Born july 30,1979 atParis
9 rue de l’industrie, 1005 Lausanne, Suisse
Tel : 0041 (0) 21-311-97-58
e-mail :
PhD student
Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience
Brain-Mind Institute
1015 Lausanne
Functional Brain Mapping Laboratory
Policlinic of Neurology,
UniversityHospital (24 rue Micheli-du-Crest)
Dept. of Fundamental Neurosciences & Physiology
University Medical Center (1 rue Michel-Servet)
1211 Geneva, Switzerland
Academic Studies & Diploma
- Since 2003:
PhD (Thesis) in CognitiveNeurosience with Prof. Dr. O.Blanke.
Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory (BMI-EPFL).
In collaboration with Prof. Dr.Christoph Michel, Dir. of the Functional Brain Mapping Laboratory (neurology polyclinic - HUG,dept. Fundamental Neurosciences – CMU- Unige).
- 2002:
«DEA» (M.A. Master Degree) in Cognitive Sciences.
University ofParis VI (/ EHESS / ENS / X).
Stage at the CNRS UPR 640 – LENA .
- 2001:
«MAITRISE» (B.A. Bachelor) in Cellular and Physiology Biology.
(Main Topic:Molecular and Cellular Genetics).
University ofPARIS XI (UPS-Orsay).
Orientations: Biochemistry, Cognitive Neurobiology, Molecular Genetics, Integrative Neurosciences.
- 2000:
«LICENCE» in Biology.
(Main Topic: Physiology and Cellular Biology).
Universityof PARIS XI (UPS-Orsay).
Orientations: Genetic, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry,
Integrative Cellular Physiology.
- 1999:
«DEUG»in Life Sciences.
University ofPARIS XI (UPS-Orsay).
Orientation: Cellular Biology, Computing.
- 1997:
Baccalauréat Science oriented
At «Lycée Rodin» - Paris 13eme.
- 2-4 & 9-10 May:
LabVIEW Basics I & II, by National Instruments.
- Oct. 28-30/04:
EEGLAB workshop in the Swartz center for Computational Neuroscience (dir. S. Makeig)in University of California San Diego.
- 09/01 – 07/02:
Cognitive psychologyUnit, LENA-UPR 640 CNRS (Dir. B. Renault), under the direction of Mrs Nicole Fiori and Nathalie George; «Influence de l’expression faciale émotionnelle sur les réponses cérébrales liées à l’encodage et à la reconnaissance des visages: Etude en électro-encéphalographie et magnéto-encéphalographie (EEG-MEG) chez l’homme.».
- Fev – Mars.01 :
Computing Laboratoryfor mechanical and engineering sciences (LIMSI-UPR 3251), with J.P. Rossi. Priming experiments, conceptualization, development and analysis.
- Juin 99:
Unit 106 Dr. M. Sotelo (Inserm) «Hôpital PitiéSalpêtrière», with Prof. A. Chédotal. «Techniques de génétique moléculaire sur des facteurs de croissances neuronaux».
- French: written, read, spoken.
- English: written, read, spoken.
- Spanish: read, spoken.
- Software:
Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Photoshop, Rasmol, Statistica, and imagery software use for MEG and EEG signal (Cartool, EEGLAB, Biosemi, EGI, CTF…).
- Programming:
Turbo-Pascal, Visual Basic, Matlab, Labview.
Working experiences
- Oct. 02 :
Scientific presenter for the Association-Science-Technology and Society (ASTS).
- Dec. 99 to Jan.01:
Librarian at the ScienceUniversity Library of Orsay.
- 1998-1999-2000:
School supervisor in the Orsay commune.
- Fev. 98, Fev. 99 and summer 98/99:
Investigatorat MV 2 conseil - Maxiphone, Field Service.
Publications / Congres act
Mercier M. , Ortigue S. , Schwartz S. , Michel C.M. , Seeck M. , Blanke O. (2005). Modulation of intracranial evoked potentials by different directions of visual motion.SSN, February 2005, Zurich (Switzerland).
Mercier, M., C. Ploner, Schwartz, S., Michel, C.M., Blanke, O. (2004). Topographic organization of visual motion direction in human extrastriate cortex. SFN, October 2004 (San Diego –USA).
Mercier, M., Schwartz, S., Michel, C.M., Blanke, O. (2004). Electrical Neuroimaging reveals Directional topography in human visual cortex. INOS, July 2004, Geneva (Switzerland).
Mercier, M., Schwartz, S., Michel, C.M., Blanke, O. (2004). Topographic organization of the direction of visual motion in human extrastriate cortex. Human Brain Mapping, June 2004, Budapest (Hungary).
Mercier, M., Schwartz, S., Michel, C.M., Blanke, O. (2004). Topographic organization of the direction of visual motion in human extrastriate cortex ? SSN, January 2004, Lausanne(Switzerland).
Ponz, A., Mercier, M., George, N., Ducorps, A., Schwartz, D., Fiori, N. & Renault, B. (2003). How emotion modulates electro- and magneto- encephalographic responses to faces ? Poster à FEPS5, 5e Congrès de la Fédération des Sociétés de Psychophysiologie Européennes, 10-14 September, Bordeaux (France).
George, N., Ponz, A., Mercier, M., Vuilleumier, P., Ducorps, A., Schwartz, D. & Renault, B. (2003) Electrophysiological correlates of perception and recognition of emotional facial expression: a combined EEG/MEG study. A supplement to NeuroImage, S17.
Ponz, A., Mercier, M., George, N., Ducorps, A., Schwartz, D., Fiori, N. & Renault, B. (2003). Réponses cérébrales associées au traitement des expressions faciales émotionnelles: une étude en EEG-MEG. Congres act «Cerveau, cognition et comportement: les apports des différentes disciplines», 20-22 March 2003, Rennes (France).