Association of European Journalists

French section

Secretary’s report for 2015-2016

Actual board members

President : Nora Hamadi

Secretary : Fabrice Pozzoli-Montenay

Treasurer : Sylvain Lapoix

Vice-presidents : Nicolas Gros, Sophie Vaneecke, Gian-Paolo Accardo

Main points :

- Number of members

- Louise Weiss award

- Support for whistleblowers in Luxleaks affair

- Support to Euranet Plus

- Support to media projects

- Encounters

- Training and school workshop

- European days in Strasbourg

Volume of members in the French section

We have seen a steady decrease in members, caused by several factors : the reduction of media and programs dedicated to European affairs, a decrease in the numbers of journalists following exclusively European affairs, a clear disinterest of public media (Tv and Radio) for European topics (with the notable exception of the migrant crisis). Actually, the French section has decreased to less than 30 members, whom a dozen are really active in the association activities. This may lead to a lack of representativeness and reactivity.

2016 Louise Weiss prize of European journalism

The 2016 edition of Louise Weiss prize of European journalism, created by the French AEJ in 2005, has been successful, and we are working on the next edition. The French secretary for European affairs has delivered the award the 26th January. We just had the green light for the 2017 edition.

Support to Luxleaks protagonists

The French AEJ has numerous exchanges with the European commission, MEP and the journalist Edouard Perrin about the “business secret” directive and protection of whistleblowers. We gave the commission a letter stating our concerns and our position, but also informed French journalists on the realities of the new directives.

Support to Euranet Plus

Euranet plus, the European radio network, is in danger of losing its European financing. The French AEJ will support a new model of financing of this network, via the European parliament, in agreement with the Euranet Plus strategy. The end of this media network is considered to be an absurd decision both politically and on journalism work, as no private media can take charge of the work done by Euranet Plus. The current state of information on European affairs shows how much such a tool is vital for European journalism.

Meetings, press events

- Meeting with the British ambassador before the Brexit vote

- Meeting with the Romanian Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos

- Meetings with the new head of European commission representative in Paris, Isabelle Jégouzo

- Meeting with the head of main agriculture union, Xavier Beulin

- Meeting with the Turkish ambassador

- Meeting with the President Hollande European affairs advisor, Philippe Leglise Costa

Support to media projects

The French section is putting a strong emphasis on the support of media projects that have a European ambition. This support may take the form of a grant, a loan, a guarantee, a participation in a crowdfunding, and broadcasting of the project on social networks and among our personal journalists networks.

So far, three projects have been supported :

· The “Dream teen” loan, and media networking.

· The XYZ book from Cafebabel (crowdfunding and networking)

· The rehabilitation of the Albert Londres house (networking)

Events and encounters

- Screening of the movie “The Great European Disaster” (in partnership with the Maison de l’Europe in Paris)

- Screening of documentary “Should I stay or should I go” (with Arte)

- Setting up the media day for the “11th European week” in Strasbourg (24th November) with four public meeting and workshops

- 3-days workshop on European copyright debate with the IPJ school of journalism

Social networks

The French section is intensively using Facebook to promote its actions, and more than 1866 sympathisers are following our activities on the social network.

Our address :

The website has been updated by Jean-Sébastien Lefebvre :

We also have a Twitter account : @AJE_France

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AJE France – 2016 activities report