ADFL/SCFL Fall Kick-Off Legislation


Below is the legislation packet for the ADFL/SCFL Fall Kick Off Tournament to be held 11/5 at Southern Lehigh HS. Per SCFL rules, the agenda is set for this docket. The legislation will be debated in the order in which it follows below.

1.  Statehood for U.S. Territories – Abington Heights

2.  Child Rearing Leaves – Southern Lehigh

3.  Electric Buses – EL Meyers

4.  Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia – Notre Dame

5.  Youth Voting – Danville

6.  Immigration Courts – Lake Lehman

7.  African Farming – Ridge

8.  Coinage of the Penny – Southern Lehigh

9.  President Erdogan - Abington Heights

10.  Vegan Lunches – EL Meyers

11.  American Voting – Danville

12.  Public Transportation Stations - Ridge

A Resolution To Grant Statehood to All US Territories and the District of Columbia

WHEREAS, The United States of America has mistreated its five territories and its capital as well as, and more importantly the citizens of these lands for years; and

WHEREAS, This mistreatment leads to a negative world view of the United States, a horrific life for the citizens of the District of Columbia and the US territories, and the United States becoming a empirical regime akin to the one that these colonies rebelled against;

WHEREAS, US citizens living in US territories are not treated as equal citizens and most importantly cannot vote in US elections for political offices that could send a citizen of these territories off to war and citizens of the District of Columbia cannot function as a city government without Congress’s approval of any of their actions;

RESOLVED, That the Student Congress here assembled grant immediate statehood to Guam, the US Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa, and the District of Columbia;

FURTHER RESOLVED, That these new states will be granted all the protections of US states immediately including electoral votes in the upcoming Presidential election if their statehood is granted in time.

Introduced for Congressional Debate by

Noah Musto

Abington Heights High School

A Bill to Require All Places of Work to Offer Paid Maternity/Paternity Leave

  2. SECTION 1. A. All places of employment will provide women 8 weeks and men 4
  3. weeks of paid child rearing leave commensurate to their usual salary.
  4. B. Documentation of childbirth or adoption must be provided to the
  5. employer within two weeks of the start of the child rearing leave.
  6. C. Employers in need of supplemental funding up to 75% of these salary
  7. costs, may submit an annual application to the Department of Health and

8.  Human Services. This application must show a loss of profit of at least

9.  2.0% from these child rearing leaves.

  1. SECTION 2. A. A place of employment shall be defined as an organization which pays
  2. people for their services.
  3. B. Birth certificate, adoption certificate and documents from a midwife,
  4. doctor or hospital will be the forms of documentation accepted.
  5. SECTION 3. A. This bill will be enforced by U.S. Departments of Health & Human
  6. Services and Labor.

16.  B. Any additional funding for this bill from the above departments will be

17.  from a 2% cut in the U.S. Department of Defense budget.

  1. SECTION 5. This legislation will take effect at the beginning of the 2019 fiscal year.
  2. SECTION 6. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

Respectfully Submitted,

Bridgette Lang

Southern Lehigh

A Bill to mandate the implementation of Electric Public Buses (E-Buses) to reduce our impact on Global Climate Change and help the economy


Section 1. We shall mandate the use of Electric Buses for all public transportation ( city buses, trolley buses, trams, and metro transit) agencies, as a means to better the environment as well as the economy.

Section 2. An E-Bus entails as a bus that is powered with a lithium ion battery.

Section 3. The Department of Transportation in conjunction with the Department of Energy shall oversee the implementing and preservation of the E-Buses.

SECTION 4. In order to allow time for this transition, there will be no penalty for not using E-Buses until January 1st 2020.

Section 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

Respectfully submitted,

Rep. Erin Cook E.L. Meyers

A Resolution against the Sale of Arms to Saudi Arabia

Whereas: The State Department announced the potential sale of Military arms to Saudi Arabia

Whereas: and the sale of arms may harm innocent civilians and may fuel a regional arms race and;

Whereas: The sale of arms may also contribute to the killing of innocent Yemen citizens, as has occurred in the past and may be further perpetuated by an influx of weapons into the region.

Therefore: Be it resolved by the Congress assembled today that this legislative body vehemently disagrees with the proposed sale of weapons to the Saudi Arabian military by the United States State Department.

Respectfully Submitted for Congressional Debate,

Cameron Sauers of Notre Dame

A Bill to Enhance Youth Voting Freedoms in Primary Elections


1. / Section 1: This bill will allow youth voters to vote in their state’s
2. / federal, state, and local election primaries.
3. / Section 2: A “youth voter” shall be defined as a United States citizen at
4. / the age of 17 at the time of their state’s primaries who will be 18 and
5. / voter eligible at the time of the general election; youth voters will be
6. / be able to register to vote in time for the elections.
7. / Section 3: This bill will be implemented in all states by the date of 1st
8. / January, 2018; so that they are included in the 2020 election cycle.
9. / Section 4: All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared
10. / null and void.
Introduced for Debate by Danville High School

A Bill to Increase the Number of Immigration Courts in the United States

SECTION 1. The United States shall increase the number of immigration courts
from 58 to 120.
SECTION 2. An immigration court shall be defined as an administrative court that hears removal and deportation proceedings.
SECTION 3. The Office of the Chief Immigration Judge (hereby referred to as OCIJ) shall oversee the implementation of these new courts. The cost will be approximately $848.7 million dollars. The money will come out of the $594 billion discretionary budget.
SECTION 4. This legislation shall go into effect immediately.
SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

Introduced for Congressional Debate by Lake-Lehman High School.

