26.3 Gene Therapy & 26.4 Genomics and Bioinformatics
- Testing DNA
- “genetic markers” are abnormalities in the normal sequence of bases in a particular chromosome are imaged (similar process to DNA “fingerprinting”)
- DNA Microarrays: used to generate a person’s genetic profile (may become part of regular medical check-ups in the future)
- Gene Therapy
- The insertion of genetic material into human cells for the treatment of genetic disorders and various illnesses
- Types:
- Ex Vivo method: literally means outside of living organism. Steps:
- Remove bone marrow stem cells
- Use retroviruses to bring the normal gene into the bone marrow stem cells
- Viral recombinant DNA carries normal gene into genome
- Return genetically engineered cells to patient
- In Vivo method: literally means inside of living organism
- Many diverse methods of treatment
- Can include direct injections into bone marrow (spinal tap)
- Sequencing the Genome: The Human Genome Project
- Human genome has 3.2 billion pairs of DNA bases (6 feet long per cell)
- Took 13 years to complete
- Human have 20 000 – 25 000 genes
- Now takes about 3 weeks to sequence an entire genome
- Opened up many possibilities for research and treatment
- Led to discovery of many small regions of DNA that vary among people (polymorphisms)
- Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) can have no effect, but some have change protein coding
- Led to “designer drugs”: drugs made specifically to an individual’s genotype
- Most of the genome codes for a gene, but some doesn’t. This so-called “junk” DNA is now the focus of some researchers
- Genome Architecture
- 99% of human genome is DNA that does not directly code for amino acid sequences
- Some is used to make ribomsomes and tRNA, some are transposons, some repetitive DNA elements, and sequences of unknown function
- Transposons:
- Discovered by Barbara McClintock in 1950 (won Nobel Prize)
- Short sequences of DNA that are able to jump from one location to another
- May alter neighbouring genes, often decreasing their expression
- Act like a regulator gene
- Repetitive Elements
- Nearly ½ the human genome
- Mostly unknown function
- Centromeres and telomeres made of these
- May help to maintain structural stability
- What is a Gene?
- Historical definition: a particular location on a chromosome to being much more complex in eukaryotes
- Genes are seemingly randomly distributed along a chromosome, fragmented into exons (the part that is spliced after transcription that leaves the nucleus) between mostly introns (stays in the cell)
- Over 95% of human genes are introns
- Introns likely have a significant role in gene regulation
- Modern definition: moving away from location and focusing on the results of transcription. Mark Gerstein suggests, “A gene is a genomic sequence (either DNA or RNA) directly encoding functional products, either RNA or protein.” Takes into account:
- Gene product may not neccesarily be a protein
- Gene may not be found at a particular location on a chromosome
- Genetic material need not only be DNA (some prokaryotes have RNA genes)
- Functional and Comparative Genomics:
- Genomics: the study of the complete genetic sequences of organisms
- Comparative Genomics: comparing the human genome to other organisms
- allows for model organisms to be research subject. E.g. fruitfly (Drosphilia melanogaster) inserted with human gene associated with Parkinson disease
- advantage is shorter lifespan, so quicker results
- more ethical than inserting genes into humans
- allows us to understand evolutionary relationships among organisms. E.g. genomes of all vertebrates are very similar
- humans and chimpanzees are 98% alike
- humans and mouse are 85% alike
- Functional Genomics: understanding the function of each gene and how genes interact
- Uses DNA microarrays
- Allows for generation of genetic profile of individual
- Proteomics: the study of structure, function, and interaction of cellular proteins
- Bioinformatics: the application of computer technologies to study biological information that allows for collection and analysis of genomic and proteomic information
p.536 #1,2
“Testing Yourself” p. 538 #1-3, 7-11, 14-15