143th Session Convening at the New Hope Christian Reformed Church

3642 Lake Street, Lansing, IL 60438

Tuesday, March 5, 2013 at 9:00 am

Schedule: Morning – 9:00 – 12:00; Afternoon – 1:00 – 3:30

Officers: President: David Feddes; Vice-President: Gerald Hoek

Stated Clerk: Laryn Zoerhof; Assistant Stated Clerk: Heino Blaauw

The president of Classis asks all first time delegates to read the form of subscription before the meeting and sign it prior to the convening of Classis.


1. The President of the day, David Feddes, welcomes the delegates to Classis. He reads from Psalm 85 and shares some thoughts about how God brings life and renewal among his people, and the urgent need we have for revival today. Prayer Coordinator Marj Kooy reminds us of the power of prayer and our need for the grace of God and leads us in a prayer for God’s blessing on the activities of the day.

2. The credentials are presented and the roll call of the churches indicates that the following have been delegated to attend this session of classis by their respective councils.


Cedar Lake, IN Pathway Rob Knol

Crown Point, IN - First Joel Sheeres Jamie Bogaard

DeMotte, In - Bethel Rick Vanderwal David Werblo

DeMotte, IN - First Laryn Zoerhof Bob Jonkman

Gary, IN - Beacon Light Peter Oh James Groen

Hammond, IN John Kostelyk Donald Dykstra

Highland, IN - First Rick Brouwer

Tim Huizenga

Highland, IN – New Life Bill Sytsma Jerry Kuiper Indianapolis, Hope Community Mike VandenBerg Lafayette, IN Mark Bonnes Bernard Smit Lafayette, IN - Sunrise Mark De Young David Vander Kleed

Lansing, IL - Bethel Calvin Aardsma Ivan Van Essen

Lansing, IL - New Hope Ildefonso Torres Jeff Drenth

Monee, IL - Family of FaithDavid Feddes Marc Zumhagen

Munster, IN - First Jeff Bulthuis Rich Vanden Berg

Nashville, TN - Faith Jerry Hoek Bart Spain

Peoria, IL - Family of Faith not present

Roselawn, IN - Community Joel Zuidema Butch Zandstra

Sauk Village, IL - Emmanuel Tim Koster Andy Balkema

Schererville, IN - Crossroads Com. Kris Vos Drew Brown South Holland, IL - Cottage Grove Richard Zekveld Carl Smits

South Holland, IL - FirstBen Tol Neal Van Drunen

South Holland, IL - PeaceHeino Blaauw Randy De Vries

Classis Illiana – March 5, 2013

3. The President declares classis constituted, and welcomes first-time delegates and visitors to classis.

Synodical Deputies Michael Kooy from Classis Chicago South and John Huizinga from Classis Northern

Illinois join us for the afternoon session.

4. Appointments by President

A. Devotions: End of Morning session and Noon Lunch -- Heino Blaauw

Opening of Afternoon Session – Joel Zuidema

B. Credentials – Article 41 Committee – Delegates from Community Roseland

C.. Balloting Committee – Visitors

D. Nominating Committee -- Heino Blaauw, Ben Tol, Richard Zekveld

E. Financial Requests Committee -- Andy Balkema, Tim Koster, John Kostelyk

5. Jeff Bulthuis, President of the September 19 meeting, reports that the transcribed minutes of the September

19, 2012 meeting of Classis Illiana are accurate. A motion to approve the transcribed minutes is ADOPTED.

6. New Hope CRC of Lansing, IL. has approved the retirement of Rev. Ildefonso Torres effective July 1,

2013 since he has reached the age of retirement. They request that Classis Illiana approve the emeritation

of Rev. Ildefonso Torres at our March 5 meeting, to be effective July 1, 2013. A motion to approve his emeritation was ADOPTED. We give thanks to God for the 18 years of faithful service that Rev. Ildefonso Torres has given to Classis Illiana and the CRC. Opportunity to extend words of appreciation to Ildefonso will be given prior to the noon lunch.

7. Report of Nominating Committee

The following were elected to serve another 3 year term.

World Missions – Lois Ooms

Back to God Ministries – Cal Aardsma

Synodical Deputy – Cal Aardsma

Alternate Synodical Deputy – Ben Tol

Classical Treasurer – Andy Balkema

There is still an open position for the Roseland Christian Ministries Board.

