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Activities Guidebook

This is a guidebook compiling all of STLF’s activities, and more! Please, of course, use this as a GUIDE. This is not intended to be used verbatim—make this your own!

Table of Contents

Icebreakers and Energizers 1 - 20

Team Builders 20 - 23

Leadership 24 - 27

Diversity 27 - 47

Reflection 48 - 54

Positive Affirmation/Recognition 54 - 60

Activity Name: Repeat-After-Me Songs

STLF Developmental Outcomes: Affection for Others; Sense of Community

Main Concept: Icebreakers and Energizers

Supplies Needed: None

Time: No Limit

Group Size: Medium to Large

Goal: Participants get excited, let loose, and crazy. Gets people out of comfort zone while everyone else is as well.

Facilitation: (1) BE LOUD, ENERGETIC, and CRAZY

(2) Everyone gets in circle with the facilitator in the middle.

(3) Sing the song and have everyone else follow suit.

(4) The variety of songs to choose from:

© Copyright Students Today Leaders Forever (STLF) National 2008.

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© Copyright Students Today Leaders Forever (STLF) National 2008.

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Boom Chicka Boom
“This is a REPEAT-AFTER-ME song!”
I said a boom chicka boom (echo)
I said a boom chicka boom (echo)
I said a boom chicka Rocka chicka Rocka chicka boom (echo)
Oh yeah (echo)
Uh huh (echo)

One more time (echo)
___________ style (echo)

*Different styles: Loud, Whisper, Southern, Valley Girl, Opera, Attitude, British, Rocket, Harley, Janitorial, Teacher.

© Copyright Students Today Leaders Forever (STLF) National 2008.

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© Copyright Students Today Leaders Forever (STLF) National 2008.

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Coast to Coast
“This is a REPEAT-AFTER-ME song!”
From coast to coast, (Repeat)
STLF is the most. (Repeat)
From Coast to coast (Repeat)
STLF is the most. (Repeat)
Na na na na na (Repeat)
Na na na na na na (Repeat)
Na na na na na na na (Repeat)
Na na na na na (Repeat)

From East to West, STLF is the best
From State to state, STLF is really great
From City to City, STLF is really pretty
From Town to town, STLF is getting down ETC ETC ETC

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© Copyright Students Today Leaders Forever (STLF) National 2008.

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Brown Squirrel

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Brown Squirrel, Brown Squirrel,
Shake your bushy tail!
Brown Squirrel, Brown Squirrel,
Shake your bushy tail!
Take a peanut from your hand...
Brown Squirrel, Brown Squirrel,
Shake your bushy tail!

*When saying "brown squirrel" make bowing action with arms. When saying "shake your bushy tail" turn around and shake your bottom.
When saying "Take a peanut from your hand" pretend to take a peanut from your hand.
When saying "AND SHOVE IT UP YOUR NOSE!" pretend to shove the peanut up your nose.

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© Copyright Students Today Leaders Forever (STLF) National 2008.

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© Copyright Students Today Leaders Forever (STLF) National 2008.

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Baby Shark
Baby shark do do, do do do do
Baby shark do do, do do do do
Baby shark do do, do do do do
Baby shark

*Repeat with using appropriate actions
Mama Shark
Papa Shark
Grandma Shark
Saw a shark
Swam away
Shark attack
Lost a Leg
Rescue Boat

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© Copyright Students Today Leaders Forever (STLF) National 2008.

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Princess Pat
“This is a REPEAT-AFTER-ME song!”
The Princess Pat (Egyptian style)
Lived in a Tree (roof over head)
She Sailed across (ocean motion)
The seven seas (hold up 7 fingers; make C with hand)
She sailed across (ocean motion)
The channel two (hold up 2 fingers)
and she took with her (both hands over shoulder like holding a bag)
Arrigabamboo (shake booty all the way down)

Arrigabamboo (shake booty all the way down)
Now What is that? (shrug)
It's something made (bang hands together)
by the Princess Pat (Egyptian style)
It's red and gold (Twirl hand around like you're waving a string at your waist)
And purple too (bring your voice up. point high)
That's why it's called (Get loud; cup hands around mouth)
Arrigabamboo (shake booty all the way down)

