group meetings.