A Pocket for Corduroy
Don Freeman
Book Description
Lisa and her mother go to a laundromat. Lisa takes her teddy bear corduroy with her. While Lisa was washing clothes and searching the pockets before she put them in the washer Corduroy notices the pants have pocket and he doesn’t. He then goes in search for a pocket and spends the night in the laundromat. Lisa finds Corduroy and takes him home to sew him a new pocket.
Academic Objectives
ELAKW2: The student writes in a variety of genres, including narrative, informational, persuasive and response to literature. .
a. May use words, illustrations, or graphics to support an opinion.
c. Begins to use formats appropriate to the genre (letter, poster).
d. May include describing words.
Brilliant Star Objective
Physical: Students will be able to describe how animals or machines make similar physical movements to people.
Readability Level: 3.4
Vocabulary: Laundromat, dizzy, beret, studio
Before reading discuss what a friend is and how friends can be people or things, such as a teddy bear. Predict what the book is about and begin relating the book to the students’ lives. Such as having a teddy bear or some other toy they loved.
During Reading
Discuss the character, setting, and plot. Also discuss how Corduroy feels through out the story and how Lisa feels for losing him. What might Lisa do to find Corduroy? What would you do if you lost a pet?
Follow-Up Activities
Have students get into groups and make a “Lost” poster to help find Corduroy. Split the class into groups and have them discuss what important things they should put on the poster. How should they draw Corduroy? Then have the students return to their seats and make their own poster.
Additional Resources:
· http://www2.scholastic.com/browse/collateral.jsp?id=507
· www.lessonplanspage.com
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