Athletic Portal Instructions

New Student Athletes

-Please use Firefox to fill out portal information (other servers may not save information)

-Go to

-The portal can also be found by going to the Carson Newman athletics page,

choosing the “Inside Athletics” tab, clicking the “Athletic Training” tab, and then choosing

“Carson Newman Student Athletic Portal”)

-Athlete ID: new

-Password: new

-Create athlete information by clicking on the “Athlete Information” tab

-Along the top you will see 5 tabs. Complete the General, Insurance, Contacts, and

Athlete Forms tabs.

-Be sure to click the “Verify” and “Save” buttons at the end of each page.

-When you get to the “Athlete Forms” you will need to complete and save 6 forms:

*2014 New Student General Medicine History

*2014 New Student Orthopedic Medical History

*Assumption of Risk

*Medical Treatment Authorization

*Release of Medical Information Authorization

*Statement of Understanding and Agreement

-Please select each form using the dropdown arrow and then press new

-For the Assumption of Risk, Medical Treatment Authorization, Release of

Medical Information Authorization, and Statement of Understanding and

Agreement forms be sure to fill in:

*Date (in white box on right hand of screen)

*Sign your name (In white box at the bottom of the page labeled

“Athlete/Student Signature”, sign your name using your mouse by

clicking and dragging)

*Type name in box labeled “Signed By” and click “Sign” button.

*If you are under the age of 18 a parent must sign in the box below

*Press “Save” button at the bottom of the page

-Contact your athletic trainer with any questions you may have

Returning Student Athletes

-Please use Firefox to fill out portal information (other servers may not save information)

-Go to

-The portal can also be found by going to the Carson Newman athletics page,

choosing the “Inside Athletics” tab, clicking the “Athletic Training” tab, and then

choosing “Carson Newman Student Athletic Portal”)

-Athlete ID and Password was made when you first created profile. If you forgot your username and/or password try entering your student ID number for your username and sport for your password. If this does not work click on the “Forgot your Password?” tab. Here it will ask you to enter your email address and database. For database enter: atscn

-If you cannot figure out your username or password after these steps, contact your athletic trainer.

-Create athlete information by clicking on the “Athlete Information” tab

-Along the top you will see 5 tabs. Complete the General, Insurance, Contacts, and

Athlete Forms tabs by updating current information.

-Be sure to click the “Verify” and “Save” buttons at the end of each page.

-When you get to the “Athlete Forms” tab you will need to complete and save 5 forms:

*Returner Student Athlete Pre-Participation

*Assumption of Risk

*Medical Treatment Authorization

*Release of Medical Information Authorization

*Statement of Understanding and Agreement

-Please select each form using the dropdown arrow and then press new

-For the Assumption of Risk, Medical Treatment Authorization, Release of

Medical Information Authorization, and Statement of Understanding and

Agreement forms be sure to fill in:

*Date (in white box on right hand of screen)

*Sign your name (In white box at the bottom of the page labeled

“Athlete/Student Signature”, sign your name using your mouse by

clicking and dragging)

*Type name in box labeled “Signed By” and click “Sign” button.

*Press “Save” button at the bottom of the page

-Contact your athletic trainer with any questions you may have