Managing Afterschool Behavior Misbehaviors

Suggested Flow Chart

Minor Behaviors -4j Instructors & Rec leaders can deal with these.

 Inappropriate Language  Running in the hall

 Name calling  Horseplay not intended to hurt anyone

 Gum Chewing  Not following directions

 Talking out

When Minor Behavior Occur:

Instructor gives student a Reminder with a positively stated direction.

Example – “Joe, remember to walk in the halls”.

Instructor gives student a Warning.

Example – “Joe, this is a warning, walk in the hallways”.

· If student follows direction, provide positive feedback. “Joe, good choice.”

· If student does not follow directions give respectful and related consequence.

Example – Joe walks hall from starting point to ending point.

* Minor Behaviors becomes a major behavior when it is chronic or severe and instructor has been through the above steps three or more times in a week. These are referred to the Afterschool Coordinator. These misbehaviors are not on written on referral forms unless they are chronic. If an instructor is unsure of how to handle a Minor Behavior see Afterschool Coordinator for help.

Major Behaviors - Coordinators deal with these

These behaviors are always reported to the afterschool coordinator. Afterschool coordinator will report these to the principal and fill out any necessary referral slips used in the school. These behaviors may also be reported to Sharon Tabor, Gina Tafoya or Anya Steinbruck for additional assistance in how to handle these afterschool.

 Fighting  Harassment – sexual, racial

 Defiance – depends on level  Abusive Language

 Physical Aggression–Intent to hurt  Bullying

 Disruption-depends on level  Vandalism

 Drugs/Alcohol/Tobacco  Weapons