Class Syllabus: 40 hours

Course Title


Course Number

Course code and number per program requirements.

Credit Hours

40 credit hours, presented in 20 2-hour segments


Students of pathology must have successfully completed a course in anatomy/physiology


Werner R. A Massage Therapist’s Guide to Pathology, 4e. Baltimore: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2008.

Course Description

Discuss pathologies with the goal of being able to make informed decisions about the safety and applicability of massage modalities. Develop critical thinking skills to be able to find information independently and to identify the variables that contribute to informed decisions.


See chapter objectives at the beginning of each chapter. Apply these as appropriate for the content you select.


Per program requirements

Suggested distribution of points:

5% / Classroom participation
10% / Attendance
25% / Quizzes/homework (cumulatively)
25% / Research project
35% / Midterm/final examination (cumulatively)

Course Outline

Note: please see “Teaching Strategies” to get the best use from this syllabus. Lectures may run long or short; prioritize to cover what you think is most important thoroughly, and make the rest the students’ responsibility to read about on their own.

Class 1

Reading assignment

Preface, User’s Guide, Chapter 1

Lecture topics

Go through the entire syllabus, emphasizing grading structure and expectations and the timing of quizzes, examinations, research projects, and other classroom assignments.

Discuss Preface and User’s Guide, with emphasis on student-friendly features: flash cards, games, chapter objectives and chapter review questions, appendixes, animations, etc.

Invite students to share their feelings about being in a pathology course: resistance, fear, excitement, curiosity, etc.

Introduce pathology as the study of recovery as much as the study of illness; much of the course with focus in how people get better from illness or injury.

Emphasize respect and appreciation for the client who struggles with health (ultimately, this is all of us).

Emphasize the goal of weighing risks and benefits of bodywork.


Briefly review principles of using word roots to build a pathology vocabulary

Review key concepts with emphasis on these:

Acute / Chronic / Complication / Contraindication / Diagnosis
Indicated / Lesion / Prognosis / Sign / Subacute
Symptom / Trauma

Class 2

Reading assignment

Chapter 1: Fundamental Concepts in Pathology

Lecture Topics

Infectious Agents

Briefly review key infectious agents and give examples of pathogens likely to be encountered in a massage setting.

Hygienic Practices for Massage Therapists

Define key terms with emphasis on the following: antisepsis, disinfection, sterilization, and Universal/Standard Precautions

Discuss application of practices in terms of hand care and equipment care.


Discuss the purpose of inflammation

Review three components:

Vascular activity; cellular activity; chemical mediators

Review three stages:

Acute, subacute, postacute (maturation)

Review consequences of unresolved (chronic) inflammation

Discuss signs and symptoms of inflammation

Discuss the role of massage in the context of inflammatory conditions

Class 3

Reading assignment

Chapter 2: Contagious Skin Disorders

Lecture topics

Review the structure and function of the skin

Discuss the definition, incidence, etiology, signs and symptoms, common treatment options, and applicability of massage for the following conditions:


Fungal infections

Herpes simplex

Lice and mites


Class 4

Reading assignment

Chapter 2: Noncontagious Inflammatory Skin Disorders, Neoplastic Skin Disorders, Skin Injuries

Lecture topics

Discuss the definition, incidence, etiology, signs and symptoms, common treatment options, and applicability of massage for the following conditions:

Acne vulgaris



Skin cancer

Open wounds and sores

Use the lecture notes and Power Point slides that address these conditions as necessary.

Homework assignment

Take-home quiz on all conditions from Chapter 2 not covered in class

Class 5

Quiz on Chapter 2

Reading assignment

Chapter 3: Introduction, Muscular Disorders, Bone Disorders

Lecture topics

Briefly review the structure and function of the musculoskeletal system

Discuss the definition, incidence, etiology, signs and symptoms, common treatment options, and applicability of massage for the following conditions:


Myofascial pain syndrome

Shin splints

Spasms, cramps



Use the lecture notes and Power Point slides that address these conditions as necessary.

Class 6

Reading assignment

Chapter 3: Joint Disorders, Genetic Musculoskeletal Diseases, Other Connective Tissue Disorders

Lecture topics

Discuss the definition, incidence, etiology, signs and symptoms, common treatment options, and applicability of massage for the following conditions:


Rheumatoid arthritis


Temporomandibular joint disorders


Plantar fasciitis



Carpal tunnel syndrome

Disc disease

Thoracic outlet syndrome

Use the lecture notes and Power Point slides that address these conditions as necessary.

Homework assignment

Take-home quiz on all conditions from Chapter 3 not covered in class

Class 7

Quiz on Chapter 3

Reading assignment

Chapter 4: Chronic Degenerative Disorders, Movement Disorders, Infectious Disorders

Lecture topics

Briefly review the structure and function of the nervous system

Discuss the definition, incidence, etiology, signs and symptoms, common treatment options, and applicability of massage for the following conditions:

Alzheimer disease

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis

Parkinson disease

Herpes zoster

Use the lecture notes and Power Point slides that address these conditions as necessary.

Class 8

Reading assignment

Chapter 4: Psychiatric Disorders, Nervous System Injuries, Other

Lecture topics

Discuss the definition, incidence, etiology, signs and symptoms, common treatment options, and applicability of massage for the following conditions:

Chemical dependency


Bell palsy


Trigeminal neuralgia


Sleep disorders

Use the lecture notes and Power Point slides that address these conditions as necessary.

