WLWLSA hopes that all of our members are having a wonderful summer.

The lake looks healthy and the watershed looks healthy.

This is an overdue summary of our very successful spring meeting ‘Stewards in Motion’which was held at Pipestone Hall on June 8, 2013.

The hall was full and our 4 guest speakers were very informative and interesting.

Our featured speaker was Mr. David Trew, Executive Director of the NorthSaskatchewan Watershed Alliance. We now know how WizardLake fits into the North Saskatchewan Watershed, the history of the Alliance, and the problems that Alberta lakes are facing.

Erin Rodger, Aquality Environmental Consulting, explained the purpose, benefits and findings of our State of the Watershed Report.

Briannne Lovstrom, Program Coordinator, Living by Water project, Nature Alberta

explained what we can do to keep our watershed healthy and encourages all watershed residents to book a Homesite Consultation visit. Phone Kate Daniel at 985-3287.

Kate Wilson, Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development spoke of the very real threat of zebra mussels invading Alberta lakes. This is an aquatic invasive species which will have a harmful impact on the lake.

Harold Hofstra, our new board chairman, introduced himself and spoke on the importance of the Wizard Lake State of the Watershed Report.

Everyone who attended the meeting received their free copy of the Report,

valued at $35.

Cathy Holman made up an impressive display for herStream of Dreams project. The dream fishare featured on the NewHumbleSchool fence on Highway 795, south of Calmar. Representatives spent a day at the school, reminding and teaching students that healthy water is their environmental responsibility.

Harold Hofstra introduced fellow Board Memberswho work so hard for the sustainability of WizardLake and the Watershed:

LeVerne Ellsworth, Laverne Faulkner, Cathy Holman, Ruth Kolodychuk,

Walter Kolodychuk, Bryan Mason, Carole Ellsworth.

Blake Bartlett, Kate Daniel, Chris Daniel, Tim Purnell were unable to attend.

This year’s sponsors were B’s Septic (a $105 free septic pumpout), Grasshopper Café, County of Wetaskiwin, County of Leduc, Wizard Lake Marine, ToyotaCity (Wetaskiwin), Brentwood Ford (Wetaskiwin).

Thank you sponsors for your very generous donations for prizes.

The Land Stewardship Center provided funding for this very successful spring meeting through the Watershed Stewardship Grant Program.

Thank you LSC.

All attendees filled out a survey sheet on concerns within the watershed. They are as follows:

  • Phosphorus
  • Toilet/septic runoff
  • Sewage handling re:campgrounds (mandates should be set)
  • Illegal sewage draining into lake, due to improper plumbing
  • Closing outhouses
  • Future development
  • Water quality running into lake
  • Cattle on shoreline X 3
  • New culvert draining agriculture land into lakeX 4
  • The number of boats entering through JubileePark
  • Erosion based on volume of boats and TYPES of boats
  • Groundwater contribution and recharge areas
  • Lack of volunteers

Many of these concerns will be addressed by a State of the Watershed ReportCommittee formed with the County of Leduc, the County of Wetaskiwin,

WizardLake Stewardship and Aquality Environmental.

The following is a list of topics that attendeesrequested to learn more aboutin the future.

  • AlbertaLake Management Society (ALMS)
  • More on what individuals can do to improve water
  • Action to control watershed
  • Water quality – importance of groundwater
  • Farm land runoff pollution
  • Lake management topics
  • More on phosphorus X 2
  • WizardLake water quality
  • More volunteer options, more pictures
  • Invite County official to speak and be accountable

The general comments from the attendees were ALL very positive.

For example:

  • excellent information, great meeting, keep up good work, good speakers, everyone should attend and great job - board members.

Everyone was greeted with coffee and cinnamon buns.

A hot lunch of lasagna, garlic bread and Caesar salad was served. Also dessert.

Thank you to a new volunteer, Lee Scobie, for manning the kitchen along with

Ruth Kolodychuk, a board member.

Another new volunteer, Leona Hofstra, worked a table.

WLWLSA welcomes the following new volunteerswho put their name forward at this meeting.

They are Sheldon Andre, Diana & Brian Clemo, Benn Kilburn,

Bob & Gert MacDonald, Larry McKeever, Don Meadows, Wayne Meyers,

Rhonda Moynes, Eric Olsen, Ron Patrick, Rick & Kelly Pries,

Sandra & Bryan & Carol Senger, Brian Scobie, Audrey Stein, Linda & Karl Wilson.

There are varied interests among these volunteers and WLWLSA will contact you when the opportunity arises. Thank you so very much, as You Folks are the Foundation of a Successful Stewardship Group.

I must mention volunteers who are ongoing or have volunteered in the recent past:

Blake Bartlett, Albert Faulkner, Al Frickey, Les Holman, April Larkin, Matt Leach, Jean & Ken Litzenberger, Larry & Kathy MacPherson, Andi Pallas,

Laura & John Reichert, Archie Roberts, Larry Staples, Helen Schick, Rich Stein

If I have not included your name, please accept my apology. You may phone me (Carole) with a gentle reminder. 985-3248

We encourage members to join the Board. It is important that we have more Board Members to continue the Stewardship Association.

You will have the opportunity to sign up at the AGM this fall. The date should be posted shortly.

Please phone Harold Hofstra at 986-1823 if you can donate some time to be involved.

Check out the new website

Carole Ellsworth

August 19, 2013