8. Laryn Zoerhof reports on his work on behalf of classis as stated clerk.

Since the last meeting of Classis Illiana, I have…

  1. Prepared and sent minutes of the September 19, 2012 meeting of Classis Illiana to the churches and others on the mailing list.
  2. Sent a notice to the churches and to The Banner announcing this meeting of classis and the deadline for agenda items to be submitted.
  3. Provided information on Classis Illiana for the 2013 Yearbook.
  4. Sent a notice to the churches about an opening on the Faith Alive Board due to the resignation of Robert Deckinga.
  5. Sent a letter from the Historical Committee and Archives of the CRC to the churches of Classis Illiana requesting anniversary booklets and overdue church records.
  6. Prepared the agenda for this meeting of Classis Illiana.
  7. Handled correspondence on behalf of classis.

8. Distributes to the delegates an invitation from Moses Chung encouraging churches to participate in

collective Watch and Pray events on either Tuesday night, April 16 or Wednesday night, April 17 as

part of the 2013 Prayer Summit. Invite others to come together to watch a keynote session

(approximately 45 minutes and posted online), followed by a time to pray.

A motion to approve the work of the Stated Clerk is ADOPTED.

Classis Illiana – March 5, 2013

9. Classical Treasurer – Andrew Balkema presents the Treasurer’s Report.

A motion to approve the work of the Classical Treasurer is ADOPTED.

10. Classical Interim Committee -- Laryn Zoerhof

1. Mark Bonnes has accepted an interim appointment to serve Lafayette CRC for 5 months.

2. Rev. Gary Schipper has moved to Grand Rapids, Michigan, and he and his wife Rosemary have

transferred their membership to the First CRC of Grand Rapids, MI. At the request of Hope CRC, the

CIC approved the transfer of his ministerial credentials to Classis Grand Rapids East.

3. The CIC approved the request of Patti Jabaay, director of The Ravines, to give a presentation on

their weekend marriage counseling program at our March 5 meeting. A couple seeking marriage

renewal can receive 15 hours of therapy with a licensed marriage counselor during a weekend stay

(Friday to Sunday) at the Ravines in Lowell.

4. Synod 2013 will meet on the campus of Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan, convening on

Friday, June 7 at 9:00 am and running through Thursday, June 13. Elders are encouraged to give

serious consideration to placing their names in nomination as representatives of Classis Illiana.

Please include your name, address, telephone, and email address on the back of the classical

credential for our March 5 meeting.

5. The CIC had two meetings with First Highland to work through some of the issues involved in their

plan to form a union church with Faith Church in accordance with CRC church order article 38g.

6. The CIC approved the request of Bonnie Nicholas, director of Safe Church Ministries, to address

Classis Illiana at our March 5 meeting. She will give an overview of Safe Church Ministries and talk

about forming a classical abuse prevention team. She will also be speaking to Classis Northern

Illinois on March 2. This report will be given at another classis meeting.

7. Joel Zuidema was appointed to serve as the counselor for Sunrise CRC, Lafayette.

8. One of the churches of classis is considering the possibility of extending a call to a husband-wife team

who will be candidates for the ministry in June 2013. They asked the CIC about the position of

classis with regard that only male delegates can be seated at classis, there are no rules restricting who

can be examined and approved for the ministry of the Word. The CIC informed the church that if

they desire to proceed in this direction, they should put this question on their classical credential so

that the entire classis can address this issue. Delegates to the March 5 meeting should be prepared to

engage in a discussion on this matter if it is included on their credential.

9. The CIC reminds classis that two study reports coming to Synod 2013 are available for study and

reflection – one dealing with Diversity in Leadership and the other dealing with the Office of

Deacons Task Force Recommendations..

10. The CIC calls attention to two books that should be useful to churches searching for a new pastor.

They are Beginning Life Together by the Alban Institute and More Than a Search Committee by

Pastor-Church Relations.

11. Approved the Ministerial Credential and transfer of Rev. Sam Hamstra to Classis Northern

Illinois and the Elmhurst CRC. Rev. Sam Hamstra is doing some seminary teaching and consulting

work with churches.