A Bill to Subsidize the African Farming Industry

1 2
3 4 5 6 7
8 9
SECTION 1. The United States shall provide 12 million dollars in micro loans to African farmers.
SECTION 2. Micro loans are defined as small loans (microloans) given to impoverished borrowers who typically lack collateral, steady employment and a verifiable credit history. The loans specified in this legislation will not exceed $6,000 per farmer, and will be designated to be used for creating sustainable agriculture.
SECTION 3. The United States Agency For International Development will oversee the implementation of this legislation.
A.  The microloans will be provided directly to the farmers in Africa.
B.  At the end of the 2017 fiscal year, USAID will determine the effectiveness of the microloans and determine whether an additional 12 million dollars will be provided annually.
C.  If the aid is determined to be ineffective, the program shall be shut down immediately.
D.  The funds for this legislation will be supplied from the existing Official Development Funds (ODA) being supplied to African countries.
SECTION 4. This legislation will be implemented at the start of the 2016 fiscal year.
SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

Introduced for Congressional Debate by Ridge High School

A Bill to Cease the Coinage of Pennies to

Save Money


2 Section 1. The coinage of the United States penny will be stopped.

3 Section 2. A. Coinage will be defined as the minting process of metallic currency.

4 B. The United States penny will be defined as the one cent coin.

5 Section 3. A. The United States Mint of the U.S. Treasury will oversee the cessation 6 of this production.

7 B. Any aforementioned coins used to pay for an item may be returned to

8 the government from a licensed seller and will be compensated equally.

9 Section 4. This legislation will go into effect as of 1st January, 2018.

10 Section 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

Respectfully Submitted by

Michael Grabusky

Southern Lehigh High School

A Resolution to Condemn the Actions of President Recep Tayyip

Erdogan to Protect the Rights of Turks

WHEREAS, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is acting in ways befitting a dictator

WHEREAS, President Erdogan and his government have taken over a newspaper and conducted mass arrests

WHEREAS, the rights of the Turkish people are at stake as long as President Erdogan is in power; and

WHEREAS, President Erdogan has expanded his power and attempted to crush political opposition

RESOLVED, That the Congress here assembled make the following recommendation for solution and, be it

FURTHER RESOLVED, That President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his actions are formally condemned by Congress and that he is called upon to step down from office.

Respectfully submitted,

Senator Tyler Kusma

Abington Heights School District

A Bill to Require Schools to Serve Vegan Lunch Options


Section 1. Schools will be required to provide vegan lunch options to students, following the same nutritional guidelines now provided by the Food and Nutrition Service.

Section 2. Vegan lunch options will be defined as lunches containing no meat or animal products of any kind.

Section 3. The Food and Nutrition Service will oversee the enforcement of this bill, making sure that all U.S. schools provide vegan lunch options for their students and providing new requirements for school lunches.

SECTION 4. This bill will be enacted by the 2017/18 school year.

Section 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

Introduced for Congressional Debate by Lennese Prince, Meyers High School

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343336373839 / Article I:
Article II:
Article III: Article IV:
Article V:
Article VI:
Article VII:
Article VIII:
Article IX: / A Bill to Uphold the Value of Every American’s Vote
The Huntington-Hill method of apportionment is to be utilized as the method of apportionment of seats in the United States House of Representatives (“House”) to the several states. The Huntington-Hill method of apportionment shall be defined by the following process: each state is automatically awarded one seat in the House. To apportion the remaining seats, states will be awarded additional seats based on the equation An=P/(√(n(n+1))), where An represents the state’s priority number in receiving the next available seat, P represents the population of the state, and n represents the number of seats in the House which the state already has been awarded; states with the highest priority number will be awarded seats first. The number of US Representatives shall be 435. Congressional districts shall be abolished in favor of states being apportioned a number of Representatives which they are to elect, as a whole, to the House of Representatives. A system of ranked choice voting shall be used in choosing US Senators, US Representatives, governors of the several states, and Electors for the President and Vice President of the United States. Ranked choice voting shall be defined by the following process: voters rank as many candidates as they please in order of choice. If any candidate reaches or passes the quota, which is defined as 100% divided by the number of seats which may be filled in that election, that candidate is awarded the seat, and their surplus votes are redistributed to the voter’s next-choice candidate. The surplus votes are redistributed proportionally, such that each voter’s next choice gets a fraction of a vote equivalent to the number of surplus votes for the candidate divided by the total number of votes for each respective next-choice candidate. If no candidates reach the quota, or if the number of seats available aren’t filled, then the candidate with the least number of votes is eliminated and their votes are redistributed to the voter’s next choice candidate. This process repeats until all of the seats have been filled. If, by the federal election of 2018, any state has failed to adopt a ranked choice voting system for choosing their governor and Electors for the President and Vice President of the United States, that state will not receive any further federal funding until they do establish such a system. The execution of this bill will be overseen by the Election Assistance Commission. This bill shall become active upon the instance of its signature by the President of the United States of America.
Congressman Benjamin
Danville Area Senior High School

A Bill to Increase Security in Public Transportation Stations