2008 No Name Tournament
Questions by Bruce Arthur, George Berry, Bryce Durgin, Ian Eppler, Carsten Gehring, Auroni Gupta, Matt Jackson, Shantanu Jha, Anurag Kashyap, Hannah Kirsch, George Stevens, Andy Watkins, Zhao Zhang
Packet 2-Tossups

1. This tribe believes that dried blood of the giant Ye’iitsoh now appears as lava rock by Mount Taylor, the southernmost of four Sacred Mountains that serve as boundaries for their area. The other three are Mount Blanca, Hesprus Mountain, and San Francisco Peak in the west. That area contains the town of Chinle (CHIN-lee), next to Canyon de Chelly (SHAY), and also contains Monument Valley, home to the Mitten Buttes. Places like Chaco Canyon hold many ruins from their enemies’ ancestors, the Anasazi. For 10 points, identify this Native American tribe with the largest reservation by area in the United States, found in the Four Corners area with capital at Window Rock.

ANSWER: Navajo (accept Dinéh)

2. After a member of this group defeated Mayor John Walker Maury, politicians in Washington DC formed an opposition party to its existence, and a Whig candidate for mayor of Philadelphia, Robert Conrad, was revealed to be a member of it. One of their leaders ran a butcher shop before being fatally shot, and was named William Poole. They were first organized under the Order of the Star-Spangled Banner, and they selected incumbent Millard Fillmore to run for them in 1856. For 10 points, name this 19th century secret society-turned-political party opposed to Catholics and immigration, whose members professed total ignorance of it upon questioning.

ANSWER: American Party (Accept Know-Nothing party)

3. This process involves binding to the product of the ompA gene and it is initiated by an object synthesized in the presence of the rlrA islet by the tra and trb loci. The interrupted variety of this process can occur with Hfr cells, and this process involves a nick made at the oriT by relaxase. Study of bacteria of genus Shigella led to the discovery of R factors in this process, and it is initiated by the strain containing the F plasmid. For 10 points, name this process which transfers genetic material between bacteria.

ANSWER: Conjugation

4. A speech of John Hoskyns led this man to dissolve the Addled Parliament, as the speech made many allusions to the Sicilian Vespers. This man came to the throne through the Treaty of Berwick, and the target of his Basilicon Doron did not live long enough to be able to use that writing’s advice. Henry Garnet ruined William Watson’s plan to kidnap this man in the Bye Plot, and Sir Walter Raleigh may have been involved in the Main Plot against him. For 10 points, name this man who was the subject of another plot designed by Roger Catesby and almost executed by Guy Fawkes, the Gunpowder Plot, who succeeded Elizabeth I to become the first Stuart king of England in 1603.

ANSWER: James I of England (accept James VI of Scotland; prompt on James VI)

5. This figure had personalities labeled No. 1 and No. 2, the latter of which was many years older than he and closer to the outside world. This figure believed that the mandala, a circular Tibetan design, represented the Self, and described alchemy as a metaphor for individual progress to perfection. He believed in non-causal connections based on meaning, which he dubbed “synchronicities”. His ideas contribute to Myers-Briggs typology, including his terms “introvert” and “extrovert”, and his most famous contribution contains the “shadow”, the “anima”, and many other archetypes within every individual. For 10 points, name this Swiss psychologist who broke from Freud and proposed the collective unconscious.

ANSWER: Carl Jung

6. Among this composer's operas are Orlando Furioso and Skanderbeg, which details the exploits of the Albanian hero. His Mandolin Concerto in C is one of the most important compositions for that instrument, and this prolific composer also wrote 37 bassoon and several hundred violin concertos. Nicknamed the Red Priest, he is known for his teaching work at the Ospedale della Pieta. He is most famous for a composition based on sonnets that depict a sleeping shepherd, a harvest festival and a stroll in the snow, movements titled “La Primavera,” “ L'Autumno” and “L'Inverno.” For 10 points, name this Italian composer of such works as The Four Seasons.

