900 East 154th Street South Holland, IL 60473
Table of Contents
Mission Statement
Christ Our Savior Catholic School Daily Pledge
Principal’s Welcome to Christ Our Savior Catholic School
What We Believe In
Listing of Administrative Staff, Teaching Staff and Support Staff
Amendment Statement and Principal’s Right to Amend
Athletic Board and Athletic Program
Athletic Eligibility
Board of Specified Jurisdiction
Governance Structure
Section One-Academics
- Cheating
- Completion of Work Due to Absence
- Consequences for Missing Assignments
- Curriculum
- Grade Eight Medallions
- Grade Eight Presidential Certificate Award
- Graduation
- Homework/School Work
- Honor Roll and Recognition
- Parent-Legal Guardian-Teacher Conferences
- Progress Reports
- Report Cards
- Special Services
- Spiritual Opportunities and Sacramental Preparation
- Testing
Section Two-Admission
- Admission of a Student Entering COS
- Age Requirement
- Arrival and Dismissal
- Buckley Amendment
- Dress-up/Dress-Down Days
- Extended Day Program
- Grooming
- Non-Discriminatory Policy
- Non-Discriminatory Statement
- Re-Enrollment
- Registration Fee/Re-Enrollment Fee
- School and Office Hours
- School Parking in West Lot
- Uniform Dress Code Policy
- Uniforms
Section Three-Business Office Information
- Action for Children
- Financial Folder for New Families
- Financial Obligation for Grade Eight Graduation
- Fundraising
- Payments
- Returning Parent Incentive
- Tuition/Extended Day Program (EDP) Payments
Section Four-Discipline
- Conflict Resolution
- Consequences of Multiple Detentions
- Detention, Suspension and Expulsion
- Discipline
- Electronic Devices
- Gang and Gang-Related Activity
- Harassment, Bullying and Intimidation
- Public Scandal Involving Students
- Substance Abuse
- Telephone Calls and Cell Phones
- Weapons
Section Five-General Information
- Activities
- Field Trips
- Lockers, Student Desks and School Property
- Lunch
- Party Treats and Invitations
- Recess and Playground Supervision
Section Six-School Office
- Absence and Early Dismissal
- Child Abuse and Neglect
- Emergency Closing
- Emergency Information Form
- Extended Absence
- Extended Day Program (EDP)
- Fire and Disaster Drills
- Forgotten Items and Lost and Found
- Health Records and Immunization
- High School Applications
- Medication
- Newsletter
Section Seven-Technology
- Internet Usage
- Online Policy
- Student Pictures in Media
Christ Our Savior Catholic School students are committed to a faith-filled life style. They are life-long learners who have an appreciation of the arts, whose actions promote peace and justice in their families and communities with respect and acceptance for all members.
The daily pledge is recited each morning after prayers and the pledge to the flag.
“I am a smart, special valuable person. I respect myself and others. My words and actions are always kind and honest. Christ Our Savior help me to be my very best today.”
Welcome to Christ Our Savior Catholic School
Congratulations on choosing a grade school that is committed to teaching the Catholic
faith and Christian values.
In our school community the executive pastor, principal, assistant principal, teachers, staff, parents and legal guardians work together to provide the finest education possible for our students. In order to assist you in becoming an active and informed member of our school family, this handbook is presented to you. I invite you to join in the challenge and the spirit that is Christ Our Savior Catholic School.
If at any time you have questions or concerns, I encourage you to bring them to me. In this way, through dialogue, you and I can resolve any issues you may have.
May your experience at Christ Our Savior Catholic School be fruitful and rewarding.
Mrs. Karen M. Brodzik, Principal
What We Believe In
We are a school of the Archdiocese of Chicago, one of the best, most awarded school systems in the country. We are the school community serving six individual parishes in the South Holland area.
From the time they are in Preschool, we prepare our students with the goal of college in mind.
Our dedicated teachers meet the individual academic needs of students with our technology based curriculum and by working actively with families.
Academic programs include Spanish, Art, Music and Physical Education so that we can help children grow into well-rounded and successful young men and women.
Our students compete successfully for entrance and scholarship awards at the best high schools and colleges because of the foundation that they receive at Christ Our Savior.
We are proud to work together as community, treating each other with dignity and respect and keeping each other safe. We understand the importance of accepting each child as an individual in the eyes of God; we know each child by name.
