OSU K-12 Outreach Programs in Engineering, Science, and Math (Summer 2004)

Compiled by Skip Rochefort, Director, OSU Precollege Programs () and Alicia Lyman-Holt, Coordinator, OSU Precollege Programs

July, 2004

Elementery, Middle and High School Programs

Adventures in Learning

Middle School Students June 21 - July 2, 2004

Judy Michael and Sarah Tuttle, Co-Directors 100 Education Hall 541-737-1289

http://oregonstate.edu/precollege/ail/ and http://che.oregonstate.edu/gallery/AIL

Adventures in Learning combines stimulating academic and social opportunities in a fun-filled ten-day experience that exposes participants to exciting and sophisticated areas of interest not usually found during the regular school year. The program is designed for gifted, talented and creative learners who are interested in fast-paced, challenging opportunities.

Fees: $385 tuition Application deadline: March 12, 2004


Entering 4th or 5th Grade June 21 – July 2, 2004

Carol Brown, Coordinator 100 Education Hall 541-737-2670


Expeditions provides gifted, talented, and creative youth who have completed grades 3 or 4 a two-week, half-day educational experience with courses taught by experts in a variety of topics. Students are introduced to engaging, intriguing subjects in an enjoyable and nurturing environment. Fees: $195 tuition Application deadline: March 12, 2004

Winter Wonderings

3rd-5th Graders Winter

Anne Flannery 541-737-1289


Winter Wonderings offers a variety of challenging Saturday courses designed specifically for gifted, talented, and creative 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders. Participants discover new and exciting areas of study in a fast-paced learning environment with their social and intellectual peers.

SMILE (Science and Math Investigation Learning Experiences Program)

K-12 (School Year)

Eda Davis-Butts 541-737-2388


SMILE is a precollege program for Historically Under represented and other educationally disadvantaged students in Oregon. This program focuses on science and math enrichment. This program presents science and engineering challenges, teacher training, outdoor science camp and elementary science clubs to students thought out Oregon.

Saturday Academy

5th -12th grades (year-round)

Nancy Wortman, Director

Science and Math Education 239 Weniger Hall 541-737-1822 or 541-737-8139


Saturday Academy is a nonprofit community-based program, offering enriched educational opportunities, especially in science, math, and technology. Saturday Academy offers in-depth, motivating, real-world classes and workshops that supplement regular school curriculum. Classes are taught by experts in the community and held at the host business, college, or agency. Classes are small, hands-on, informal, and project-oriented. Saturday Academy is open to all motivated students. Summer tuition is usually $20-$30 per class; assistance is available, and no student will be turned away due to financial need. Summer fliers will be available in May.

Saturday Academy’s ASE Program

High School Students

Saturday Academy's Apprenticeships in Science and Engineering (ASE) Program offers high school freshmen through juniors a chance to work with an engineer or scientist for eight weeks during the summer. Students also attend workshops, seminars, lectures, and leadership classes at the Mid-Summer Conference on July 23 and 24, 2004. At a symposium in August, students will present their work in a poster session and during oral presentations at Portland State University. The public is invited. Please call 541-737-1822 for more information.

Saturday Academy Summer Computer Workshop

Middle School Students August 9 – 16, 2004

Saturday Academy will host computer workshops. The two workshops will provide opportunities to learn computer basics, Web page design and Internet searches, multimedia presentations, and animation. Plan to take any or all of the workshops. For more information, call 541-737-8139

Saturday Academy Engineering Camp

Middles School Students July 19 – 23, 2004


Saturday Academy and the College of Engineering will host an engineering camp for middle school students. Students will receive hands-on instruction in several engineering disciplines

Saturday Academy Lego Robotics Workshops

Middle School (boys) 9 - 12 noon, Middle School (girls) 1- 4pm. July 26-30, 2004

Saturday Academy and Keith Levien from the Chemical Engineering Department will host activities using the LEGO Robotics platform to introduce students to programming and design in engineering.

OSU KidSpirit Summer Youth Programs

Coordinators: Karen Swanger/Katie Ekstam (541)737-KIDS


Grades: k-8th June 14 – August 27, 2004

Learn, grow, play and have fun this summer at KidSpirit! All campers are on a daily activity schedule including sports, arts, drama, science and engineering. Junior Beavers (grades K-2) and Dam Builders (grades 3-8) have an established daily programs with variations in class offerings which include: archery, art, basketball, bowling, ceramics, gymnastics, rock climbing, soccer, swim lessons, andscience and engineering (SKIES). The camp staff emphasizes skill development, group cooperation and socialization, safety, and fun.

SKIES- Spirited Kids In Engineering and Science

Grades: K-5th (contact: )


Coordinators: Skip Rochefort (ChE Dept), Karen Swanger and Ellen Ford

SKIES is offered through collaboration by Chemical Engineering, Saturday Academy, and KidSpirit funded through a grant from the Hewlett Foundation to the OSU College of Engineering

Science and engineering activities for grades K-5 where kids will explore chemistry, physics, math, life sciences, ecology and engineering in a fun, interactive and learning environment. Science activities will be mixed with physical activities throughout the AM or PM session.

Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis and enrollment is limited. For registration forms, SKIES fees, and other information, contact KidSpirit, (541) 737-KIDS.

