Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
September 4, 2005

From the desk of Father Cory

A neat story: In 1890, King Willem III of The Netherlands died leaving as his heir and successor his young daughter, Wilhelmina. A half-century later, as Queen Wilhelmina, she was regarded as one of the heroines of the Second World War because of her unyielding demand for Dutch freedom and human rights in the face of German aggression. She was the first woman ever to be invited to address a joint session of the US. Congress, there to express her feelings about human rights and international justice.

Wilhelmina had the good fortune of being trained in statecraft by her mother, the former German Princess Emma of Waldeck. When Willem III died, his wife, Queen Emma, was herself quite young. Under the Dutch system, Emma became regent for their daughter, Wilhelmina, until Wilhelmina came of age.

Many Hollanders wondered how a young German woman, sheltered as refined women of the time were, would function as regent or acting head of state.

As the years unfolded, she functioned splendidly. Regardless of age, Queen Emma was a very wise woman, and she passed her wisdom along to her daughter. She wanted Wilhelmina to have as normal an upbringing as possible, even though the girl was Queen of the Netherlands. So, Wilhelmina was kept out of the public eye.

On one very special national holiday, celebrating crowds massed around the Royal Palace in Amsterdam and chanted, “We want the Queen!” meaning Wilhelmina. Queen Emma felt that this once the crowd could not be denied. When Emma, dressed in her widow’ weeds, led her small daughter onto the balcony, the crowd roared. The little queen waved as her mother had taught her. The crowd cheered and sang patriotic songs. Overcome with the excitement of the moment, Wilhelmina asked her mother, “Mommy, do all these people belong to me?” The mother quietly answered, “No, dear, you belong to them.”

Wilhelmina never forgot that she belonged to the Dutch people. She was their voice. She was their guardian. Her example was their lesson. What a great example to us. In a similar fashion the Church does not belong to us, we belong to the church.

God bless,

Fr. Cory Rohlfing


Monday, September 5—8:15 am: +Emily Hruby

Tuesday, September 6—8:15 am: Communion Service

Wednesday, September 7—8:15 am; +August Lehman (A)

Thursday, September 8—8:15 am: +Deceased members of the Dominican Sisters

Friday, September 9 —8:15 am: All School Mass Living & deceased members of CCW

Saturday, September 10—5:00 pm: +George, Lillian & Jerry Skluzacek, +Ken Gilhousen

Sunday, September 11—7:30 am: +Mark Kline, +Leonard, Virginia, & Martin Zahratka

Sunday, September 11—10:30 am: +Emma Dvoracek (A obv), +Emil Petricka, Judy Petricka & Dan Kajer


Saturday, September 10—5:00 pm: Chelsea Picha, Joshua Skluzacek, Jessica Trcka

Sunday, September 11—7:30 am: Amanda Havel, Tyler Rosival, Alyssa Fogarty

Sunday, September 11—10:30 am: David Trcka, Eric Franek, Kyle Sonnenburg


Ushers for the month of September

Saturday—5:00 pm: Steve Flicek, Bob Vlasak, Carol Vlasak

Sunday —7:30 am: Betty Vikla, Randy Skluzacek, Dale Ruhland

Sunday —10:30 am: Glen Tuma, Dennis Krautkremer, Sam Prochaska


Saturday, September 10—5:00 pm: Steve Woratschka

Sunday, September 11—7:30 am: Carol Freid

Sunday, September 11—10:30 am: Susie Rabenberg


Saturday, September 10—5:00 pm: Steve Picha, Mona Woratschka, Mary Jane Grundhoffer, Melissa Barnett

Sunday, September 11—7:30 am: Jackie Foley, Bob Foley, Mary Regenscheid, Andy Regenscheid

Sunday, September 11—10:30 am: Connie Flicek, Bonnie Sery, Kim Stenzel, Paige McCrady


Weekend of August 27th and 28th $ 4,615.95
Direct Deposit 718.00

Amount needed weekly, $6,400 to meet budget.


Monday, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm to 4:30 pm,

Tuesday through Friday, 9:00 am until 12:30 pm.


For the month of September—Patti Soukup


September 4, 2005-------- Joe Velishek----$50.00


There will be a Catechetical training for all CCD teachers on Saturday, September 10th at the Holy Redeemer School. The meeting will start at 8:30 am and end at 12:30 pm. Please contact the parish house or Deb Bednar if you cannot attend.


Handicrafts Crafting

Are you interested in helping make crafts for the Parish Festival? We will have work sessions the following evenings. Everyone is welcome.

Sept. 12 6:30 church basement

Sept. 19 6:30 church basement

Come if you can. Bring crafts you want help with or just yourself and we will have materials and ideas available. Questions call Maureen Gunderson 364-8039.


CCW Anointing Mass on Sunday, October 2nd.

Church Cleaning- Saturday September 17th at 7:00 am

Members starting from N-Z are scheduled. All parishioners are welcome to help. We could use all the help we can get. Hope to see you there!

The SW Deanery of the CCW will have their Fall Institute on Wednesday, September 7th at St Anne’s School in Le Sueur. If you plan to attend and need a ride please call-Nan Washa 364-8792 or Mary Regenscheid 364-5462.


There is still time to register for our parish Little Lambs pre-kindergarten program. Space is available in the Tuesday/Thursday or Friday Little Lambs sessions. Further information/registration forms can be obtained from the school office

Do you have a four year degree but no teaching license? Would you like to become a substitute teacher in one of the archdiocesan schools? A two-day training for Guest Teachers will be held by the CEFM on September 27 and October 4. Further information is available from the HRS office.

HRS will host the first lyceum of the year on Friday, September 9th at 10:40 in the gym. Come experience “Fitness For Life” games and activities to have fun and help your general health.

Uniforms that were intended for resale should be removed from the cafeteria by September 10 or they will be donated. Thank you.


September 6—K.C. Planning Meeting 7:00 pm.

September 11—K.C. Trap Shoot will be held at 10:30 am, at the Sportsman Track Range.

September 11—Centennial Celebration and Fall Festival at Our Lady of the Prairie Church in Belle Plaine 11:00 am.

September 13—School Board Meeting 6:30 pm in HRS library.

September 14—Parish Council Meeting 6:30 pm.

September 18—Fall Festival Church of St. Canice in Kilkenny, at 11:00 am.

September 18—Fall Festival St. John Baptist Church in

Jordan. Chicken & Ham dinner 11:00 am – 3:00 pm. Quilt Auction 3:30 pm.

September 19—K.C. Meeting at 7:30 pm.

September 25—Holy Redeemer Church Festival & Polka Mass.

September 26—CCW meeting at 7:00 pm.

October 4—Mission Sewing at 1:00 pm.