MDM.Upload Device Measurements

Meter Data Management V 2.0.1 MDM.Upload Device Measurements

Creation Date: May 23, 2011

Last Updated: May 3, 201215, 2012

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Brief Description 5

Business Process Model Page 1 6

Business Process Model Page 2 7

Business Process Model Page 3 8

Business Process Model Page 4 9

Business Process Model Page 5 10

Detail Business Process Model Description 11

Test Documentation related to the Current Process 30

Document Control 31

Attachments 32

Dictionary 32

IMD Seeder Lifecycle 32

Initial Load IMD Interval Lifecycle 32

Initial Load IMD Scalar Lifecycle 32

Manual IMD Interval Lifecycle 32

Manual IMD Scalar Lifecycle 33

Measuring Component Portal 33

Device Configuration Portal - Incoming Data Shift 33

Initial Measurement (IMD) 33

Edit IMD Details 33

Initial Measurement Data Upload 33

Load IMDs Events Portal 34

Measuring Component Portal 34

Create Override IMD 34

Review IMD in VEE Ready State 34

High Quality Check Tolerance Configuration 34

Batch Program for Interval IMD Estimation Process 34

Hours configuration for Interval IMD Estimation 35

Estimate IMD Interval Lifecycle 35

Estimate IMD Scalar Lifecycle 35

How to Read and Understand Process Diagram .URM Standards. Notations 35

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Brief Description

Business Process: MDM.Upload Device Measurements

Process Type: Sub Process

Parent Process: 4.2.1 MDM. Collect and Process Measurements

Sibling Processes: MDM.Manage VEE and VEE Exceptions, MDM. Calculate Usage

This process gets initiated when the raw meter measurements are sent from an AMI/AMR Head-End System to MDM, created manually by an authorized user using MDM or when MDM automatically creates estimated initial measurements if business practice requires this. MDM pre-processes the initial measurements and initiates Head-End System specific processing

Business Process Model Page 1

Business Process Model Page 2

Business Process Model Page 3

Business Process Model Page 4

Business Process Model Page 5

Detail Business Process Model Description

1.0 Communicate and Transform Meter Read Data to MDM Format

Actor/Role: Middleware or SGG

Description: The Middleware receives the raw meter data from the head-end systems, transforms it into the format compatible with the MDM. It also adds the transformed data into a JMS queue for further processing by the MDM.

Note: There is a different set of documentation to be provided for SGG .

Group: Raw IMD Pre-Processing (IMD Seeder)

Group: Critical Validations

1.1 Determine Head-End System, Device, Measuring Component, and UOM

Actor/Role: MDM

Description: MDM initiates pre-processing of the raw meter data by performing series of critical validations. This task is the first task among critical validations. MDM attempts to read the raw data received and determines the head-end system (Service Provider), device, measuring component, and unit of measure. Based on the identified measuring component and the Head-End System, the MDM determine the type of data received.

D1-DER-SPRMC (Determine Service Provider and Measuring Component)

Process Plug-in enabled (Y) Available Algorithm(s):


Business Object (Y) Business Object

Measuring Component
Device Configuration
Head-End System (Service Provider)

Configuration required (Y) Entities to Configure:

Group: Raw IMD Pre-Processing (IMD Seeder)

Group: Critical Validations

1.2 Populate Start Date/Time & End Date/Time

Actor/Role: MDM

Description: MDM populates the Start Date/Time and End Date/Time. The system performs this task for both interval and scalar types of data.

D1-VALDR-INP (Derive IMD Date/Time Values)

Process Plug-in enabled (Y/N) Available Algorithm(s):


Business Object (Y/N) Business Object

Measuring Component Type

Configuration required (Y/N) Entities to Configure:

Group: Raw IMD Pre-Processing (IMD Seeder)

Group: Critical Validations

Group: Data Integrity Check

1.3 Adjust Date/Time in Multiples of SPI and Convert to Standard Time considering DST

Actor/Role: MDM

Description: MDM adjusts the Start Date/Time, Intervals, and End Date/Time so that they are in multiples of SPI and converts them from local to standard time considering the Daylight Savings Time (DST).

D1-DODTTMADJ (Perform Date/Time Adjustments and Undercount/Overcount Check)

Process Plug-in enabled (Y/N) Available Algorithm(s):


Business Object (Y/N) Business Object

Measuring Component
Device (Incoming Data Shift)
Device Configuration
Service Point

Configuration required (Y/N) Entities to Configure:

Group: Raw IMD Pre-Processing (IMD Seeder)

Group: Critical Validations

Group: Data Integrity Check

1.4 Check Interval Data Integrity

Actor/Role: MDM

Description: MDM performs the over count and under count check for the interval data.