Now the Captain Jack (strong man)
Had a mighty fine crew (salute X 2)
He sailed across (ocean motion)
The channel two ( hold up 2 fingers)
But his ship sank (Hold nose and sink down)
and yours will too (point finger and shake hand in scolding motion)
If you don't take (both hands over shoulder like holding a bag)
Arrigabamboo (shake booty all the way down)

Arrigabamboo (shake booty all the way down)
Now What is that? (shrug)
It's something made (bang hands together)
by the Princess Pat (Egyptian style)
It's red and gold (Twirl hand around like you're waving a string at your waist)
And purple too (bring your voice up.point high)
That's why it's called (Get loud; cup hands around mouth)
Arrigabamboo (shake booty all the way down)

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© Copyright Students Today Leaders Forever (STLF) National 2008.

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There Was a Great Big Moose
“This is a REPEAT-AFTER-ME song!”
There was a great big moose!
He liked to drink a lot of juice.
There was a great big moose!
He liked to drink a lot of juice.
Singin' oh way oh
Way oh way oh way oh way oh
Way oh way oh
Way oh way oh way oh way oh

The moose's name was Fred.
He liked to drink his juice in bed.
The moose's name was Fred.
He liked to drink his juice in bed.
Singin' oh way oh
Way oh way oh way oh way oh
Way oh way oh
Way oh way oh way oh way oh

He drank his juice with care,
but he spilled some in his hair.
He drank his juice with care,
but he spilled some in his hair.
Singin' oh way oh
Way oh way oh way oh way oh
Way oh way oh
Way oh way oh way oh way oh
Now he's a sticky moose … Full of juice ( SHOUTS) … And on the loooooose

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© Copyright Students Today Leaders Forever (STLF) National 2008.

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Rumba Rumba
“This is a REPEAT-AFTER-ME song!”
Rumba Rumba
A tiki tiki tonga
A wasa wasa wasa
O lay O lay O lay a wasa

( Faster and faster)

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© Copyright Students Today Leaders Forever (STLF) National 2008.

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Hey ___ (call out to someone)
Hey what?
Are you ready?
For what?
To Wig?
Wig what?

You put your hands up high
Your feet down low
Thats the way you wiggalo( Do a dance move move)

Everyone repeats then passes to next person

© Copyright Students Today Leaders Forever (STLF) National 2008.

© Copyright Students Today Leaders Forever (STLF) National 2008.

Milk Song
Give me a long M
Give me a short m
don't want no pop no pop
don't want no tea no tea
just give me milk
moo moo moo moo (one person sticks out thumbs and another pulls them as if milking a cow)
wisconsin milk
moo moo moo moo
Give me a long I
Give me a short i
don't want no pop no pop
don't want no tea no tea
just give me milk
moo moo moo moo (one person sticks out thumbs and another pulls them as if milking a cow)
wisconsin milk
moo moo moo moo
Give me a long L
give me a short L
don't want no pop no pop
don't want no tea no tea
just give me milk
moo moo moo moo (one person sticks out thumbs and another pulls them as if milking a cow)
wisconsin milk
moo moo moo moo
Give me a long K
give me a short k
don't want no pop no pop
don't want no tea no tea
just give me milk
moo moo moo moo (one person sticks out thumbs and another pulls them as if milking a cow)
wisconsin milk
moo moo moo moo
Give me a long milk
give me a short milk
don't want no pop no pop
don't want no tea no tea
just give me milk
moo moo moo moo (one person sticks out thumbs and another pulls them as if milking a cow)
wisconsin milk
moo moo moo moo

© Copyright Students Today Leaders Forever (STLF) National 2008.

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Activity Name: Hot Seat

STLF Developmental Outcomes: Affection for Others; Sense of Community/Individuality

Main Concept: Icebreakers and Energizers

Supplies Needed: None

Time: Approximately 5 minutes per person

Group Size: Around 5 per group (many groups)

Goal: Participants learn more about each other and connect on a personal level. Participants learn to become open with the group. Participants become actively involved in the facilitation of the activity.