We work with each family to make our Catholic school an affordable investment for them. We nurture the values of spirituality and self-respect through daily prayer, weekly mass and student led prayer services. We believe that God is present in every classroom, in every conversation.
Administrative Staff
Executive PastorFather Ignatius Anaele
PrincipalMrs. Karen Brodzik
Assistant PrincipalMr. Kevin McMillen
Dean of Students/Student CounselorSister Eileen Lowe, SLW
Administrative Assistant Mrs. Deb Matusz
Business ManagerMr. Louis Krawczyk
Office AssistantMrs. Renae Lewis
Teaching Staff
PreschoolMrs. Deborah Butler
KindergartenMrs. Ashley Nugarus
Grade OneMrs. Melissa Holty
Grade TwoMrs. Larraine Chatman
Grade ThreeMrs. Laura Cline
Grade FourMrs. Crystal Grankowski
Grade FiveMr. Ian Holst
Grade SixMr. Kevin McMillen
Grade SevenMrs. Rhonda Szczepanski
Grade EightMrs. Kimberly Lusin
Art PS-8Mrs. Peggy Adducci
Music PS-8Mr. Henry Johnson
Physical Education PS-8Mrs. Rochelle Tucker
Spanish PS-8Mrs. Mari Carrillo
Support Staff
Aide-PreschoolMrs. Renata Harding
Specialist-Learning LabMrs. Linda Petner
Specialist-Technology LabMrs. Renae Lewis
Extended Day Care SupervisorMrs. Janice Norwood
Extended Day CareMrs. Martha Villagomez
Extended Day CareMrs. Jittaun Waters
Extended Day CareMrs. Selena Williams
Hot Lunch SupervisorMs. Diane Kosakowski
Hot Lunch AideMs. Tonya Glenn
CustodialMrs. Gloria Costello
CustodialMr. Greg Hill
Amendment Statement and Principal’s Right to Amend
Statements in this handbook are subject to amendment with or without notice by the principal. The principal will attempt to keep the parents or legal guardians informed of all changes. However, some changes might be made immediately due to circumstances. Statements may also be added or deleted from this handbook by the principal.
Athletic Board and Athletic Program
The Board consists of members who strive to encourage, develop, promote, support, maintain, administer and govern a sound athletic program for all eligible students.
Every parent or legal guardian and the student participating in a sports program will:
- Receive a set of rules and regulations
- Be asked to read, sign and return a sports agreement
- Be expected to display proper behavior and good sportsmanship
- Show proof of adequate insurance coverage
- Have a current physical examination
Violation of rules by a player may result in the loss of the privilege of playing and disciplinary action by the principal.
Athletic Eligibility
A student who participates in any sport must maintain a 2.0 “C” grade point average (GPA). Failure to do so excludes a student from participation in the sport for a two week period. The principal will notify the parent or legal guardian and coach. After two weeks, the student’s GPA will be recalculated to see if he/she can return to the sport.
In some instances, the principal and teacher may make a decision for a below “C” student to remain in a sport. This is done on an individual basis and at the discretion of the principal and teacher.
Board of Specified Jurisdiction
Chairperson-Mr. Mike Nylen Secretary-Mrs. Mary Ellen Quinn
Board Members:
Fr. Ignatius Anaele-Executive Pastor
Mrs. Karen Brodzik-Principal
Mrs. Diana Howard-Holy Ghost Parishioner
Ms.Felicia Horton, St. Jude the Apostle, Parishioner
Robin Terry, Christ Our Savior, Parent
Dawn Foster Taylor, Christ Our Savior, Parent
Ms. Cynthia Thomas, St. Jude the Apostle Parishioner
Governance Structure
The foundation for the governance structure of the school is mutual respect and collaboration. The six founding Catholic parishes of Calumet City, South Holland and Riverdale are Holy Ghost, Our Lady of Knock, Queen of Apostles, Saint Andrew the Apostle, St. Jude the Apostle and St. Victor.
The Executive Committee is comprised of the pastors of the six parishes. The committee invites members of the parishes, school and community to serve on a Board of Specified Jurisdiction and serve as ex-officio members of the board. The committee also appoints the Executive Pastor for the school. He holds a seat on the board, chairs meetings of the Executive Committee and serves as spokesperson to the vicar and others. The principal is accountable to him.