A motion to approve the work of the classical interim committee is ADOPTED.

Classis Illiana – March 5, 2013

11. Classical Home Missions Committee

a. Kris Vos speaks about the vision of Classical Home Missions for planting new churches.

CHMC: Kris Vos, Cal Aardsma, Barbara Leep, Jamie Bogaard, Peter Kelder, Joel Zuidema, Jeff Bulthuis, Harley VerBeek and Marj Kooy

Our team welcomes: Harley VerBeek, Jeff Bulthuis and Joel Zuidema.

As a team our mandate is to work in conjunction with denominational Home Missions in our region. Here are the priorities we passionately pursue together:

  • Multiply New Churches and Campus Ministries
  • Cultivate Diverse Missional Leaders
  • Helping Churches Discern Their Place in God's Mission

We hope these priorities shine through in this report!

Church Plants: (We recommend that the following be given the privilege of the floor.)

Fresh Word Ministries – Ed Rockett

Hispanic Ministry – Arturo Olguin

Illiana Cluster: For the past year a group of pastors in our classis has been meeting with this stated purpose: The Illiana Cluster exists to mobilize our churches to plant diverse churches.

Attached is a covenant that the cluster recently drafted. Additional rationale for an urban church plant will be presented on the floor of classis.

Regional Ministry - Crosspoint Strategic Network:

  • KEZ: There has been recent conversation with Home Mission and the RCA about organizing an Apprentice Kingdom Enterprise Zone that would unite RCA and CRC church planting efforts in our region. We are still in the conversation stage and will be seeking classis wisdom as we proceed.
  • Deeper Journey: Deeper Journey launched with a great attendance from our region.
  • Open Forum: Our urban team recently sponsored an Open Forum at Ebenezer CRC and they are anticipating an Evangelism Convocation in May.
  • Discipleship/Small Group Event: We had a great turn out for this event. It was helpful in training those interested in growing discipleship and small groups.
  • Church Planters Retreat: Building off the great momentum of the event last year we continue to provide care and training for our planters on the front lines.

Denominational Home Missions: Moses Chung continues to champion prayer across our denomination with regional summits coming soon. The Home Missions team continues to recruit, assess and train church planters.

Intervarsity: In keeping with our priority to Multiply Campus Ministries we are happy to continue our support for the work of Christy Klippel. Christy continues to have Kingdom impact on the campus of Purdue Calumet. Christy has also expanded her leadership to include Joliet Junior College and Valparaiso University. Continue to pray for her work.

Prayer Ministry: We have growing interest in prayer for the urban centers in our region.

Budget: Our team finished the year in a healthy financial place. We continue to make efforts to bring our spending in line with current giving. The more we give as churches in Classis Illiana the more CHMC will invest in Kingdom expansion!

Classis Illiana – March 5, 2013

Illiana Cluster Covenant

The Illiana Cluster exists to mobilize our churches to plant diverse churches.

Our Values:

  • Missional Culture – to be leaders, churches and a classis with missional passion.
  • Prayer – to be completely dependent on God.
  • A Supportive Safe place – to be a place where leaders can share their joys and failures in an environment of confidentiality & trust - a life line
  • Reflecting God’s Diverse Family - to reach across common racial and cultural barriers to reflect a more enriching view of God’s Kingdom.
  • Kingdom – to transform every square inch of our cities with the power of the Gospel.
  • Leadership Development & Continued Education – to grow together in what God is doing in the church.
  • Mutually Resourcing – to pool our resources in order to accomplish far more than we could as individual churches.
  • Urban Focused – our first priority is to transform the areas around us that are highly populated, racially diverse and economically challenged.

______As churches affiliated with this cluster we will:

  1. Actively participate in regular Cluster meetings. (Most of this will be the pastor’s role.)
  2. Appoint a leader from your church to coordinate prayer efforts.
  3. Share in setting the agenda for the “continuing education” element of cluster meetings.
  4. Regular communication with your church leaders about the work of the cluster.

______As churches committed to this cluster we will:

  1. Commit financial resources toward the planting of a new church.
  2. Be open to church planters doing intern/residency work in our church.
  3. Bless those leaders from our churches who feel called to help with the church plant.
  4. Participate in the process of recruiting, assessing, training and coaching the church planter.

