August 5, 2013

City of Fennville

The regularly scheduled meeting of the City of Fennville was called to order in City Hall at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Rastall.

Commissioners Present: Rastall, Suerth, Cummins, Watson, Pantelleria, Brien, Machan.

Public present: Colleen Rae, Local Observer; Bob Kasten, Snowmobile club;

The pledge of allegiance was recited.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Removed under communications - 430 N. Maple St. Electricity has been restored and the generator is gone.

PUBLIC COMMENTS: Bob Kasten from the Allegan County Snowmobile Club stated that he had received a letter from our attorney and the City needs to draft an ordinance for the snowmobile trail. The clerk will work with Bob to draft an ordinance and have the attorney review.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Moved Suerth, second Cummins, to approve the minutes of the July 15, 2013 meeting as presented. Ayes: All. MOTION CARRIED. Moved Suerth, second Pantelleria to approve the minutes of the July 24, 2013 meeting as presented. Ayes: All. MOTION CARRIED.

COMMUNICATIONS: Rastall read a letter from Thomas Cooley Law School. They will offer students to do work and the work will be reviewed by attorneys at no charge. Rastall will call and see about work that could be done for the City.


Library Board Re-Appointment: Moved Pantelleria, second Brien to re-appoint Dennis Martin to the Library Board. Ayes: All. MOTION CARRIED.

Copier: Reviewed the bids. Clerk will do more comparison and bring it back to the next meeting.

FINANCIAL/PERSONNEL REPORT: Pantelleria reviewed the audit bids received. Gabridge and Co. was $10,000 cheaper than Siegfried, Crandall. Moved Pantelleria, second Rastall to contract with Gabridge for one year to perform audit for fiscal year 2013. Ayes: All. MOTION CARRIED. Pantelleria will follow up on the next EVIP with the clerk.

CITY SERVICES: Brien gave a report of the Fire Department. The fire board decided on a replacement for the clerk and they will offer the position tomorrow.

CITY PROPERTIES: Cummins reported on the park. He didn’t see where the sealant was put on. Cummins will check with Tuhacek to see what his opinion is. Pantelleria would like the dead tree at 529 W. Main St. removed.



ADMINISTRATION/DDA: Meet on Wednesday.

APPROVAL OF BILLS: Moved Pantelleria, second Rastall, to approve payment of the June bills as printed in the amount of $1,040.06 Ayes: All. MOTION CARRIED. Moved Pantelleria, second Rastall, to approve payment of the July bills as printed in the amount of $14,129.68. Ayes: All. MOTION CARRIED.

Meeting adjourned at 7:53 p.m. The next meeting of the City Commission will be held on Monday, August 19, 2013 @ 7:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia Phenix

Fennville City Clerk