ANSWER: Antonio Vivaldi

7. Alfven waves occur in these substances, while longitudinal space charge waves experience Landau damping in them. They can be modeled with the Vlasov-Poisson equations, and they carry Birkeland currents. The screening out of electric fields by electrons occurs over a scale known as the Debye length, and examples include St. Elmo's Fire, lightning, and very small grains. For 10 points, name this state of matter, typically an ionized gas.

ANSWER: Plasmas

8. It's not France or Russia, but one author from this country wrote a short story entitled "Diary of a Madman," which was included in his collection Call to Arms. Another author from this country wrote the absurdist play "Bus Stop" and a semi-autobiographical novel about a journey around this country to a sacred site, Soul Mountain. A more famous work from this country is a novel about the adventures of 108 outlaws, The Water Margin, which is considered one of the Four Great Classical Novels of this country's literature along with other works like Dream of the Red Chamber and Romance of the Three Kingdoms. For 10 points, name this country, the birthplace of Lu Xun and Gao Xingjian, a large Asian nation.


9. He was a three sport star at Woodland Hills High School, despite being homeschooled from 10th to 12th grade.He attended the University of Akron, and his junior year, while playing weakside linebacker, he was an All-America candidate; he would move to defensive end for his senior year. A third round pick in 1997, missing time while filming Dancing With the Stars,led Bill Parcells trading him to his new team. For 10 points, name this 2006 NFL Defensive Player of the Year, currently with the Washington Redskins.

ANSWER: Jason Taylor

10. One of this man's sons learned the interpretation of dreams from Merops and fell in love with the daughter of Cebren, Hesperia. Besides fathering Aesacus, he fathered Gorgythion by Castianeira, and he avoided the wrath of Heracles by giving up a golden veil belonging to his sister Hesione and thus became the uncle of,Teucer. Most of his children were with the daughter of Dymas and this man was once aided by Hermes in asking Achilles' for the body of one his sons back. For 10 points, name this father of Polyxena, Deiphobus, Helenus, and Hector, a king of Troy.


11. This author wrote the lines “Of the wide world I stand alone, and think/till Love and Fame to nothingness do sink” in his poem “When I have Fears that I may Cease to Be.” He wrote about the decline of the Titans in his unfinished epic “Hyperion,” which was included in his collection Lamia, Isabella, the Eve of St. Agnes, and Other Poems. He may be best-known for poems that include the lines “Fled is that music:—Do I wake or sleep?” and “Beauty is truth, truth beauty,—that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.” For 10 points, name this English Romantic, author of “Ode to a Nightingale” and “Ode on a Grecian Urn.”
ANSWER: John Keats

12. The Japanese Hiten spacecraft visited this object in 1990, and the Chinese Chang'e system is looking for helium-3 on this object. The largest impact crater in the Solar System, the South Pole-Aitken basin, is also the point of lowest elevation on this object, which was photographed by the Clementine craft. Oceanus Procellarum is notable feature on this object that does not contain any impact craters. Most US space missions to this object landed in the Sea of Tranquility, one of its namesake maria. FTP, name this celestial object which causes tides and revolves around the Earth.


13. A dark-skinned marauder looks threatening in the background while the title woman stands on broken pillars in his Greece Expiring on the Ruins of Missolonghi. This artist’s 1832 journeys to Africa led to The Women of Algiers in Their Apartment and The Sultan of Morocco. Gericault (ZHER-i-coe) inspired his painting of floating dead bodies surrounding two men in red and white, The Barque of Dante. A king surveys the destruction of his harem from an enormous bed in this man’s Byron-inspired work The Death of Sardanapalus. Famous for such anti-Turkish paintings as The Massacre at Chios, this is, for 10 points, what French Romantic who painted a bare-breasted woman holding the tricolor flag in his Liberty Leading the People.

ANSWER: Eugene Delacroix

14. Sheriff William McCleary was unable to stop this event, and Robert Pattison refused to use the state militia to end it. Barges loaded with armed men were sent to stop this event, but most on board were imprisoned later imprisoned in the Opera House, and the barges were burned. Alexander Berkman later attempted to kill plant manager Henry Clay Frick due to his use of Pinkerton guards against members of the Amalgamated Association. For 10 points, name this 1892 strike by employees of a Carnegie steel mill.