The school Administrative Team consists of the principal and assistant principal who are in charge of the daily operations of the school and all school-related matters.
Any student observed cheating or whose work evidences copying or plagiarism will be given a grade of zero (0%) for the work. Parents or legal guardians will be notified, and a detention will be issued.
Completion of Work Due to Absence
When a student is absent, homework:
- May be picked up in the school office before 3:30 p.m.
- May be picked up by a brother or sister before dismissal
- Is to be completed within the same amount of days as the days absent (Ex. Two days absent, two days to complete the work)
Note: Any test or quiz that was missed will be made up as the teacher assigns
Consequences for Missing Assignments
Grades PS-8:
- Assignments handled at the discretion of the teacher
Our curriculum follows the design and major goals of the Office of Catholic
Schools and is designed to meet the varying needs and styles of the student.
We provide instructional classes in:
Religion, Language Arts-Reading, Literature, Spelling, Phonics, English and Penmanship-Manuscript and Cursive, Math, Science, Social Studies, Spanish, Physical Education, Art, Music and Computers
We also provide instruction through:
Accelerated Learning, Exploratory Classes, Project Based Learning and Field Trips
A student is provided with learning opportunities within the:
Classroom, Accelerated Learning Lab, Technology Lab, Science Discovery Lab, Performing Arts Center, Media Center, Field Trips and the Seton Academy Partnership
Grade Eight Medallions
An honor medallion is awarded to an eighth grade student at the eighth grade Honors Banquet held at the end of the year. The medallion is worn with the cap and gown at graduation. Awarding of the medallion is based on the following:
- Gold Medallion: 3.7-4.0 grade point average for three of four quarters with no check marks, detentions or suspensions
Grade Eight Medallions (Continued)
- Silver Medallion: 3.0-3.6 grade point average for three of four quarters with no check marks, detentions or suspensions
- Bronze Medallion: No more than three “C’s” per quarter, no “D’s” or “F’s,” with no check marks, detentions or suspensions
Grade Eight Presidential Certificate Award
This award certificate, signed by the President, is presented at the eighth grade Honors Banquet at the end of the year. Awarding of the certificate is based on the following:
- Academic Excellence Certificate: 3.5 or higher grade point average for any three quarters with no check marks, detentions or suspensions
- Academic Achievement Certificate: 3.0 to 3.499 grade point average for any three quarters with no check marks, detentions or suspensions
Diplomas will be awarded to those students who have completed the 8th grade and:
- Completed the school’s academic requirements
- Achieved a passing grade on the Constitution of the United States and the State of Illinois examination
- Adhered to the school’s code of conduct
- Returned all school materials
Upon completion of eighth grade, a student participates in activities that give evidence of his/her personal, social and academic development. Participation in graduation activities is a student’s privilege, not a right. These privileges may be revoked as a disciplinary action if the offenses are serious as determined by the principal or if financial obligations are not met. Activities include:
- Ribbon Ceremony and Breakfast
- Blue/Gold Game
- Field Trip
- Awards Ceremony and Dinner
- Graduation
Homework/School Work
Homework is assigned to supplement and reinforce classroom teaching. It may be, for example, written work, studying for a quiz or test, reviewing the day’s material or memorizing. Each teacher establishes regulations regarding weekend completion of assignments and the acceptance and grading of late assignments.
Parents and legal guardians are asked to review all homework. The teacher, at times, may ask parents or legal guardians to sign and return assignments and/or test papers.
All work must:
- Be neat and legible
- Completed according to the teacher’s directions
- Completed in full
- Follow proper mechanics (capitalization, punctuation, grammar and correct spelling)
- Model the manuscript (printing) or cursive method taught
Note: Credit given for assignments marked Redo is the decision of the teacher.
Honor Roll and Recognition
A student in grades 4-8 who has earned a:
- 3.7 to 4.0 grade point average will receive “A” Honor Roll status
- 3.0 to 3.6 grade point average will receive “B” Honor Roll status
Note: Any grade of “D” of “F” eliminates a student from the Honor Roll regardless of grade point average as does any check mark, detention or suspension
Note: Art, Physical Education, Music and Spanish grades are averaged together as one combined grade when the grade point average is calculated
A student in grades Kindergarten-3 may earn a Recognition Honor Certificate based upon grades and effort.
