Janesville Lacrosse Club

Board Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, December 19, 2007 6:00 P.M.


John Haney, President

Margery Tibbetts, Vice President

Andrew Beaumont, Treasurer

Donna Haney, Secretary

Chris Karstaedt, JLC Assistant Coach

President Haney called the meeting to order at 5:57 PM

Treasurer Update: JLC has $816.03 in its current account.

Incorporation/MALA Update: Per Margery Tibbetts, the Article of Incorporation is approved with the State and JLC officially received its EIN number. We are still awaiting approval by the State for being a “charitable organization”. MALA approved an increase of $5.00 per game for each referee for the 2008 season. The WLF passed a motion for a new training requirement for coaches called “Positive Coaching Alliance” (PCA). The training is required for all coaches for the 2008 season. The WLF has also mandated that coaches obtain a US Lacrosse Level 1 certification by the spring of 2009. The Level 1 certification is a three part process: Completion of US Lacrosse Level 1 training on line, completion of a US Lacrosse Level 1 clinic, and completion of the PCA coarse (which is required for 2008). Chris Karstaedt has agreed to complete the PCA training.

Field Update: John Haney is still exploring field options. John met with Kevin Porter who recommended talking to Denise Jensen, as she is in charge of the athletic fields for the school district. Kevin Porter said the JLC should contact the individual schools about putting up informational/recruitment flyers at the schools for 2008. He didn’t think it would be a problem.

Registration Meetings: Tentatively, JLC is hoping for January 28 at Craig High School, and January 29 at Parker High School for 2008 Season registration. There will also be a mandatory parent and player meeting and the tentative date is February 5, 2008.

Committee Update: Francene St. Michael has agreed to head JLC fundraising, and the first bowling fundraiser has been set for February 2, 2008. There was much discussion on how the proceeds will be used and the board determined that fundraising proceeds should first go towards insuring the safety of the players. The board discussed purchasing/renting a defibrillator (unless we are fortunate enough to get one donated). A defibrillator is highly recommended by US lacrosse. The board also discussed upgrading the JLC first aid kit, and paying 50% of the cost for one coach to get first aid and CPR training. The Red Cross may offer some free courses.

Equipment Decisions: John Haney talked with a representative from MMPR and they are able to replicate our jersey design from last year. The board discussed the need for “away” jerseys and decided it is a must for the upcoming season. Chris Karstaedt also suggested having tee shirts and other items made up with the JLC logo and team nickname (once decided), which would be a great fundraising idea.

Coaching Decisions: The board approved Chris Karstaedt as assistant coach for the 2008 season. Margery Tibbetts brought drafts of a code of conduct for coaches/players/parents for the board to review and we will discuss any revisions, if needed, at the next meeting. The board approved a motion requiring at least one coach be certified in first aid and CPR, and the board also approved contributing 50% of the cost for first aid/CPR training.

2008 Fees: So far, the fees for the 2008 season are approximately $185.00 per player. This assumes the purchase of two new uniforms (home and away) which may not be necessary for all players. The board is still looking at creative ways to lower the cost.

The meeting adjourned at 7:11 PM.

The next JLC Board Meeting is scheduled for January 11, 2008 at 6:00 PM in the lower meeting room at Hedberg Library.