ANSWER: Homestead Strike

15. This author's year as a poet in New York inspired a collection of that name. He referred to his eventual assassins as having “patent-leather souls” and “leaden skulls” in his “Ballad of the Civil Guard”. He evokes such images as a rapist wind and a dead boy on an anvil who stared lovingly at the moon for too long in his Gypsy Ballads. He is famous for his “Rural Trilogy”, which includes “Blood Wedding” and a play about a barren wife who obsesses over motherhood and murders her husband, entitled Yerma. For 10 points, name this Spanish author and playwright who was killed in 1936, famous for his all-female play The House of Bernarda Alba.

ANSWER: Federico García Lorca

16. In one of his operas, the rejection of Mamyrov causes trouble for the innkeeper Nastasia while another was based on Henrik Hertz' play King Renee's Daughter. His second symphony features a march from his never completed opera Undina. Works besides Iolanta and The Enchantress included Cherevichki, a revision of Vakula the Smith. One of his works features a scherzo fantastique representing an Alpine fairy appearing as a rainbow, and besides Manfred, another symphony work features an adagio lamentoso movement, the Pathetique. For 10, name this composer, most famous for ballets such as Swan Lake and The Nutcracker.

Answer: Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

17. One reaction of this type involves an alkoxide intermediate formed by enolate reacting with an ester and results in a beta-ketoester; that reaction has an intramolecular version named for Dieckmann. Besides the Claisen and aldol varieties, other examples include phosphorylation, glycosylation, and polypeptide synthesis. Used to describe reactions between two molecules to form a single larger molecule combined with the loss of a smaller molecule, for 10 points, give this term which also describes a change of matter from the gaseous phase to the liquid phase.

Answer: Condensation (Take Claisen condensation until it is mentioned)

18. This monarch’s troops won victories at Koroni and Patras due to Genoese admiral Andrea Doria, and personally fought alongside Doria at the siege of Tunis. After Pope Clement VII abandoned him and threw the Church’s allegiance to enemy Valois monarch Francis I, a rampage by his soldiers caused the 1527 Sack of Rome. His attempts to fight the Schmalkaldic League ended with the Peace of Augsburg, and his attendants called the Diet of Worms, to which he gave Martin Luther safe passage before hearing and condemning him. For 10 points, name this Holy Roman Emperor from the Habsburgs, also Duke of Burgundy, ruler of Austria, and King of Spain.

ANSWER: Charles V (or Charles I of Spain)

19. According to John Chrysostom, they were baptized by St. Thomas following their most important task, and their name comes from the caste they were a part of in their former religion. They were led by what they believed to be a frivashi signaling an important birth, and a dream warned them not to trust a man to whom they had promised to return. Their failure to return with information led to the killing of all boys aged 2 and under in a certain city, known as the Massacre of the Innocents. For 10 points, name this group whose most famous task is celebrated by the Epiphany, a group who followed the Star of Bethlehem in order to present the infant Jesus with gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

ANSWER: Three Magi or Three Wise Men (accept Three Kings from the East)

20. This man had fought Muhammed Shaybani Khan at the battle of Sar-e Pol, which led to the loss of this man’s father’s lands of Fergana. The year after Sar-e Pol, he captured Kabul, but repeated attempts to take Samarkand were unsuccessful. This forced him to look elsewhere for territories, and he received requests from Alam Khan and Dawlat Khan to try a fifth invasion of the Dehli Sultanate. This person defeated Rana Sanga after giving up liquor in the hopes of getting divine help, and that battle at Khanua destroyed the Rajputs. Soon after that battle, the loss of Bihar led this man to attack and find victory at the battle of Ghagara. FTP, name this man who earlier defeated Ibrahim Lodi at the battle of Panipat, the founder of the Mughal Empire in India.

ANSWER: Babur or Babar or Baber the Tiger (accept Zahir-ud-Din Muhammed)
2008 No Name Tournament
Questions by Bruce Arthur, George Berry, Bryce Durgin, Ian Eppler, Carsten Gehring, Auroni Gupta, Matt Jackson, Shantanu Jha, Anurag Kashyap, Hannah Kirsch, George Stevens, Andy Watkins, Zhao Zhang
Packet 2-Bonuses