Check the above category that fits for you church and sign below.

Classis Illiana – March 5, 2013

Signed: ______On behalf of the Council of: ______

A motion to approve the work of the Classical Home Missions Committee is ADOPTED.

b. Race Relations Committee (sub. com. of CHMC) Heino Blaauw reporting

The Race Relations Committee is a standing subcommittee of Classis Home Missions Committee. Current members are Cal Aardsma, Heino Blaauw, Don Dykstra, Tim Koster, Ben Tol. The purpose of this committee is to help implement the Classis’ “Racial Reconciliation & Unity Statement” (adopted 2004). Since the Fall 2012 Classis meeting, the Committee met September 13 and January 10, 2013.

1. MICAH GROUP – Our committee is glad for the work of Rev. Bill Sytsma spearheading this “Preacher-Formation Group”, composed of ministers of diverse background. It is beginning in January, 2013 with 12 committed members, and possibly a couple of others. It will meet bi-monthly. Its composition varies racially, denominationally, professionally and by gender. For more information, contact Bill.


(i) Interest and contact is maintained or sought with ethnic church plants – Agua Viva, DeMotte; Fresh

Word, South Chicago. We rejoice in their work and witness.

(ii) Christian Schools – The 2004 Classis Statement includes this paragraph about our Christian Schools:

We encourage support for Christian Schools that are committed to ministering to multi-ethnic

neighborhoods and have made a commitment to racial inclusiveness. Where communities are

experiencing racial change, we urge the Christian community to bolster stability by continuing to

maintain our solid Christian Day School(s).

Classis churches and members are urged to address any matters pertinent to our Christian Schools

along these lines. Where appropriate, the Race Relations Committee too will give input.


At its next meeting, the Committee plans to discuss John Piper’s book, “Bloodlines: Race, Cross and the



At each Spring Classis meeting, a few moments are taken to consider:

(i) What MINISTRY QUESTIONS & CHALLENGES in the area of race relations has the gospel provoked in your


(ii) What MINISTRY ADAPTATIONS has your church made to better serve other ethnicities? (And at what


(iii) What MINISTRY CELEBRATIONS involving diverse ethnicities have become part of the gospel story in

your church?

Classis Illiana – March 5, 2013

The 3 South Holland Christian Reformed Churches share some of the ministries they are involved in as they reach out to people from different ethnic backgrounds in their community.

12. Emerging Churches

Family of Faith, Marquette Heights, IL – David Feddes reports on the small group of worshipers that continue to meet at Marquette Heights. He also speaks briefly about the exciting ministry of Christian Leadership Institute as they equip more and more leaders from various ethnic backgrounds for kingdom service.

Agua Viva – Arturo Olguin addresses classis with Ildefonso Torres serving as translator.

13. Home Missions Regional Leader – Peter Kelder

Peter Kelder speaks about the CRC/RCA Church Multiplication Initiative that is forming in the Chicago

area. He encourages the churches to continue their task of making disciples and multiplying ministries.

He also encourages participation in the prayer summit in April.

14. Mel Jonkman speaks on behalf of the Chicagoland Christian Counseling Center. For 40 years they have

been committed to providing counseling from a Christian perspective. This past year their therapists had

12,000 sessions in 15 locations. 2400 were given away through the generosity of individuals and churches

who support this ministry.

15. Bill Buikema reports for Providence Life Services. They own property in St. John and hope to break

ground for a new facility there in a year or two. The Pastors Masters will be held on May 15. He expresses

thanks for the financial and prayer support of the churches.

16. Lois Ooms reports for World Missions.

She speaks about the growing conflict in Africa and growth of the Christian church there in spite of

persecution. Pray for world missionaries in Africa, Egypt, Cambodia, Napol, Romania, and Bangladesh.

She is thankful for the work of Timothy Leadership Training in deepening the faith of church leaders.

Continue to support world missions with your financial gifts and prayers.

17. Church Visitors -- Laryn Zoerhof thanks the church visitors for their work of encouraging a neighboring

church as evidenced by the many reports in the agenda.

18. Regional Pastor – Herman Schutt offers his services as a support to the pastors of our classis in the