D1-DODTTMADJ (Perform Date/Time Adjustments and Undercount/Overcount Check)

Process Plug-in enabled (Y/N) Available Algorithm(s):


Business Object (Y/N) Business Object

Group: Raw IMD Pre-Processing (IMD Seeder)

1.5 Determine Processing Method

Actor/Role: MDM

Description: MDM determines the Processing Method for the raw measurement data received. Depending on the type of data and Head End System, the Initial Load IMD or Manual IMD or Estimate IMD is instantiated.

D1-DER-SPRMC (Determine Service Provider and Measuring Component)

Process Plug-in enabled (Y/N) Available Algorithm(s):

Initial Load IMD (Interval)
Initial Load IMD (Scalar)
Manual IMD (Interval)
Manual IMD (Scalar)
Estimation IMD (Interval)
Estimation IMD (Scalar)

Business Object (Y/N) Business Object

Group: Raw IMD Pre-Processing (IMD Seeder)

1.6 Create IMD in ‘Error’ State and Log Errors

Actor/Role: MDM

Description: If any error occurs during any step of IMD pre-processing, the system creates a seeder record in ‘Error’ state and logs an error.

D1-LOG-SEEDR ( Create Initial Measurement Data Seeder Log Entries)

Process Plug-in enabled (Y/N) Available Algorithm(s):


Business Object (Y/N) Business Object

Group: Raw IMD Pre-Processing (IMD Seeder)

1.7 Create To Do

Actor/Role: MDM

Description: If business identifies the needs to create To Dos to report preprocessing errors and system is configured accordingly, the MDM creates a To Do entry when the MDM logs the errors. It allows Authorized Users review the error and attempt to fix the problem

D1-CRE-SEDTD (Create To Do for IMD Seeder)

Process Plug-in enabled (Y/N) Available Algorithm(s):


Business Object (Y/N) Business Object

To Do Type
To Do Role

Configuration required (Y/N) Entities to Configure:

Group: Initial Load Head-End System Specific IMD Processing

1.8 Populate Default Data

Actor/Role: MDM

Description: MDM populates the default data such as Date/Time and Time Zone based on the details from the raw meter data received from the Head End system if they are not populated.

D1-INT-SPEC (Validate Interval Initial Measurement Data Input)

Process Plug-in enabled (Y/N) Available Algorithm(s):

Initial Load IMD (Interval)
Initial Load IMD (Scalar)
Manual IMD (Interval)
Manual IMD (Scalar)
Estimation IMD (Interval)
Estimation IMD (Scalar)

Business Object (Y/N) Business Object

Group: Initial Load Head-End System Specific IMD Processing

1.9 Create IMD Record in ‘Pending’ State

Actor/Role: MDM

Description: MDM ensures the availability of common input data such as Measuring Component Identifier, Device Identifier, UOM and

creates an IMD in the pending state.

D1-IMD-COMM (Validate Initial Measurement Data Common Input)
F1-AT-RQJ ( Transition to Default Next Status)

Process Plug-in enabled (Y/N) Available Algorithm(s):

Initial Load IMD (Interval)
Initial Load IMD (Scalar)
Manual IMD (Interval)
Manual IMD (Scalar)
Estimation IMD (Interval)
Estimation IMD (Scalar)

Business Object (Y/N) Business Object

Group: Initial Load Head-End System Specific IMD Processing

2.0 Process Pending IMDs

Actor/Role: MDM

Description: System automatically initiates processing the IMD records in pending status. This step represents MDM capability to process the IMDs in batch if required due to high volume.

F1-AT-RQJ ( Transition to Default Next Status)

Process Plug-in enabled (Y/N) Available Algorithm(s):

Initial Load IMD (Interval)
Initial Load IMD (Scalar)
Manual IMD (Interval)
Manual IMD (Scalar)
Estimation IMD (Interval)
Estimation IMD (Scalar)

Business Object (Y/N) Business Object

Group: Initial Load Head-End System Specific IMD Processing

2.1 Perform Head-End Specific Mapping and Update State to ‘Additional Mapping’

Actor/Role: MDM

Description: This step takes place only if the there is a need to perform additional Head End system specific mapping. Usually this step requires customization in order to satisfy MDM and head end system specific requirements. One of the examples of such mapping is adding a prefix to a meter number to ensure it is unique.

Note: Specific algorithms that could be associated with this task are designed and developed as components of D3 and D5. (See SGG documentation for details)

Initial Load IMD (Interval)
Initial Load IMD (Scalar)

Business Object (Y/N) Business Object

Group: Initial Load Head-End System Specific IMD Processing

2.2 Calculate Pre-VEE Values and Consumption

Actor/Role: MDM

Description: MDM calculates the Pre-VEE values and consumption and prepares data for VEE processing.