Facilitation: (1) Participants break off into groups of around 5 people

(2) One participant starts in the “Hot Seat”

(3) Everybody else in the circle rapid fires questions at the person in the “Hot Seat”. The individual in the “Hot Seat” can opt not to answer certain questions at own disgression. There can’t be follow-up questions immediately after the previous question is asked and answered.

(4) It goes until the timer says “time” and then a new person is in the “Hot Seat”.

(5) Everyone is in the “Hot Seat” and then the game is over.

Activity Name: Electricity

STLF Developmental Outcomes: Sense of Community, Affection for Others

Main Concept: Icebreakers and Energizers

Supplies Needed: An object (something to grab/touch), a coin

Time: No Limit

Group Size: Large

Goal: Participants learn to cooperate with each other, have fun, and reinforce communication skills. LET OFF STEAM!!

Facilitation: (1) Participants partner off and face each other while forming two lines.

(2) Hold hands with the people on your side, thus your partner is on the other side

(3) Facilitator is on one end with the coin

(4) One person at the beginning of the line from each team by the facilitator has their eyes open while everyone else’s are closed.

(5) The facilitator flips the coin continuously until it lands on ‘heads’. In silence, the person at the beginning of the line must squeeze the hand of the person next to him/her. This generates an ‘electric current’ of sorts all the way through to the end of the line.

(6) The persons at the end of each line race to an object once he/she receives a squeeze. The person to get the object first gains a point.

(7) The lines shift with the person at the beginning moving to the back and everyone else moving forward one. It keeps going until every gets to go or a certain number of points are gained.

(8) In the event of a fault squeeze, the team loses a point.

Activity Name: Hovda

STLF Developmental Outcomes: Affection for Others; Sense of Community

Main Concept: Icebreakers and Energizers

Supplies Needed: None

Time: No Limit (it will end itself)

Group Size: Large

Goal: It gets people moving, having fun, and interacting with peers. People will become competitive, develop strategies, and get rid of some energy.

Facilitation: (1) The facilitator demonstrates each number/action before the game begins by getting volunteers from the group.

(2) Each number correlates with an action

- 2 = birdie on a perch, carrying like a baby OR sitting on one knee.

- 3 = teeter totter, one person in the middle with the others teeter tottering on each side going up and down

- 4 = train, person in front must CHOO CHOO with caboose bending over

- 5 = merry go round, one in the middle with hands up, four others circling like a merry go round.

- 6 = minivan, driver and navigator (with map) in the front, two annoying kids fighting in the middle, last two are sleeping on the road trip.

(3) Everyone is in one big group. People move around singing “mingle, mingle, mingle” continuously until the facilitator yells out a number. The number called refers to the amount of people needed in each group and is associated with an action.

(4) People are eliminated if they aren’t in a group doing an action with the correct amount of people. The ones no longer in the game go off to the side and cheer.

(5) The game continues until there are two people left or until the facilitator decides to call off the game. The people remaining are declared the winners!

Activity Name: High-Five Unique Trait

STLF Developmental Outcomes: Affection for Others; Public Speaking, Sense of Community, Social Awareness

Main Concept: Icebreakers and Energizers

Supplies Needed: None

Time: No Limit

Group Size: Medium to Large

Goal: Participants learn more about each other and connect on a personal level. Participants learn to become open with the group. Participants become actively involved in the facilitation of the activity.

Facilitation: (1) Everyone creates a large circle with one person in the middle.

(2) The individual says something unique about themselves. People in the circle who share the same trait raise their hand. The individual in the middle high-five’s everyone who has their hand up.

(3) The individual in the middle stays in the middle until he/she says a trait that no one else in the circle also has. The individual then picks someone else to be in the middle.

(4) The game keeps going until the facilitator feels like the activity should be finished based on energy, time, interest.

Activity Name: Flash

STLF Development Outcomes: Social Awareness; Affection for Others; Sense of Community

Main Concept: Icebreakers and Energizers

Supplies Needed: None

Time: No limit

Group Size: Any

Goal: Participants learn more about each other and connect on a personal level. Participants learn to become open with the group. Participants become actively involved in the facilitation of the activity.