American Name Society

Thursday, 8 January


Executive Council Meeting

Room: Union Square 1 & 2

Time: 12:00-3:30 PM

Opening Session

Room: Union Square 6

Time: 4:00

Alleen Pace Nilsen (Arizona State University) and

Don L. F. Nilsen (Arizona State University), Co-Presidents

Analysis of Male Names and African American Names

Chair: Bruce Brown (Brigham Young University)

Room: Union Square 6

4:15 Bruce L. Brown (Brigham Young University)

Whitney Erickson (Brigham Young University)

Kacy Graham (Brigham Young University)

Megan Lewis (Brigham Young University)

Malvina Salash (Brigham Young University)

Jessica H. Scott (Brigham Young University)

The trends of American male given names across the nineteenth century

4:45 Bruce L. Brown (Brigham Young University)

David Gardner (Institute for the Study of Language and Culture)

Brandon Gunn (Brigham Young University)

Jose Pinon (Brigham Young University)

Angel Venegas (Brigham Young University)

Donald Walker (Brigham Young University)

The changing popularity of American male names across the twentieth century

5:15 Kem Roper (University of Louisville)

An analysis of distinctive African-American names

Patterns in Surname Choices for Women and Same-sex Couples

Chair: Donna L. Lillian (East Carolina University)

Room: Union Square 6

6:00 Myleah Y. Kerns (East Carolina University)

North American women’s surname choice based on ethnicity and self-identification as feminists

6:30 Donna L. Lillian (East Carolina University)

Surname choices of same-sex couples and their children

Sister Society Meet and Greet Reception

Room: Yosemite C

Time: 8:30 – 10:00 PM

Friday, 9 January


Dictionaries, Lexicons, and Toponymic Terminology

Chair: Thomas J. Gasque (University of South Dakota, emeritus)

Room: Union Square 6

8:00 D. Kenneth Tucker (Carleton University)

The number of surnames in Reaney’s 1958 Dictionary of British Surnames

8:30 André Lapierre (Univeristy of Ottawa)

From the lexicon to the onomasticon: French contributions to geoname terminology

9:00 Thomas J. Gasque (University of South Dakota, emeritus)

The definite article The as a toponymic generic

Personal Names in a Multi-Cultural Setting

Chair: Karen A. Duchaj (Northeastern Illinois University)

Room: Union Square 5

8:00 Susan Meredith Burt (Illinois State University)

The naming, re-naming, and self-naming of Hmong-Americans

8:30 Uri Tadmor (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology)

The unique personal names of the Onya Darat of Borneo

9:00 Karen A. Duchaj (Northeastern Illinois University)

Jeanine Ntihirageza (Northeastern Illinois University)

Form and meaning shift in naming: How one name in pre-Christian Burundi became multiple, multilingual names in modern Burundi

Toponyms on the American Landscape

Chair: Dwan Lee Shipley (Western Washington University)

Room: Union Square 6

9:45 James B. Koenig (GeothermEx)

The informal gazetteer: Names not found on American maps

10:15 Rosamond C. Rodman (Mount St. Mary’s College)

Naming a place Nicodemus

10:45 Dwan Lee Shipley (Western Washington University)

Ghost towns of Colorado: An in-depth analysis of the place names of old mining/pioneer towns of the Centennial State

Names and Their Significance in Other Cultures

Chair: Terrence M. Potter (Georgetown University)

Room: Union Square 5

9:45 Chad J. Farnes (Brigham Young University)

The evolution of naming practices in the Highlands of Guatemala

10:15 Sandra Falcon (George Mason University)

Mark S. Watson (Georgetown Preparatory School)

What Happened to María and José?: Changes in Cuban name-giving motivated by political reforms

10:45 Terrence M. Potter (Georgetown University)

What’s in an Iraqi name?

Aptronyms: Names and Vocations

Chair: Ernest L. Abel (Wayne State University)

Room: Union Square 6

11:30 Verbie Lovorn Prevost (University of Tennessee at Chattanooga)

What’s in a name? Or, an English teacher by any other name

12:00 Ernest L. Abel (Wayne State University)

Why your doctor is your doctor, and your lawyer is your lawyer

Names and Naming in Two Former Russian Republics

Chair: Edwin D. Lawson (State University of New York at Fredonia, Emeritus)

Room: Union Square 5

11:30 Bakhtigul Imomova (Université Catholique de Louvain)

Willy Van Langendonck (University of Leuven)

Comparison of the Uzbek and the Western European anthroponymic systems

12:00 Edwin D. Lawson (State University of New York at Fredonia, Emeritus)

Zinaida S. Zavyalova (Tomsk State Pedagogical University)

The Tatars of Tomsk: Russification or preservation?