D1-PRCLINIMD (Calculate Interval Consumption and Prepare IMD)
D1-PRCLSCIMD (Calculate and Prepare Scalar Consumption)

Process Plug-in enabled (Y/N) Available Algorithm(s):

Initial Load IMD (Interval)
Initial Load IMD (Scalar)
Manual IMD (Interval)
Manual IMD (Scalar)
Estimation IMD (Interval)
Estimation IMD (Scalar)

Business Object (Y/N) Business Object

Group: Initial Load Head-End System Specific IMD Processing

2.3 Update IMD to ‘Mapping Error’ State and Log Error

Actor/Role: MDM

Description: If any error occurs during head-end specific additional mapping, MDM automatically updates IMD status to ‘Mapping Error’ and logs an error.

F1-AT-RQJ ( Transition to Default Next Status)

Process Plug-in enabled (Y/N) Available Algorithm(s):

Initial Load IMD (Interval)
Initial Load IMD (Scalar)

Business Object (Y/N) Business Object

Group: Initial Load Head-End System Specific IMD Processing

2.4 Create To Do

Actor/Role: MDM

Description: Once the MDM system logs the errors, it creates a To Do entry. Authorized users are allowed to review the problem and attempt to fix the error reported by system

D1-CRE-TDNVE (Create IMD To Do for Error States)

Process Plug-in enabled (Y/N) Available Algorithm(s):

Initial Load IMD (Interval)
Initial Load IMD (Scalar)

Business Object (Y/N) Business Object

To Do Type
To Do Role

Configuration required (Y/N) Entities to Configure:

2.5 Review IMD

Actor/Role: MDM Authorized User

Description: the MDM Authorized User reviews and analyzes the pending IMD before further processed using Review Pending State IMD page.

2.6 Populate Changes and Request to Update IMD

Actor/Role: MDM Authorized User

Description: If an Authorized User decides that the pending IMD requires modifications, the Authorized User makes required changes using Edit IMD Details page and requests to update the IMD record.

2.7 Update IMD

Actor/Role: MDM

Description: MDM updates the IMD record.

D1-AUD-QTYUE ( Audit IMD Quantity Changes and Set User-Edited Flag)

Process Plug-in enabled (Y/N) Available Algorithm(s):

D1-Estimation IMD (Interval)
D1-Estimation IMD (Scalar)

Business Object (Y/N) Business Object

2.8 Request to Perform Additional Mapping

Actor/Role: MDM Authorized User

Description: If MDM Authorized User determines that pending IMD should be processed immediately and the business requires additional head end system mapping as a next step, then authorized user requests to perform additional mapping.

2.9 Request to Delete

Actor/Role: MDM Authorized User

Description: The MDM Authorized User requests to delete the IMD record in pending status

3.0 Delete IMD

Actor/Role: MDM

Description: MDM deletes the IMD Record in pending status.

Note: Once a record is deleted it is permanently removed from the system and it cannot be retrieved.

3.1 Gather IMD Requirements

Actor/Role: MDM Authorized User

Description: The Authorized User gathers all the required information required for adding an initial measurement.


Business Object (Y/N) Business Object

Measuring Component
Start and Stop Date and Time
Consumption for Scalar IMD
Intervals and respective data for Interval IMD

Configuration required (Y/N) Entities to Configure:

3.2 Submit Request

Actor/Role: MDM Authorized User

Description: The MDM Authorized User adds initial measurement data (IMD) records to the MDM application by using the Initial Measurement Upload Portal or uploading an XML document using Load IMDs/Events (XML) portal. MDM performs an audit of the IMD added.

D1-AUD-QTYUE (Audit IMD Quantity Changes and Set User-Edited Flag)

Process Plug-in enabled (Y/N) Available Algorithm(s):


Business Object (Y/N) Business Object

Measuring Component
Start and End Date and Time
Consumption for Scalar IMD
Intervals and respective data for Interval IMD

Configuration required (Y/N) Entities to Configure:

Group: Initial Load Head-End System Specific IMD Processing

Group: High Quality Check

3.3 Check for any Missing Interval Data

Actor/Role: MDM

Description: MDM checks if there are any missing intervals in the current IMD in process.

D1-HIGHQUALV (High Quality Check – Vector Band Based)

Process Plug-in enabled (Y/N) Available Algorithm(s):


Business Object (Y/N) Business Object

Group: Initial Load Head-End System Specific IMD Processing

Group: High Quality Check