Homework assignment

Take-home quiz on all conditions from Chapter 4 not covered in class

Class 9

Reading assignment

Chapter 5: Introduction, Blood Disorders, Vascular Disorders, Heart Conditions

Lecture topics

Note: The information in this chapter often works best if it is offered in the following sequence, which is not the sequence in the text.

Briefly review the structure and function of the circulatory system.

Discuss the definition, incidence, etiology, signs and symptoms, common treatment options, and applicability of massage for the following conditions:


Embolism, thrombus

Thrombophlebitis, deep vein thrombosis

Varicose veins



Heart attack

Heart failure

Use the lecture notes and Power Point slides that address these conditions as necessary.

Homework assignment:

Take-home quiz on all conditions from Chapter 5 not covered in class

Class 10

Midterm examination: Chapters 1 to 5

Class 11

Reading assignment

Chapter 6: Lymph and Immune System Conditions

Lecture topics

Briefly review the structure and function of the lymph and immune systems.

Discuss the definition, incidence, etiology, signs and symptoms, common treatment options, and applicability of massage for the following conditions:




Chronic fatigue syndrome



Use the lecture notes and Power Point slides that address these conditions as necessary.

Homework assignment

Take-home quiz on all conditions from Chapter 6 not covered in class

Class 12

Quiz on Chapter 6

Reading assignment

Chapter 7: Respiratory System Conditions

Lecture topics

Briefly review the structure and function of the respiratory system.

Discuss the definition, incidence, etiology, signs and symptoms, common treatment options, and applicability of massage for the following conditions:

Common cold






Lung cancer

Use the lecture notes and Power Point slides that address these conditions as necessary.

Homework assignment

Take-home quiz on all conditions from Chapter 7 not covered in class

Class 13

Quiz on Chapter 7

Reading assignment

Chapter 8: Introduction, Disorders of the Upper Gastrointestinal Tract, Disorders of the Large Intestine

Lecture topics

Briefly review the structure and function of the digestive system.

Discuss the definition, incidence, etiology, signs and symptoms, common treatment options, and applicability of massage for the following conditions:

Crohn disease/ulcerative colitis

Esophageal cancer


Gastroesophageal reflux disease

Peptic ulcers

Colorectal cancer

Diverticular disease

Irritable bowel syndrome

Use the lecture notes and Power Point slides that address these conditions as necessary.

Class 14

Reading assignment

Chapter 8: Disorders of the Large Intestine, Disorders of the Accessory Organs, Other Digestive System Conditions

Lecture topics

Discuss the definition, incidence, etiology, signs and symptoms, common treatment options, and applicability of massage for the following conditions:




Liver cancer

Use the lecture notes and Power Point slides that address these conditions as necessary.

Homework assignment

Take-home quiz on all conditions from Chapter 8 not covered in class

Class 15

Quiz on Chapter 8

Reading assignment

Chapter 9: Endocrine System Conditions

Lecture topics

Briefly review the structure and function of the endocrine system.

Discuss the definition, incidence, etiology, signs and symptoms, common treatment options, and applicability of massage for the following conditions:

Diabetes mellitus



Metabolic syndrome

Use the lecture notes and Power Point slides that address these conditions as necessary.

Homework assignment

Take-home quiz on all conditions from Chapter 9 not covered in class

Class 16

Quiz on Chapter 9

Reading assignment

Chapter 10: Urinary System Conditions

Lecture topics

Briefly review the structure and function of the urinary system.

Discuss the definition, incidence, etiology, signs and symptoms, common treatment options, and applicability of massage for the following conditions:

Kidney stones


Kidney failure

Bladder cancer

Interstitial cystitis

Urinary tract infection

Use the lecture notes and Power Point slides that address these conditions as necessary.

Homework assignment:

Take-home quiz on all conditions from Chapter 10 not covered in class

Class 17

Quiz on Chapter 10

Reading assignment

Chapter 11: Introduction, Disorders of the Uterus, Disorders of other Female Reproductive Structures

Lecture topics

Briefly review the structure and function of the reproductive system.

Discuss the definition, incidence, etiology, signs and symptoms, common treatment options, and applicability of massage for the following conditions:

Cervical cancer



Fibroid tumors

Breast cancer

Homework assignment

Take-home quiz on all conditions from Chapter 10 not covered in class

Class 18

Reading assignment

Chapter 11: Disorders of the Male Reproductive System, Other Reproductive System Conditions

Lecture topics

Discuss the definition, incidence, etiology, signs and symptoms, common treatment options, and applicability of massage for the following conditions:

Benign prostatic hyperplasia

Prostate cancer



Sexually transmitted diseases

Use the lecture notes and Power Point slides that address these conditions as necessary.

Homework assignment

Take-home quiz on all conditions from Chapter 11 not covered in class

Class 19

Quiz on Chapter 11

Reading assignment

Chapter 12: Principles of Cancer

Lecture topics

Discuss the statistics, steps in metastasis, identified causes, sign and symptoms, diagnosis, staging protocols, treatment options, prevention mechanisms, and implications of bodywork for cancer in general.

Class 20

Final examination: cumulative