Parent-Legal Guardian-Teacher Conferences
Formal conferences are scheduled twice a year-in early November for the first quarter Report Card and midway through the third quarter at Progress Report time.
The first quarter Report Card is sent home a week prior to conferences. The third quarter Progress Report is given at the time of the conference.
Parents and legal guardians will receive a letter prior to conferences to select a time slot convenient to their schedule; the letter should be returned to the school secretary. A second letter indicating the exact time of the conference will be sent home with the student.
Note:Any other conferences requested by a parent or legal guardian during the year should be arranged with the teacher.
Progress Reports
Progress Reports are given to each student in grades K-8 midway through each quarter. The report must be signed by a parent or legal guardian and returned to the homeroom teacher. A parent or legal guardian may contact the teacher to schedule a conference about the report.
Report Cards
A Report Card is issued quarterly to each student in grades K-8. A Preschooler receives a report card beginning the second quarter. The grading scale for grades 1-8 is:
- “A” 100-93 Grade point average (GPA)
- “B” 92-85 GPA
- “C” 84-75 GPA
- “D” 74-70 GPA
- “F” 69-Below GPA
Note: A (+) after any letter grade indicates one point away from next highest grade
Note: A (-) after any letter grade indicates one point away from the next lowest grade
Report Cards (Continued)
The grading scale for Kindergarten is:
- “3” Outstanding Work
- “2” Satisfactory Progress
- “1” Needs Improvement
- “N” Not covered at this time
The grading scale for Preschool is:
- “S” Satisfactory
- “N” Needs Improvement
- “X” Not taught at this time
Note: Preschool students receive a report card beginning the second quarter
Special Services
A student may be eligible to receive academic assistance through public school programs or counseling through Christ Our Savior School’s counselor. When deemed necessary, the parents or legal guardians or school with the cooperation and consent of all parties may initiate requests for assessment and psychological testing.
Spiritual Opportunities and Sacramental Preparation
A student is exposed to various forms of prayer and religious experiences that reflect our rich Catholic faith. All students attend and participate in:
- Weekly Mass and Mass on Holy Days and other special occasions
- Seasonal para-liturgical prayer services
A Catholic student celebrates the Sacraments of:
- Reconciliation (Confession)-Grade 2
- Eucharist (First Communion)-Grade 2; Received at the home parish
- Confirmation-Grade 8; Confirmation plans are determined by the parishes; families are notified as soon as plans are made.
Parents or legal guardians are expected to assist in the preparation for these sacraments by:
- Accompanying the student to Mass on Saturday or Sunday
- Reviewing the lessons and prayers
- Attending any scheduled parent meetings
A student at another grade level who has not received the sacraments may contact the principal or pastor to make arrangements to do so.
Terra Nova, a standardized aptitude and achievement test, is administered in the spring to grades 2-7. Individual report forms as well as all-school profile sheets are sent home with the student at the end of May.Grade 8 students will take the ASPIRE test in the fall.
Admission of a Student Entering COS
The persons enrolling a child at Christ Our Savior must be the parents or legal guardians of the child. Proof of legal guardianship must be presented to the principal.
Parents or legal guardians of a student entering COS must submit:
- A Request for Admissions form
- The child’s original birth certificate; a copy will be made by the secretary
- The Baptism record (if applicable)
- Proof of legal guardianship (if applicable)
- A record of compliance with local and State of Illinois health, dental and eye examination
- An official transfer from the current school
- The previous year’s and current year’s report card
- A copy of the most recent standardized test scores
- A signed consent form allowing us to acquire records from the current school
- All new andtransfer students, once approved for admission, are accepted on a probationary period of 90 school days. During this probationary period, students are expected to maintain passing grades, have no major disciplinary issues, or require accommodations that the school physically or financially is incapable of supporting. Students with special learning needs may be accepted if the school has the staff andability to make the necessary accommodations for the child’s academic growth and success. During the 90 day probationary period, if the school determines the student is unable toperform with adequate growth in this environment, anyprepaid tuition will be prorated and refunded.
- The transfer student, parents or legal guardians and principal must sign a Transfer Student Agreement.
Note: Students entering Preschool must be completely toilet trained.