Social Studies 4th Grade
Activity 1: Texas and North America
SS 4.6B translate geographic data, population distribution, and natural resources, into a
variety of formats such as graphs and maps.
SS 4.7C compare the geographic regions of Texas (Mountains and Basins, Great Plains, North Central Plains, Coastal Plains) with regions of the United States and other parts of the world. other parts of the world.
SS 4.21C Interpret information in visuals and maps
SS 4.22A Use Social Studies terminology correctly.
ELA 4.10L Represents text in Graphic Organizer
Today I will learn the relationship of McKinney to North America
Pass put patterns for four concentric circles to each group. Each person in the group will cut out a circle, each member using a different color. When that is completed then...
Pass out the words: North America, United States, Texas, and McKinney. Have the students in the group work together to match the words a circle and explain their reasons for the placement.
Have groups share their circles. After all groups have shared, have groups glue their circles in the correct order
Introduce the word geography. Ask students for a definition. Record answers on the board. Have students record the correct definition in their SS notebook.
Teacher will demonstrate on the computer National Geographic Map Machine (Google Earth) Maps 101??. Show North America. Then zoom in on North America, United States, Texas, and then McKinney. Zoom back out and repeat the steps using the geographic features tab on the map.
Culminating group activity: Each group member writes a sentence to explain the concentric model.
McKinney is a city in Texas.
Texas is a state in the United States.
The United States is a country in North America.
North America is the part of the wonderful world in which we live.
Assessment: Students will draw and label a small model of the concentric circles in their SS notebook.
SS book page 12 reference page for North America
Questions: Why is it important to know locations on a map?
Use the concentric circles to answer these questions
What does this model represent?
What are the limitations of this model?
In which circle would you find your elementary?
In which circle would you find the country of Mexico?
In which circle would you find the continent of South America?
Activity 2: Texas and North America
SS 4.6A Apply geographic tools, including grid systems, legends, symbols, scales, and compass rose, to interpret maps.
SS 4.6B Translate geographic data, population distribution, and natural resources, into a
variety of formats such as graphs and maps.
SS 4.7C Compare the geographic regions of Texas (Mountains and Basins, Great Plains, North Central Plains, Coastal Plains) with regions of the United States and other parts of the world.
SS 4.21C Organize and interpret information in outlines, reports, databases, and visuals,
including graphs, charts, timelines, and maps;
SS 4.22A Use Social Studies terminology correctly.
ELA 4.10L Represents text in Graphic Organizer
ELA 4.11D Compares and contrasts across text.
Today I will learn the bordering countries of the United States and the bordering states of Texas.
Have students turn to page 12-13 in the Social Studies book. Break the class into six groups. Have each group read a paragraph from page 12. Have the group share the main idea of each paragraph or most important fact. Write it on a sentence strip. Put sentence strips up for all to see at front of room.
Paragraph 1: Mexico and Canada are the countries that border the US
Paragraph 2: There are four states that border Texas
Paragraph 3: The Gulf of Mexico borders the state of Texas
Paragraph 4: Louisiana and Arkansas border Texas to the east.
Paragraph 5: Oklahoma borders Texas to the North
Paragraph 6: New Mexico borders Texas to the west.
Pass out North American map. Have students label Canada and Mexico
Label Texas and its four neighboring states and color.
Introduce the words compass rose, cardinal directions, and ordinal directions, Have students record the definition of the words in their SS vocabulary notebook. Have students draw a compass rose on the map and label the cardinal and ordinal directions.
Assessment: Have students write in complete sentences, the six statements from the paragraphs on page 12, in their SS notebook.
Students can check their answers by using the map on page 13 in SS book.
How do tools help you read maps?
Use the map on page 13 to answer the questions
Which river borders Texas and Louisiana?
Which river borders Texas and Mexico?
Which river borders Texas and Oklahoma?