Sentences for Alphabet Review
A Alligators are often found around bodies of water.
Andy ate all his almonds at lunch then back home.
All of the ants crawled around the dead grasshopper.
B Big bad Bobby went to the big bad boy’s school to play football.
Bubba went to his friend Bill’s house to play blocks.
Bernice built a big red barn out of broken boat bolts.
C Cool cats can catch cool colds once each December.
Quick classes can catch the cowardly crows quickly.
Carla caught four quick cruel ducks in the big class.
D Did Donald decide to drive to Detroit this month?
David is determined to dive from Dead Dime point.
Do you dare to divide the dollars between the daughters?
E The egg fell off the table when the Eagle landed.
Eggbert did not realize that he was an easy target.
The students at the store did not leave easily.
F Fran found five flat fish flopping in the fountain.
Forty left handed friends were baffled by the lift.
Fritz and Frank took the frozen knife to the loft.
G Giant giraffes gag while guzzling grape juice.
Gross Gary looked longingly at Gloria Ginelli.
Going to graduate training in Champagne is great.
H Here is his happy story about the hopping horse.
Hopefully she has happened onto the hourly log.
Has Harriet shopped for the thirty hot new hats?
I Is she ready to sit for the difficult examination?
Cindie will raise the flag at sunrise this Friday.
During this time I plan to visit his offices.
J Jared jumped joyfully into the jar of jelly.
James loved juicy Jolly Ranchers, so he jubilantly joined the fan club.
Jennifer jogged to the Jamestown gym to do jumping jacks.
K Kevin keeps flying kooky kites in the brisk air.
King Kenneth shook the cook in the new kitchen.
Kitsy loves the keepsake named Kama Kangaroo.
L Leo will hold the lute and Lewis will call the police.
Hal likes to call Lewis about the little black dog.
Lem laughed at the lost pilot who landed the plane.
M Mary met Margret at Millie’s house for a milk shake.
Mike may make Marty move to his monster truck today.
Mitch might move his mom into the house next to mine.
N Never eat nuts at noon in a tent when it is too hot.
Nancy was not a home nor at school since lunch.
It is not nice to not be neat when you are at work.
O Only old ogres are allowed to load the solid oil.
Oliver found the folder cloth on top of two pots.
The board was loaded on the old boat down south.
P Purple petunias are placed pleasingly in planters.
Penny perused ten poodle pedigrees to pick the perfect dog.
Pompous pinheads purposefully ruined my program.
Q The quick, quaint duck quacked in the quiet grass.
Qinghai is a quiet, quaint city in this quarter of China.
Queen Quechua quickly quieted the queasy quiz takers.
R Rod rides in the rodeo for fun every Thursday.
Running does requires resolve and preparation.
ReNae really loves gardening, reading, writing.
S Six silly sisters slid sideways on the silvery slide.
Steven sent Chrissy the list of slippery suspects.
Super typists started searching for starving artists.
T Ted tattled to Tess about her best friend’s cheating.
Teasing Timothy about his Texas twang made me twinge.
Terry tore Margaret’s tiara from her tresses and tossed it.
U Use your utility to quickly undo the caught horse.
BY unanimous vote the unbeaten team began to rebuild.
The ugly, blue umbrella was unlikely to turn the usual water.
V Vince vaulted to victory in Venice in the Italian venue.
Victor ate vegetables as Venus veered toward Versailles.
His veto is a viable solution to the very vigorous vibrating.
W Wendy wanted to know what, when, which, and why fly.
An owl knows how to fly without the wind or sound.
Which witch wandered in with a whisky wand waving.
X Xerox machines are good for making extra copies for extra xylophone players.
Oxygen can exfoliate extra wrinkles off your face next time you swim.
X ray machines are the next to be Xeroxed into Bob’s X ray report.
Y Yes, you played very well in your volley ball game.
Yesterday was too late for you to pay your gas bill.
Every boy in my class likes to play the part of Yoda.
Z Zeb the Zebra zapped the 300-ZX into the freezer.
Ezra was so zany that he zipped the sleazy zucchini in to the bag.
Zediciah was zapped up to the mezzanine with a Zebra.