Science Education Partnerships (SEPS)

K-12 Teachers School Year

Dan Arp, 6-12 Committee Chair 541-737-1294


The Science Education Partnerships (SEPS) program is committed to using community scientists to help teachers provide a quality science education for all students. SEPS maintains a database of scientists, currently about 150 volunteers, who are eager to give presentations, arrange field trips, mentor individual students, and help teachers with classroom science activities. In response to shrinking education resources, teachers from the Corvallis School District and a group of scientists from Oregon State University and Hewlett-Packard developed SEPS. At the elementary level, scientist-partners have been active in classrooms with students and in helping teachers pilot new classroom materials. Middle school and high school teachers use SEPS scientists to expose students to current research and to scientific careers. Both short-term job shadows and longer mentorships with scientists provide hands-on work experience for students. In the summer of 2003 SEPS expanded its efforts to provide state of the art teacher instruction on GIS (Geographic Information Systems) and GPS (Global Positioning System). GIS For Middle and High School Teachers was offered through a collaborative effort between SEPS, the Conservation Biology Institute and Global Mapping Technology and ESRI.

Science Connections

K-12 School Year

Margie Haak, 541-737-6716


The Science Connections program is a partnership between the College of Science (COS) at Oregon State University (OSU) and Portland Public Schools (PPS). Our goal is to enhance science education in the public schools by forging connections between working scientists (faculty, researchers, and students at OSU) and PPS teachers and students. We reach this goal through activities such as classroom visits, lectures, email connections, and workshops.

Discovery Days

K-8th February 24-25 and April 20-21

Margie Haak, 541-737-6716


Natural History Discovery Days provide an outreach program for the Science Departments at OSU to share collections both live and preserved. Displays offer information about natural history, life cycles, and importance to humans. There are many things to examine and touch: snakes, amphibians, and plants to mention a few. Volunteers will help with hands on experience as well as share their knowledge about the displays, departments, and their area of expertise. Displays will offer something for all ages. There is a lot to see and enjoy.

NSF GK-12 Rural Science Education Programs

K-12 School Year

Sujaya Rao 541-737-9038


The Rural Science Education Program is a partnership between Oregon State University and local rural K-12 schools. The program places OSU students in rural schools to enrich the science curriculum with hands-on science activities. The curricula includes simple and innovative experiments that integrate advances in biotechnology and ecology to encourage critical thinking about the impacts of agriculture on the environment, and the implications of advanced scientific research on human lives.

Wave Research Laboratory Tours

K-12 (year round)

Daniel Cox 541-737-8057


The O.H. Hinsdale Wave Research Laboratory strives to expose students of all ages to engineering and research with programs such as guided tours though the wave lab. These tours, guided by knowledgeable WRL researchers, faculty, and graduate students, include an introduction to basic wave mechanics, demonstrations of the wave lab equipment and experiments being conducted in the laboratory. Tours can range from 20-45 min and the WRL will work with teachers to develop meaningful and exciting lesson plans for the tour.

High School Only Programs

Summer Experience in Science and Engineering for Youth (SESEY)

High School Students and HS Science Teachers July 11-16, 2004

Skip Rochefort () and Michelle Bothwell, co-directors, Chemical Engineering

http;//che.oregonstate.edu/SESEY and http://che.oregonstate.edu/gallery/SESEY

SESEY is primarily for high school girls and ethnic minorities traditionally underrepresented in science and engineering, and for science, math, or physics teachers who are interested in developing curricular materials to promote engineering activities in their classrooms.

Students come to the OSU campus for a one-week residential summer camp and are paired with a faculty mentor in engineering for a mini-research project in areas such as microscale technologies, plastics recycling, drug formulation and delivery, bioprocessing, microelectronics, and environmental engineering. There are also group learning activities (computer instruction, communication skills, field trips) and social activities. Students are exposed to science and engineering as viable and interesting career paths. Career counseling is provided by faculty mentors and OSU graduate and undergraduate students who work with the students throughout the week as research project advisors and friends. Students live in OSU housing, so they receive a complete college experience. The main goal for science teachers during the week is the development of engineering modules, which they create with a faculty mentor and take back to their high schools to present in science classes


9th-12th grades School Year

Kendra Mingo 541-737-8892 http://www.hydroville.org/This project provides hands on problem solving team-based units for scientific inquiry. Using the fictional town of "Hydroville" students solve public health problems. The curricula feature real-world scenarios, based on actual occurrences and real data. The Hydroville Challenge Problems deal with a pesticide spill, a mysterious illness outbreak, an indoor air quality problem, and a water quality problem. Solving the problems requires an integration of skills in several disciplines: physical science, biological science, environmental health, mathematics, social studies, and language arts. Students assume the roles of professionals on a team brought in to solve these problems. They must develop a solution based on data collected through laboratory experiments, interviews, research, and interaction with experts. The teams then formally present their solutions to the problem. Scenarios are structured to help students understand the complexity of environmental health issues and to emphasize that many real-world issues have no single correct answer.

OSU K-12 On-line

9th -12th grades (year-round)

Tryna Luton 800-235-6559 http://k12online.oregonstate.edu

OSU K-12 Online is a flexible learning program that currently includes almost 30 high school classes. Curriculum includes subject areas like English, math, science, social science, arts, technology and career learning.