1. Name ______
2. Department ______
3. Date of Full-time Appointment ______
Number of years of continuous service at DCC since initial full-time appointment (inc. current yr.) ______
Date of last sabbatical leave ______
Number of years since initial appointment or last sabbatical leave (inc. current yr.) ______
4. Academic year for which leave is requested ______
6 to 12 months at prorated pay. Requested dates: ______
One to 6 months at full pay. Requested dates: ______
5. Purpose(s) of leave:
Planned Travel:
Study: ______
Formal Education: School: ______Accepted? ______
Degree to be obtained, if any: ______
Progress to date: ______
Other Experience of Professional Value:
6. Do you anticipate any supplemental income from your sabbatical project: Yes No
If yes, explain:
7. If this application is granted, I intend to continue as a member of the College's professional staff for a minimum of one year upon return from my sabbatical leave. However, it is understood that compliance with this requirement is not always possible or to the benefit of the College. In such cases, I may request a waiver from the President by justifying in writing the reasons. In circumstances where the waiver is not requested or not approved, I hereby acknowledge and agree that I shall be required to reimburse the College for all salary paid for the term of the sabbatical leave.
I agree to submit a report of the sabbatical by the first week of October in the academic year following the leave.
Date ______Signature ______
Support your application with 1) a one or two page typed statement justifying your proposal and outlining the program to be followed, and 2) (optional) a letter of support. Submit the completed application to the Office of Academic Affairs by the due date (generally the Friday before spring classes begin).
Reviewed by Supervisor:Date ______Signature ______
Forms/Sabbatical application administrator.doc October 2015
Guidelines for Administrators Applying for Sabbatical
Administrators are eligible to apply after six (6) years of continuous full-time service.
The purpose of a sabbatical leave is to be of benefit to the College, to the department or program, and/or to the administrator’s professional development.
In addition to the statements listed on pages 9.5.1, 9.5.2 and 9.5.3 of the Professional Staff Handbook, and the information requested on the sabbatical application form, the Professional Staff Development Committee (PSDC) makes the following recommendations for administrators who are applying for sabbatical.
1. Review your application with your Supervisor. As early as possible, discuss the implications for courses/programs/staff in your department or the College and include a plan for coverage of your responsibilities.
2. Attempt to ensure that your proposed sabbatical project is of "sabbatical size", neither too large nor too small.
3. Although some sabbatical projects such as traditional graduate work are relatively easy to evaluate, do not feel that you must be bound by this. Projects that involve scholarly reading, writing, or travel, or visits to industrial sites, etc. are extremely valid, and should be related to the goals of sabbaticals as stated in the Professional Staff Handbook.
4. Applicants who can demonstrate prior interest in and commitment to an idea/project generally are viewed more favorably than those where a prior interest is not demonstrable.
5. The project should be well planned, including an itinerary where appropriate.
6. The proposal may be accompanied by a letter of support (optional).
You will have the opportunity to present your proposal to the Professional Staff Development Committee (PSDC). Attention to these guidelines should strengthen your presentation.
(for PSDC use only)
Applicant Name______
( ) Check here if you did not attend the sabbatical presentation.
Sabbatical leaves shall be granted for: (Circle ALL that apply)
Planned Travel
Formal Education
Other Experience of Professional value
Circle only one:
Highly Recommended Recommended Do Not Recommend
COMMENTS: Please note the strengths and weaknesses of the candidate’s proposal. (Continue on back of sheet if necessary.)