Lunch – Interest Group Gatherings

Location: TBA

Time: 12:30 – 2:00 PM

Branding: Laurel Sutton (Catchword/University of California at Berkeley)

Personal Names: Ed Lawson (State University of New York at Fredonia, Emeritus)

Friday, 9 January


Invited Speaker

Room: Union Square 6

Time: 2:00 – 3:00 PM

Moderator: Kemp Williams (IBM Global Name Recognition)

Michael Adams (Indiana University)

Onomasticon Fantasticum: Names as a stylistic element in the novels of J. R. R. Tolkien, J. K. Rowling, and Philip Pullman

Name of the Year Discussion and Balloting

Chair: Cleveland Kent Evans (Bellevue University)

Room: Union Square 6

Time: 3:15 – 4:15 PM

Scientific Naming and Going Green

Chair: Laurel A. Sutton (Catchword/University of California at Berkeley)

Room: Union Square 6

4:30 Anne-Marie Laurian (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique)

Creativity in naming things

5:00 Laurel A. Sutton (Catchword/University of California at Berkeley)

Green is the new black

Place Names in Zimbabwe and French West Africa

Chair: Michel Nguessan (Governors State University)

Room: Union Square 5

4:30 Jacob Mapara (Great Zimbabwe University)

Davie E. Mutasa (University of South Africa)

Shumirai Nyota (Great Zimbabwe University)

Purposeful naming: A case of beer halls named from colonial Rhodesia to present day Zimbabwe

5:00 Michel Nguessan (Governors State University)

Toponymy development in French West Africa: Historical perspectives

American Dialect Society Word of the Year/American Name Society Name of the Year Celebration

Room: Union Square 15 & 16

Time: 5:30 – 6:30 PM

Annual Banquet

Place: Zingari Ristorante, 501 Post Street, San Francisco, CA

Time: 7:00 PM

Saturday, 10 January


Naming and Address Forms in Colleges and Universities

Chair: Saundra K. Wright (California State University at Chico)

Room: Union Square 6

8:00 Paul D. Fallon (University of Mary Washington)

Christina Kakava (University of Mary Washington)

Naming an academic institution: Language, power, and identity

8:30 Priscilla A. Ord (McDaniel College)

Naming the halls of ivy

9:00 Saundra K. Wright (California State University at Chico)

Address forms influence course ratings

Poster Session

Chair: Priscilla A. Ord (McDaniel College)

Room: Union Square 6

9:30 Peter E. Raper (University of the Free State, South Africa)

The etymology of the terms Bushman and San

Cultural, Political, and Social Naming Traditions

Chair: D. Kenneth Tucker (Carleton University)

Room: Union Square 5

8:00 Anthony Chukwuemeka Oha (Centre for Onomastic and Semiotic Research, Lagos, Nigeria)

An onomastic review of chieftaincy titles among Igbos of Southeastern Nigeria

8:30 Joshua Abiodun Ogunwale (Obafemi Awolowo University)

An anthropolinguistic analysis of Yoruba proper names

9:00 Lawrie A. Barnes (University of South Africa)

Charles Pfukwa (Midlands State University, Zimbabwe)

Churchill and Roosevelt: The politics of changing school names in Zimbabwe

9:30 Myoyoung Kim (University at Buffalo-SUNY)

How do Korean-Americans retain the Korean naming tradition in their first names?

Co-Presidents’ Address

Room: Union Square 6

Time: 10:15 – 11:15 AM

Moderator: Michael F. McGoff

Alleen Pace Nilsen (Arizona State University)

Presidential names in the news

Don L. F. Nilsen (Arizona State University)

Onomastic variation: How personal names become even more personal

Annual Business Meeting

Chairs: Alleen Pace Nilsen (Arizona State University) and Don L. F. Nilsen (Arizona State University), Co-Presidents

Room: Union Square 6

Time: 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM

Lunch – Interest Group Gatherings

Location: TBA

Time: 12:30 – 2:00 PM

Literary Onomastics: Christine De Vinne

Place Names: André Lapierre (Univeristy of Ottawa)

Saturday, 10 January


Literary Onomastics I

Chair: Christine De Vinne (Ursuline College)

Room: Union Square 6

2:00 Don L. F. Nilsen (Arizona State University)

The fantastic names in Eoin Colfer’s Artemis Fowl books

2:30 Catherine Evans Davies (The University of Alabama)

Challenging boundaries of text and of audience: The literary uses of cross-linguistic differences in names

3:00 Christine De Vinne (Ursuline College)

Thematic naming in The Transit of Venus

Names in Memorials, of Sacred Places, and on Gravestones

Chair: Emma Woo Louie (Independent)

Room: Union Square 5

2:00 Maria Palacas (University of Delaware)

Amanda Strickland (Purdue University)

Moving memorials: An onomastic study of memorial car etchings in the United States

2:30 Eve K. Okura (Brigham Young University)

Na Wahi Pana O Hawai’i: Sacred places of Hawai’i

3:00 Emma Woo Louie (Independent)

Things to learn from Chinese American gravestones

Literary Onomastics II

Chair: Herbert Barry III (University of Pittsburgh, Emeritus)

Room: Union Square 6

3:45 Grant W. Smith (Eastern Washington University)

Names, references, and meaning in Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure

4:15 Dorothy Dodge Robbins (Louisiana Tech University)

Naming Shakespeare’s sister: Why Woolf chose Judith

4:45 Herbert Barry III (University of Pittsburgh, Emeritus)

Names of actual people chosen for fictional characters in Jane Eyre

Perception of, Variables with, and Unusual Names

Chair: Cleveland Kent Evans (Bellevue University)

Room: Union Square 5

3:45 Jennifer A. Moss (

The perception of names

4:15 Zenzi M. Griffin (University of Texas at Austin)

Thomas Wangerman (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Variables associated with parents mistakenly calling their children by someone else’s name

4:45 Cleveland Kent Evans (Bellevue University)

Bad census takers: Using census records to find unusual names

Executive Council Wrap-up Meeting

Room: Union Square 6

Time: 5:30 – 6:30 PM

Linguistic Society of America: Reception in Honor of the 50th Anniversary of the Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL)

Room: Imperial Ballroom A & B

Time: 7:00 – 8:00 PM